Chapter 309

Ye Da looked at the mission letter in his hand, and he thought so.

"Sharp Knife Project".

A special battle plan aimed at Hessein's homeland.

Officially, the battle was divided into three phases.

In the first stage, in the Far East region, on the frontal battlefield outside the gray fog, they defeated their opponents with the advantage of generation difference and thunderous means.

The main thing is to refresh the opponent's three views!
To make Xisaiyin doubt life, doubt the world, and doubt his cognition for thousands of years.

In the second stage, the air raids on the mainland spread the fear of war to the whole of Hessein. Only those first-class people who can rest easy in the local area can't sleep at night and eat during the day can stop the war once and for all.

The third stage is to fight instead of talking until the opponent is willing to take out their underwear to make atonement, so as to avoid being dragged into a normal war, not giving the opponent a chance to mobilize their war potential, and directly disintegrating their will to fight.

As a special captain, Ye Da is already qualified to know the final strategic goal of Kyushu this time.

That is: Hessein bowed his head, and the Far East was included in Kyushu.

“It’s actually the entire Far East”

Several groups of prospectors have been working secretly outside the gray fog for a long time, and have come to an astonishing conclusion.

The natural resources in the Far East are abundant to an astounding degree.

Oil, coal, natural gas, countless rare metals, and even precious metals.
It's literally a treasure trove.

Restricted by his own technical level and the severe cold environment in the Far East, Hessein has basically zero development of these treasure houses, and only sporadic coal mines and iron mines are in operation.

Originally, Kyushu was closed by the gray fog, and after entering the modern stage, the consumption of various natural resources increased greatly, so it was somewhat tight.

Now as long as the Far East is brought into its hands, Kyushu will no longer be subject to any natural resources in the next 300 years.

Whether it is a century-old grievance of national hatred and family hatred, or a century-old plan to enjoy the future, the Kyushu side is fighting with high spirits.

The enmity of 150 years ago should be counted.

One battle will determine the world, and then turn your sights to focus on dealing with the threat of the deep sea!

In order to achieve this strategic goal, the officials, regardless of the cost, sent truckloads of expensive aircraft parts to the gray fog, and then assembled them by the assembly factory outside the gray fog.

Flying vehicles are already expensive, and the cost will double after such a toss.

But even if it is tripled, no one will say that it is not worth it.

In addition to aircraft, large killers such as surface-to-surface missiles are also being deployed, and the advantage of heavy firepower must be extended beyond the gray fog.

And Ye Da, after assisting in the completion of the first stage of combat objectives, may participate in the second stage, which is to put pressure on Hessein's homeland.

Xie Tiannan suggested that he gather his own team and use the "Doomsday Squad" under his name as the skeleton to build a team with the goal of long-distance raids and destruction.

Ye Da was very hesitant about this.

Excluding Li Zifeng, who has a great role and is an active member, the core identities of the others are just social members.

He didn't want young people like Wu Fei and Zhou Meirong to be in danger for such a dangerous matter, although he knew that as long as he asked, they would definitely agree.

However, there is one person who is worthy of doubt.

It's a good hand to destroy.

"Captain! You finally appeared again! I thought you forgot me again."

"Interested! Stop talking! I will participate in any mission!"

"Isn't Guanzhou in the East China Sea?"

"Are you sure you're not joking?! Beyond the gray, gray, gray fog?!"


"Hurry up! This shipment must arrive before dark!"

"Quick ass! This is a missile component. Do you think it's a tank? You can't even knock it! Hold on tight!"

In Nianzi Mountain, the No. 13 gray mist crack appeared only recently, and it is still a spindle, with a height of more than ten meters and a maximum width of about 6 meters.

The appearance of this crack gave Kyushu a lot of choices, and immediately established a steel structure transportation route, allowing vehicles to go through an uphill to a wide enough position and drive directly into the gray fog.

