I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 311 Heavy fire clusters and possible defensive battles

Chapter 311 Heavy fire clusters and possible defensive battles
As soon as he arrived, Ye Da checked the deployment map of the group garrison. He didn't dabble in the defensive formations in normal warfare. He exists, and he can still give many important suggestions.

"For the periphery here, it is best to install a refusal horse."

The regiment leader was stunned: "Ji Ma...?"

Sounds like a primitive vocabulary.

Ye Da nodded and said: "The opponent's most mainstream mobile force is still dominated by semi-mechanical cavalry. If Hessein really came here from the side under the artillery fire, except for special extraordinary people, cavalry is very likely. In addition, it is best to clear the snow on the top of the east mountain, 'Battle Cry' is a very common extraordinary method of Hessein, and its coordinated use can trigger an avalanche."

As the leader who had just learned about the existence of Gray Mist and Xisaiin, he was still too vague about the possible situations he might encounter. In fact, these contents were included in the information, but his understanding was not thorough enough and he easily overlooked some details.

Ye Da continued: "I'm not an expert in the deployment of regular troops, so I won't point fingers anymore. I'll be in charge of the spiritual enlighteners. I'll set up a lookout point on the top of the east mountain. We have a super powerful sniper, so it's convenient." Detect possible threats in advance."

Although Kyushu's technology has a generational advantage over Hessein, many methods may not be effective because of the large gap.

For example, satellites can't see through dense forests, and radar and other things are useless if the opponent is a small-scale person who comes physically.

Visual observation is a very important supplementary means.

Afterwards, Ye Da held a small meeting of spiritual enlighteners. Among the more than 30 spiritual enlighteners, he was the only leader rank. Naturally, it was up to him to say: "Everyone, there is a kind of enemy that needs extra attention for possible defensive battles."

Ye Da posted a photo of Saiyin on the tactical blackboard. This was a photo of a Saiyin he killed last time.

"It should be in your information that this monster named 'Syn' has extremely strong vitality and is extremely difficult to kill. The most difficult thing to guard against is that they can turn into black mist and are almost immune to all attacks. 'It can be slightly restricted, so members who use firearms must bring at least a basic number of 'spirit-blocking ammunition'. If firearms are not practical, it is recommended to wear at least one pistol and certain spirit-blocking ammunition."

"Once you find an enemy with silver hair, don't fight hard, report it in time, and I will deal with it. Now Li Zifeng will introduce to you the precautions when facing Saiyin with guns."

When Li Zifeng stepped forward to talk, Ye Da held a cup of hot tea and stood quietly aside, watching everyone's expressions.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, most of the people were just aware of the existence of the gray fog, let alone Hessein.

Compared with the material preparation before the war, the ideological preparation is equally important.

I believe that this scene will also happen in other stations. I have personally faced the old members of Hessein and explained to the new members.

Even if you read the information, when the black-haired monster that is more than ten meters high and can't be killed appears in front of you, most people will probably be stunned.

Although this group of spirit enlighteners are all elites, their highest level is only A-level, and they don't have an absolute advantage against Sai Yin.

At the same time, Ye Da also needs to coordinate the abilities of each spiritual enlightener to achieve perfect scheduling.

There are still about four days before Hessein enters the target area, and the workload is not small.

At this moment, someone yelled "Report", came in and said to Ye Da: "Captain Ye, your supplies have arrived, and you need to receive them yourself."

Ye Da put down the teacup in his hand and followed the man to the outskirts of the camp.

A truck was staggering backwards, and the deep tire marks indicated that the cargo was extremely heavy. The transport staff brought a cardboard to ask Ye Da to sign.

The man had a weird look on his face, obviously he knew what was inside.

"Captain Ye, there are 10 in total, and they are all here. Would you like to order them?"

The carriage opened slowly.Ten heavy and simple stone coffins were neatly placed in the carriage, and they were fixed with ropes.

Ye Da nodded in satisfaction.

Due to the change of his identity and the change of Ye Jianguo's mentality, he can now use certain things openly.

That guy is said to be involved in this war, but he doesn't know where and how.

But Ye Da was very satisfied with what he gave.

So where to bury these things to surprise possible enemies?

Hope Ren Shilin can like his new teammates.

The huge steel carriage, which looks like a house, is slowly driving in the ice and snow.

The black shell and metal rivets make it look retro and magical.

Pulling the carriage are eight tall, half-metal, half-flesh horses with extremely muscular muscles. A large amount of white steam diffuses with every breath. In the gaps in the mechanical structure of the chest, a red light like hot molten iron can be seen faintly.

It was ice and snow outside the car, but inside it was as warm as spring. The silver-haired consul was wearing tulle, lying lazily on the soft bed, and he was happy.

Wearing glasses, she looked at the things in her hand and said, "Spread out the watchmen as scouts. Tomorrow, the 13th and 14th armies will be stationed there. Have you caught the opponent's scouts?"

The butler bowed aside and said, "Not really."

Ironsa frowned. In her long life, she was no stranger to war, and she could even be said to be proficient in it. The distance now is when the two sides began to spy on each other from the level of scouts.

Unless the other party is clueless or stupid.

But she couldn't imagine why the people of Kyushu needed scouts. They were just playing with satellites.
The technological gap has brought many things, such as the asymmetry of information.

She faintly felt that Kyushu might not be as weak as before, but she still had confidence in Hessein's invincible army.

To judge others by oneself, even if the backward place makes progress, it is impossible to surpass Hessein, because although their progress is slow, they are not standing still.

"I remember that Sean was imprisoned near here, right?"

Key point nodded and said: "Yes, Mrs. Ilunsa, but he has disappeared, and it seems to be related to those fourth-class people."

Elunsa shook her head: "Originally, I wanted him to reflect and reflect, but he still hasn't repented after 100 years."

It was not easy for Sai to reproduce, and the three regents were very lenient to their fellows. Even though Sean had offended him many times and did not know how to repent, he was just exiled to the Far East and imprisoned.

Now either he has entered the Kyushu that he has been thinking about, or he is dead.
"Forget it, I wanted to find an opportunity to taste the taste of Kyushu people. It's fine if you don't catch the scouts. If you catch them, keep them for me."

"As you order, Lord Ironsa."

 Let’s try and see if we can get Chapter 3
(End of this chapter)

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