I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 308 The Goal of War

Chapter 308 The Goal of War

The whole Guanzhou moved.

On the expressway, long queues of trucks continued day and night, sending massive amounts of weapons and houses to Guanzhou.

Inside the wall of gray mist, Nianzi Mountain and Pingding Mountain were in full swing, and a large number of construction sites appeared out of thin air. In this unthawed ice and snow, hard work was carried out at a very high cost.

It takes too much work to transform a remote barren mountain into a place that can accommodate tens of thousands or more people.

Food, water, energy, heating.
If it weren't for Kyushu's strong family background and its achievements in the field of infrastructure construction, such a big move would really be impossible.

When Ye Da arrived, he saw such a scene.

He came by plane, and it was only a month since he left last time, and a simple military airport was actually built under Nianzi Mountain.

Wang Lina stepped off the plane against the cold wind, wearing a thick down jacket, she looked exactly like a fat penguin, compared to Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian, who were much simpler and resistant to the cold.

A pick-up person came up and saluted: "Is it Captain Ye and his party? Waiting for a long time."

Ye Da nodded, and the three of them arrived at the command center at the foot of Nianzi Mountain by car.

In the big tent in the middle, Ye Da saw Xie Tiannan.

Considering that it was Xie Tiannan who was in charge of the early stage exploration work and had a better understanding of Guanzhou, this time Xie Tiannan was still the first-line commander, but equipped with a more professional and larger staff.

If Xie Tiannan was still a middle-aged handsome guy with an online face and a well-trimmed moustache before, now he is a middle-aged stressed man with a tired complexion and sunken eyes. His work intensity is too heavy, and the burden on his body is also heavy.

The mustache has turned into a goatee, and I don't have time to take care of it. With the green coat, it looks like she's herding sheep here.

Seeing Ye Da, Xie Tiannan warmly stepped forward and hugged him: "I met Xiaoye again, I never thought we would be at the same level when we meet again, Captain Ye."

Ye Da said modestly: "Let's call him Xiaoye, you are the commander."

Xie Tiannan led Ye Da inside and said, "I just happened to be going to rest and chat with you about the situation."

Calling it a break shows how busy he is.

"You should have read the general information before. Now the number of Hessein's large army has reached 15, and there are still 15-20 days away from the edge of the gray fog. This is a satellite image."

Ye Da had never seen a top view of 10,000+ troops. He saw a large black tide between the mountains. It was obvious that besides human-sized things, there were many larger objects, such as transportation facilities or weapons.

"It feels like there aren't many of them."

Xie Tiannan smiled bitterly and said, "This is about one-eighth of them, 2 people."

Ye Da was taken aback.

"It is impossible for troops of 10,000+ to march in long lines like college students going on a spring outing. They just advance in a coordinated manner in a general area. In addition, behind the large troops, there are also a considerable number of militias, or bandits."

More satellite photos were sent to Ye Da.

It's all a dark mess.
Ye Da quickly realized the problem: "What is the purpose of these guys?"

Xie Tiannan smiled and said: "Yes, we have also been thinking about this problem before. Judging from the current situation, the number and size of the cracks in the gray fog are far from allowing troops of this size to enter. Those cracks are like checkpoints, which are harmful to us. , it’s the same for Xisaiin, the opponent’s superior shouldn’t not understand this.” “So there are two current guesses. One is that the opponent is not here to fight, for example, to show off his muscles, although I personally think it is possible. It's very low, but it can't be ruled out. After all, the history and style of doing things there are completely different from Kyushu. As for the second point, we have to be on guard, that is, the other party may have mastered some kind of amplified gray fog crack, or simply unlocked the gray fog. wall method."

Ye Da frowned and said, "It's still possible to enlarge the crack, but it's outrageous to unravel the gray fog.

That needs to start from the positions in Kyushu. Only Ye Jianguo and himself know the positions of all the positions in the current world, and it requires a very high price.

Even Ye Jianguo, one of the founders, can't control the fog like his fingers. How can Xisaiyin do it?
The information collected before the war was too complex to be clear in a short while.

Ye Da returned the photo to Xie Tiannan and asked, "What do I need to do?"

Xie Tiannan grinned, and said: "There are 17 captain-level recruits this time, 7 of whom will follow the main force because of their special abilities, and we will make a special plan for the remaining [-] captains. God, we will let you know when the results come out."

Ye Da and his party bid farewell to Xie Tiannan and headed to the station. On the way, Wang Lina said sadly, "15 extraordinary armed forces? Even if they are all C-level and D-level, that's an exaggeration."

She is now a sad fat penguin.

Ye Da shook his head and said: "Even the lowest-level 'lookouts', when fully armed and properly trained, have actual combat strength close to B-level. It is biased to make an analogy with grades.”

Wang Lina clicked her tongue: "Wouldn't that be more terrifying?"

Ye Da walked forward stepping on the slush on the ground. It only snowed here yesterday, and before it could be cleaned, people in the base came and went, and the white snow had long been trampled into gray-black slush. Water Law" control, so as not to soak the shoes.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Da said: "Actually, Kyushu will not be defeated, but the problem is how to win and what kind of posture to win."

Wang Lina was taken aback: "You mean...?"

"The most eye-catching existence in this war is not the armies of the two sides, but the wall of gray fog. No matter how the situation outside the wall changes, once Kyushu loses in the early stage and the battlefield changes to the gray fog, then Kyushu will have absolute firepower Superiority and air supremacy, whether it is 1 people or 10 people, they can't go very far."

"In the most recent situation, confronting each other through the wall of gray fog, Kyushu is equivalent to being invincible, but I believe that the higher-ups definitely don't want to get to this point. They don't want victory to happen within the wall of gray fog. "


"Hissein's geographical area is too large. Even the Far East is close to the size of the entire Kyushu, and the population is several times that of ours. With its vast territory and potential for war, and the historical inertia of being accustomed to aggressive wars, they will definitely choose to resist, resist every inch, invest a little bit, and it will be a protracted war."

"At that time, every town, village, and individual in Hessein may become the enemy of Kyushu. The Hessein people don't care about the life and death of the untouchables in the Far East, and even the Far East is not their core interest area. If this step is reached, win If you win, you lose."

"So Kyushu's goal should be"

"Beat them until they collapse, until they are afraid, until they lose all confidence, and until they take whatever they want, and they must be outside the gray fog!"

In a top-secret meeting room in Huajing, Wang Yuping's benevolent face was extremely serious and determined at this moment.

"It is to let them know that Kyushu is far from being an opponent they can fight against. Everyone, this is a war that cannot be lost, but it is also a war that is not easy to win. If there is hope, it will be dragged into a long and low-intensity war, based on the territory and population of the other side, and the mutual disapproval between the two races, once this step is carried out, it means that Kyushu has been dragged into the quagmire."

"I know that fighting outside the gray fog will be more difficult and costly, but if we can avoid the continuous normal war in the future, no amount of investment will be worth it."

Wang Yuping looked at Ye Jianguo, who was pondering beside him, and said, "Besides, we can't let the other party think that the war will only happen in the Far East. We must threaten their homeland and let them completely lose their will to resist starting from the upper structure!"

(End of this chapter)

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