This place has now become the most important material hub, changing people every day without changing shifts, and transporting materials to the outside of the fog 24 hours a day.

At this time, a large number of missile launch components came from the starry night, which is directly related to the upper limit of Kyushu's firepower in future wars.

Hisain, native.In the gorgeous and vast mansion, an extremely grand cocktail party was being held, with people drinking and drinking, and it was magnificent.

Many young people danced lightly on the dance floor, while the older ones held wine glasses and talked under the dance floor.

There are basically first-class blondes here, and occasionally a few red-haired second-class people, either maids or waiters.

"Lord Elunsa will definitely win in one battle and let those fourth-class people know that Xisayin will always be the master of the continent. I heard that even the navy is taking action, starting from the [-]th District of the Far East to find a sea attack route. "

In the corner of the ball, several middle-aged men who looked like military officers were exchanging messages.

Communication and peace, this is also the greatest significance of the noble ball.

"I heard that the 14th Army you belong to is also within the scope of recruitment?"

The man twitched his beard, and the gold-encrusted mechanical eyes gleamed with pride: "Yes, everyone, the soldiers have already set off early, and I will leave tomorrow. I am afraid that you will not see me for a long time."

Several other people expressed their congratulations. In this era, the military achievements of the Hessein army are really rare, especially the local army.

Basically rely on management and calculation to climb up.

The sudden big move this time has something to do with the "extreme efforts" of the powerful forces headed by the Army.

"But the 14th Army is a technical force, why are you transferred?"

The man lowered his tone and said: "It's inconvenient to tell you the details, all you need to know is that Lord Ironsa is going to use a brand new weapon this time, and it will definitely make those fourth-class people doubt their lives, hahaha .”

"Yes, yes. Those bad guys were probably frightened when they saw Hisain's invincible army."


Headquarters of the Special Affairs Division, 16 floors underground.

A group of black-clothed, restrained-looking personnel, two by two, carrying alloy square boxes, strode across the dark corridor.

With the sound of kicking leather shoes, they came to a very retro style, heavy and thick iron door, and rang the doorbell next to it.


A small palm-sized door was opened on the iron gate, revealing only one eye.


The document was handed in, and after a while, the thick door slowly opened, and a group of people quickly entered.

Hessein, Far East.

"The best tobacco leaves, a specialty of the Far East, no Far Eastern man can refuse tobacco leaves!"

Ake carried a wooden box and peddled it in the barracks.

The barracks where high-ranking officers gather naturally does not allow people like him to come and go at will, but those general camps with a larger number do not prohibit anyone from entering or leaving.

Vendors, prostitutes, including the soldiers themselves, were coming and going like a moving bazaar.

"Come pack the tobacco leaves."

A lookout threw out a handful of change without counting it, opened the paper bag, and began to chew impatiently.

Ake looked at the opponent's standard mechanical eyes and said, "My lord, you are a lookout, right? Can I ask you about someone?"

The man chewed the tobacco leaves, his eyes were a little empty, and he said indifferently, "Who?"

"His name is Alexei. He is my elder brother. He is a powerful lookout like you. I don't know if you have any news about him."

The man glanced at Ake unexpectedly, and said with a sneer, "Alexey? From Valen Village?"

"Yes, you are his friend?"

The man said: "Not friends, just acquaintances"

Ake's surprised expression hadn't disappeared yet, but he heard the man say:
"Your brother is dead, died in the gray mist."

Ake stood there in a daze, and even forgot to refute.

"Everyone thinks that this war is bound to win, but General Quinta sent a team into the Wall of Gray Mist a long time ago. Although he ordered it without authorization, he has lost his head now. Do you know how many people came back that time?"

Ake subconsciously asked, "How much?"

"Not a single one. Not even one to send a message back."

"I don't know if Hisain will win in the end of the war. I only know that guys like me will most likely die on the battlefield, a 'powerful lookout'. Haha, how ironic."

(End of this chapter)

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