I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 312 The first shot

Chapter 312 The First Shot

The ultimate means of conflict resolution for human beings is also the ultimate conflict of human beings.

Hatred, interests, gaps, and a sense of security all lead to war, and in earlier times, food, desire, and fame also became reasons for war.

But when the two sides in the war are strong enough and big enough, you will find that all of the above are present, but none of them matter.

Winning has become the purest goal.

Because winner takes all.

The environment is harsh and the passages are narrow. Kyushu has assembled 7 troops outside the gray fog, and they are still replenishing continuously.

Only half of the number of Hisain's team, and 6% of the [-] people are ordinary people.

And even with the addition of logistical and technical personnel, the number is only about 10, which is far inferior to the 30 combination of Xi Saiyin's army + militia.

Xisaiyin's huge scout team spread over the vast land of the Seventh District of the Far East. They either rode horses or rowed sleds, passing through all the mountains and forests to spy on the enemy's intelligence.

As for the Kyushu Army outside the gray mist that had just stabilized its position, after an important meeting, the staff group unanimously decided:
50 kilometers away from the gray fog, unless there is a direct conflict, the enemy scouts are allowed to patrol.

This decision was an anomaly due to the differing philosophy of war on both sides.

Kyushu needs the enemy's troops to be concentrated as much as possible in order to give full play to its firepower advantage, so it simply exposes its large number of troops to attract the attention of the enemy.

For Kyushu, the real killer comes from the heavy firepower cluster behind it, and from the military airport hidden in the mountain depression. The role of the large frontal force is not to attack the fortifications, but to anchor the battlefield area and reduce losses.

Instead of sending the already scarce manpower out to play hide-and-seek with the cavalry, it is better to let them report back their positions.

Even in order not to scare these guys into paranoia, they began to consciously cover up the existence of some large equipment, especially the air power, and the limited aircraft were hidden behind.

Conversely, no matter what action Hessein takes after ascertaining the information, he cannot escape the capture of the satellite.

On the snow-covered hill, a small group of Hessein scouts rode war horses to the top of the hill.

From a very far distance, the traces of human actions can be clearly seen. If there are too many people, it is impossible to hide it from approaching reconnaissance.

A tall knight with a height of more than two meters is standing and watching. On the rough face, the scarlet artificial eyes are constantly rotating and expanding, as if adjusting the focus. After a while, he said:

"This group of fourth-class people don't know anything about war, and they didn't respond when they were found at the door of their home. This is the third large camp found in this area. The total number seems to be over 4 people. It's really Poor and weak”

The war horse under him snorted, and the horse's hooves, which were completely covered by metal, knocked on the ground irritably.

A person behind said: "These guys dare to take the initiative to release the gray mist like a turtle shell. There are only 5 or [-] people in the team, and there are not enough scouts. Are they waiting to die?"

The tall knight said in a deep voice: "They have a huge bicycle carriage, like an iron box, I don't know what it does, but the number is not many, I only saw seven or eight, it may be their reliance."

The man behind said: "It seems to be very strong."

"It's okay, the number is too small, and the iron-clad carriage is operated by a group of ordinary people, how useful is it?"

"Captain Xie, the enemy has entered the designated area, but"

"but what?"

"Based on the opponent's way of marching, only half of them are within the coverage area of ​​our heavy firepower. They are too numerous, and the front and rear troops are separated by dozens of kilometers, let alone those militiamen, especially considering that the opponent will flee in the future, and they will have to fight again." closer..."

Xin Tiannan looked at the sandbox in front of him and muttered: "Sure enough, things are not going to go in the best direction. We still need to lure the enemy deeper. If we put back so many scouts, the opponent should be tempted. Are they waiting for something? ?”

The entire army has entered a wartime state, ready to deal a head-on blow to the Hisayins.The headquarters is in a rear position and communicates with the various ministries through radio communication.

Suddenly, someone ran in: "Report, received news from Highland 213, the other party sent a messenger."

"Message? Come to negotiate?"

Xie Tiannan was really curious what the other party would say?
The man shook his head and said: "It's not really counted, just dropped a volume of documents written in Kyushu script, and then left. The person in charge over there considered the previous order and did not force him to stay."

Said that he had shown the photos he took to Xie Tiannan.

Surrender and disarm immediately before tomorrow, assist the Xisayin army in entering Kyushu, and hand over the secret of the Gray Mist Wall.
Xie Tiannan sneered: "The tone is quite loud. Don't pay attention to them. The whole army continues to keep a low profile and let them move closer."

There was a dangerous aura in his eyes. "Tomorrow, it's almost time."

In Hessein's Chinese army camp, Yilunsha was enjoying her own dinner. In the huge carriage warm as spring, there were only her and the housekeeper.

"Master Consul, the scouts brought back a lot of information, but unfortunately, the scouts from the Kyushu people were still not captured. In addition, the envoys have already given the documents to the Kyushu people, but there seems to be no response."

Yi Lunsha wiped her scarlet lips and said, "It's okay, I didn't expect the other party to agree, it's just a routine persuasion."

She had a bad premonition.

The Kyushu people's way of coping is too strange.

Can't hide, not even a scout, seems to be planning to stick to it?
So far, although the scouts have brought back a lot of information, she still has some inexplicable irritability.

It is obvious that almost all the main troops have been discovered, and it is obvious that the Kyushu army is almost all ordinary people, and it is obvious that they carry the most powerful and advanced weapons of Hessein.

But she was still a little uneasy.

Is it too long since you have been on the battlefield?The last time I personally commanded a war seemed to be 200 years ago.

In any case, it was almost time to start the preliminary tentative attack. With such a large force, the logistical pressure was not small.

"Tomorrow, it's almost time"

Try and die.

On the second day, when the sky was bright, on the hillside three kilometers outside the Kyushu position.

When the blazing flames illuminated the white snow and reflected the intoxicating light, teams of cavalry climbed up the hillside, overlooking the Kyushu positions in the distance.

Looking back, the Shisaiyin army of tens of thousands of people is on the back of the hillside, eager to try.

Hissein's vanguard, numbering ten thousand, would fire the first shots of the war, and their commander was Abern the Blonde.

"Lord Abern, do you want to send another messenger?"

"No need, greetings with cannon fire is the most effective negotiation! Let those big guys come up!"

With the sound of heavy footsteps, a huge monster climbed up with hands and feet.

These monsters are 7 meters tall, have a cow's head, walk upright, have hands and hooves, and exude a strong aura of danger.

The most eye-catching thing is that the lower jaw of the bull's head is completely made of metal. Obviously, this is not a naturally occurring creature.

"The Carter Behemoth"

Hisain's masterpiece in the past ten years, a powerful biological weapon, brought his flesh-and-mechanism transformation technology and extraordinary technology to the extreme.

Due to various reasons, this big killer has never appeared on the battlefield, and it has been kept by the local 14th Army. This is the first time they have really stood on the stage of war.

Completely different development routes and historical evolutions have created incredible weapons.

In other words, the weapons of both sides are incredible in the eyes of each other.

Dozens of Carter giant beasts lined up on the hill, gushing out heavy snorts.


Several Hessein soldiers stuck a red needle tube the thickness of an arm on the sturdy body of the "Carter Behemoth", and the eyes of these monsters turned red instantly.

Their mechanical jaws slowly lowered, expanding their mouths to an exaggerated extent. The red liquid quickly boiled and consumed in the huge syringes inserted into their bodies, and a dangerous red light cluster appeared in the giant beast's mouth. .

The extraordinary armed forces from Hessein are ready to go.


(End of this chapter)

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