I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 313 Collision of Different Routes

Chapter 313 Collision of Different Routes


With the roar, the giant Carter launched its own attack.

Abern excitedly watched a dozen red light balls fly towards the Kyushu position, and he could already imagine how terrified those fourth-class people would be when faced with such a weapon.

I'm afraid they don't even know that there are such powerful long-distance weapons in the world.

The speed of the red light balls is not fast, so he can have more time to appreciate their fascinating trajectory.

Suddenly, a strange white thing flew out of the enemy's position, like an iron pillar.

With thick smoke, the white iron pillar flew into the air, and then countless small things flew out of it, like bees flying out of a hive.

These little things were briefly confused in the air, and then immediately headed towards the red light balls, detonating all these red light balls in the air in a martyrdom manner.

The smile faded from Abern's face.

What is this?
A bad premonition of the unknown welled up in my heart.

In the Kyushu position, inside a multi-functional interceptor armored vehicle, the commander wiped off his cold sweat.

Fortunately, these red light clusters have a heat source reaction, otherwise it would be easy to be bombed for a round if they suddenly attack.

Although the satellites captured these "Carter behemoths", they did not expect these guys to be long-range units.

On the hill, after being shocked for a short time, Abern immediately roared: "Go on! Let's see how many of these things they have!"

Most of the countless needle tubes on the "Carter Behemoth" were empty, and someone quickly replaced them with new ones.

The eyes of these behemoths were red again, and red light condensed in their mouths again.



Abern hadn't finished shouting his orders when a huge explosion sounded.

However, it is at our own feet!

He immediately turned his head to look sideways, and saw countless broken earth and rocks in the crowd rushing towards the sky.

The Carter Behemoth exploded?
Soon he knew he had guessed wrong.

Above the sky, the hard-to-see shells fell like rain, shooting at a super-large angle, and landed on the snow hill.

Rapid-fire 120mm caliber vehicle-mounted mortar.

The continuous roar was like the prelude to the symphony. Abern failed to greet Kyushu with artillery fire, but was smashed by Kyushu artillery fire.

The power of the shells is so great that even if the surrounding soldiers are all superhumans, they will inevitably burst into flowers of flesh and blood. Only the rough-skinned and thick-skinned "Carter Behemoth" can resist it.

Abern stood firm, restrained the fear in his heart, stared forward with wide eyes, and the mechanical prosthetic eyes kept focusing. He had to find out where the enemy's shells were coming from!
But he got nothing.

"how is this possible!"

There are weapons so far away in the world? !
He quickly realized that the only way to change the current situation is to charge forward, to move, to survive, and to stay still is to wait for death.

Even rushing to the enemy's position, intertwined with the enemy, let this weapon that fell from the sky worry about friendly forces.

He is the vanguard. If the vanguard loses, only death will greet him, no matter whether he dies on the battlefield or not.

Hissein's cavalry began to charge. The half-mechanical, half-flesh extraordinary cavalry was at an astonishing speed. They were nearly 4 meters high with their horses and men, and they crossed the hills as if they were walking on flat ground. Hissayn conquered countless lands.

Behind the Goli cavalry were a larger number of lookouts, who roared like the wind and were extremely fast, followed by the behemoth Carter and some unknown Xisaiin armed forces that had not yet had time to use their methods.However, the distance of three kilometers is like a road of death, with shells falling all the time.

Abern hid in the large army. As a general, he was naturally a more powerful transcendent, but he did not try to push himself forward, and his prosthetic eyes quickly retracted to judge the situation.

At this time, a gap was opened in the position of the Kyushu people, and it seemed that they were about to fight.

Abern was ecstatic in his heart. Just now he was worried that the Kyushu people would not be able to shrink back, so the vanguard would have to fight against unknown artillery fire.

I didn't expect this group of fourth-class people to come out!This not only gave them an opportunity to take advantage of, but also shortened the three-kilometer road to death by half!
What drove out of the position were "steel bicycle carriages", and their huge bodies looked extremely heavy.

Just like Kyushu photographed the "Carter Behemoth", but didn't guess that the other party was a long-range unit, Hessein's scout sent back information about the "Steel Bicycle Carriage", but he didn't know what effect it had, whether it was powerful or not .

Now they know.

With the roar!A huge shell rushed into Xisaiyin's team.

Compared with the curved shot, this kind of flat shot is more lethal to the charge, and several extraordinary cavalry are instantly turned into corpses.

Abern also rode a war horse, and shouted with his "Battle Cry": "Spread out! Cast the fog of war!"

Countless Golly cavalrymen took out black glass balls from their horse bags, sent them to themselves and their horses respectively, and swallowed them directly.

In an instant, thick black smoke gushed out from their mouths and noses, accompanied by the charge of the horses, and spread behind them.

Like from hell.

The uniform actions of thousands of Golly cavalry instantly enveloped the entire battlefield in black smoke. Only the sound of roaring iron hoofs could be heard, proving the enemy's determination. In the gray mist, there was even the roar of the giant Carter.

The Kyushu position commander was also shocked when he saw this scene from a distance.

Although it is considered backward, after all, this is a civilization that has been steeped in war for hundreds of years and has never lost. It is a civilization that uses all supernatural powers to arm the army.

It is hard to imagine how desperate and self-doubting our ancestors were when faced with this kind of army 150 years ago.

No wonder, it was an era when mountains and rivers were broken, and the country was almost destroyed.

but now
"Commander, please order!"

"Turn on the thermal imager and smash 'em!!!"

Times have changed, Hessein dog thief!

Tens of kilometers away from the first shot on the battlefield, Xie Tiannan listened to the messages sent by various telegrams.

"Sir, position 7 has been engaged in battle with the enemy's vanguard force, and a large amount of intelligence has been sent back. Xisayin's actual combat ability is stronger than imagined."

This is a reasonable and unexpected conclusion.

Xie Tiannan built a bridge with both hands, sitting in front of the sand table as motionless as a mountain, his eyes were as calm as facing the abyss, and the reflections of various screens flashed on the irises.

"Sir, in order to lure the enemy, we don't have many troops in position 7, do we need to use heavy firepower to support it?"

Xie Tiannan said in a deep voice, "Where is the main force of the enemy's army?"

The staff officer knew what Tian Nan meant, and said, "There is still a distance from the ideal position."

Xie Tiannan said: "Let Li Zhenyun lead the Qiling Mobile Wing to provide support. Let the rest of the brothers be patient and report battle damage to me every five minutes."

"As ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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