Chapter 310

When Ren Shilin stepped out of the plane and saw the huge construction site in the ice and snow, he was stunned.

He felt like he was in some science fiction movie.

Li Zifeng built a pergola with his hands to adapt to the strong reflection of the snow, and said, "I didn't expect that I haven't been back for a month, and this place has changed so much."

Ren Shilin quickly turned his head and said: "Have you been here? Then you have been outside the gray fog?"

Li Zifeng nodded relaxedly: "That's right, I performed a small and easy task."

He wouldn't tell Ren Shilin that he was almost scared to pee by Sai Yin.

Ren Shilin tasted: "Why do you feel that your experiences are so wonderful. I don't know anything."

"Maybe it's because your level is not high enough."

There are not enough coffee seats for two people, no one specially picked up the plane, and walked towards the base.

The concrete structure building has been capped a lot with terrifying efficiency. Although it is not high, but with the environment here and the terrifying speed, it can also be called a miracle of infrastructure. It just takes a day or two to adjust the interior, so most of them People still live in tents.

After all, Ye Da is at the captain level, and he lives in a color steel house.

Ren Shilin kept checking with Li Zifeng on the way: "So Ye Da is now an official captain? Is he the kind that there are not many in the state?"

Li Zifeng said: "Didn't you read the recruitment letter? Isn't it written in it?"

Ren Shilin looked skeptical about life.

This person is different from other people.

He knocked on the door of the color steel room, but it was not Ye Da who opened the door, but Liu Xiaoqian.

Ren Shilin didn't expect to bump into such a super beauty, and his expression was stunned, but Li Zifeng recognized him: "Sure enough, you are here too. This is Liu Xiaoqian, a teammate of Pangolin last time, and this is Ren Shilin, a member of the former Dawn Squad."

Ren Shilin thought to himself: Sure enough, the tree moved the dead and the dead moved to the living. I didn't expect to become teammates with such a top beauty.

In a world of ice and snow, someone's heart blossomed.

Ye Da is studying the puppet technique cross-legged inside. Once the war starts, he will not be able to practice with peace of mind for a long time.

Hearing the movement, he got up and came out: "It's pretty fast, in fact, there is still a while."

Li Zifeng said indifferently: "I can't stay at home, my mother has been urging me to get married, why don't you come here early to familiarize yourself with the environment."

Li Zifeng was two years older than Zhou Meirong and others, and he didn't take the normal path of going to college. He entered the special enforcement team early, and it was normal for his family to urge the marriage.

"You don't need to get used to it, but this Ren Shilin may be in a daze for a while."

Not to mention that Ren Shilin grew up in Yuezhou and had never been to such a cold place. It is said that his eyes are dimmed to the situation outside the gray fog, and it may take a long time to change.

"You go and ask where you live first, put your luggage and eat in the cafeteria together at night, and have a small meeting by the way."

When the two left, Ren Shilin noticed that Liu Xiaoqian looked like a hostess seeing off guests.

He asked Li Zifeng: "Um, Liu Xiaoqian doesn't live with the captain, does she?"

Li Zifeng showed an inexplicable smile and patted Ren Shilin's shoulder: "You finally got it." The flower on someone's heart withered.
The flowering period is 10 minutes.

In the evening, the four of them ate in the cafeteria and found a table in the corner. Ye Da introduced the situation to the two of them.

Here are all relevant personnel with calm breaths, and they are not afraid of being overheard.

In Ren Shilin's stunned expression, Ye Da first introduced the basic situation of Beyond the Gray Mist and Xisaiyin, and then said:

"Hissein's large army will enter our designated combat area in about a week. I estimate that we will need to set off within three days. The number of opponents is 15 to 17, and there are similar numbers of militias. However, this frontal battle We are only playing an auxiliary role, and the main force is conventional troops and heavy fire groups."

"When the frontal battlefield is over, or when it is about to end, we need to set off to Hessein's homeland to implement the 'Sharp Knife Project'. The task content will be explained to you in the evening. Be careful to keep it secret, and keep every word in your mind. inside."

Ren Shilin asked: "Are there only four of us in the team? Is it too small?"

Ye Da said: "There are more than four, but the other teammates are more special. You will know later."

He turned his head and said to Li Zifeng: "Your position is still a sniper, the gun that was damaged last time should have been supplied to you, right?"

Li Zifeng nodded and said: "No problem, the new firearms are more powerful than before, but I want to apply to continue teaming up with the 'Dump Truck', the cooperation between the two of us can play the greatest role."

Ren Shilin: A dump truck?What dump truck?I'm hallucinating?
"No problem, but that guy has been playing wild recently, so he has to get stuck. It will still be your two formations. As for you Ren Shilin, your main task is to destroy structures. We will need to destroy some large facilities and buildings. Li Zifeng The 'geometry sensitivity' will remotely guide you where to exert force, and then you need to mobilize earth and rocks to destroy large facilities."

If you want to destroy a large building, you can't do it with your bare hands. Even if you use explosives, you must also consider the difficulty in supplying Hessein's homeland.

In this case, Ren Shilin's role was manifested, and Li Zifeng's "geometric sensitivity" was used to complete the complete destruction of large buildings.

After knowing Ye Da's idea, Xie Tiannan expressed his high approval. Their main task in the future will be structural destruction. In the most intuitive way, Hessein will feel the flames of war and pressure in the local area.

Apart from the captain Ye Da, the core of this team is actually Ren Shilin.

Three days later, when the chatterbox skateboard fell from the sky and shocked Ren Shilin's jaw, as Ye Da said, they began to leave the wall of gray mist in batches.

This time Ye Da could not hear the weird footsteps again, he roughly guessed that it was the movement of the three "artifact spirits" before, but naturally it is impossible to meet such a vast wall of gray fog every time.

Not to mention how Ren Shilin and Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. After the four of them got out of the crack, they were immediately dragged to a camp in the northeast.

This is the top priority of the first-stage battle plan.

Surface-to-surface missile launch cluster.

The entire cluster consists of 40 mobile launch vehicles. For targets within 200 kilometers, this kind of mobile launch base is enough. As for the large silos buried underground, there is no casting condition yet.

As for such surface-to-surface missile clusters, Kyushu has set up three in the east, northeast, and west outside the wall of gray fog.

At the same time, the 40 missile launch vehicles also need to be equipped with a large number of drivers, operators, and engineers. These people also need to be equipped with cooks, defense personnel, and material transfer personnel. The number has reached 700.

It can be said that wars in any era are not the simple state of "a wave of soldiers passing by" in the game. Large-scale wars test the ability of coordination and scheduling.

And Ye Da and others, in the first stage, are the defenders here. They will cooperate with the other 4 enlightener teams and 500 regular soldiers to ensure that this heavy firepower camp will not be threatened or disturbed. .

Kyushu doesn't know whether Xisaiyin has ultra-long-range or ultra-mobile strike capabilities, such as finding missile clusters across hundreds of kilometers, so the defense force equipped is still very solid, and nearly 30 spiritual enlighteners are also matched in terms of capabilities. Consider to various situations.

Ye Da, as a captain, belongs to the commander among all the enlighteners, and his authority is second only to the leader of the missile group.

(End of this chapter)

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