Chapter 307
"Ake, you will marry me, right?"

In the dilapidated wooden house, a girl who looked like a maid was placed on the table, doing her last vain resistance.


Akehou was tearing up the complicated clothes anxiously. At this time, even if the other party said he was a donkey, he would only say "yes, yes, yes".

The hasty battle was undisguised, and the neighbors next door were crying, but this is Saqin's slum, and no one cares about shame.

After everything was over, Ake began to let himself go, thinking about the meaning of human life.

While arranging her clothes, the maid said, "I have inquired for you. This time, the 'lookouts' from the entire Far East have been summoned back. Most of the lookouts have the habit of chewing tobacco leaves. Saqin will definitely The supply is in short supply, this is the money I have saved over the past few years, you should buy some before the price increases."

Ake took the heavy bag of money, more confused than greedy: "Have you saved so much money? The mayor's maid is paid so high?"

The maid turned her face away, tied her clothes and said, "I have a side job, and I get a lot of tips."

Ake is no longer entangled, it has nothing to do with him.

Just thinking about what the maid said, suddenly a flash of inspiration: "I have a brother named Alexei, he is the lookout, although we haven't contacted for many years, but he is my brother after all, isn't he? We often fought together when we were young, but He is luckier than me, and has detected the talent of 'Soldier', and I will find a way to contact him, and direct the business to the Watcher's barracks, and I will definitely make more money."

The maid was pleasantly surprised and said, "You are so great. This way I can quit my job and stop my side job. After I get married, I can focus on taking care of my children."

As he spoke, he touched his stomach subconsciously, but felt that it was not the right time yet.

Hopefully everything that happens tonight, combined with Acker's terrible math, will allow her to fish in troubled waters and find her next home.

Ake said slyly: "But in this case, this amount of money is definitely not enough. It may be sold out in one day. Can you get more money?"

The maid was embarrassed for a moment, and said, "I can ask other part-time friends to help you think of a way."

He was still worried, then held Ake's face in his hands, looked at him with the most affectionate gaze he could make, and said, "Ake, you won't lie to me, right?"


"My lord Ironsa Consul, the shortage of Saqin's supplies is getting worse, and some of the farmers' seed grains have been confiscated."

In the city hall, a blond and dignified woman was writing something at her desk, with her pair of ancient and imperceptible eyes hidden behind the lens, her face expressionless.

And the most powerful person in Saqin, the mayor, was kneeling on the ground at this time, with cold sweat constantly breaking out on his plump face.

The woman known as the consul didn't raise her head, her voice was dark and cold: "It's okay, the logistics deployment has already started, and the untouchables will be returned in full."

This is the rule. A huge country must have its own rules to operate, regardless of high or low.

The mayor wiped his sweat and said: "But if it misses the farming season, it will be of no use even if it is returned to them."

Yi Lunsha slightly raised her eyes to look at the other party, and said, "That's not what I need to care about."

The life and death of the untouchables is not Hessein's rule, and no one needs to be responsible for it.

Elunsa's eyes were still cold: "Or you can open your own warehouse and distribute the wealth you have embezzled over the years to those untouchables?" The mayor was shocked when he heard this. He immediately lay on the ground and did not dare to raise his head: "My lord. I. I."

Yilunsha waved her hand irritably, and said, "Okay, get out, remember, the supply of supplies must be guaranteed, no matter what method is used."

The mayor left in a hurry as if he had received an amnesty.

After the mayor left, a figure walked out from the corner of the dark room, knelt in front of Ironsa and said, "My lord, are you going to kill him?"

Ironsa stroked her hair, her blond hair turned into silver in an instant.

"Come back and kill again. Now he needs to stabilize the situation. I will try his brains. This guy is still a little smart."

There is no doubt that she is Sein, and the only woman among Sein's three regents.

As the "Dragon People" who hide in the dark and control Hessein, in order to run this huge country, they need a "relatively more advanced" system, and she and the other two regents, using immortality And the trick of changing the appearance, you sing and I will appear on the stage, taking turns to become the "consul" of Hessein with different identities and different appearances.

The person who came out of the shadows seemed to be something like a steward. Hearing this, he gracefully wrote down the request of Lord Ironsa in the notebook, that the mayor's brain would be cooked by him in the most seasonal way.

After the manager took notes, he put today's dinner in front of Ironsa.

A plate of meat beautifully garnished, except you won't wonder what it is.

Yi Lunsha did not enjoy dinner immediately, but took off her glasses and said, "Let's leave the day after tomorrow."

"As you order, Lord Ironsa."

Two days later, Xisaiyin assembled 15 extraordinary armed forces, and after the initial supply was completed, he marched towards the wall of gray fog.

As a huge country with an area four times that of Kyushu, a population twice that of Kyushu, and all extraordinary armed forces, this is far from the limit of Hessein, and more teams are still on the way to gather.

In this army, 8 people were the elite brought by Ironsa from the mainland and the eastern region, and the rest were local forces from the Far East.

Behind the large army of 15 people, there are tens of thousands of poor people who are ready to follow the army to "seek opportunities".

The father bid farewell to the child, the husband abandoned his wife, and Saqin suddenly became deserted, leaving only a mess.

Everyone thought this was a once-in-a-century opportunity, and felt that Hisai's invincible army was bound to destroy Laku.

When the army passes through towns and cities, stirring up restless hearts, the number of speculators accompanying the army will continue to increase.

At the same time, Kyushu, which had captured Hessein's movement through satellites a few days ago, is also in full swing. No matter how many technological advantages they have, more than [-] troops and almost everyone is extraordinary, after all, it is a heavy pressure .

After the initial mutual testing, the two sides finally showed their chariots and horses, and were ready to draw out their weapons and make gestures.

Ye Da received a call from Xie Tiannan in Guanzhou at Hailong Research Base. As the most special one in his class, he could choose to refuse.

But after thinking about it, I decided to go to the Wall of Gray Fog in person to witness this event that will definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

(End of this chapter)

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