I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 315 Collecting Nets and Destroying

Chapter 315 Collecting Nets and Destroying

"The war belonging to Hessein should have ended."

In the heavy firepower camp at the rear, Ye Da felt the same emotion when he watched the rows of missile vehicles launching terrifying weapons towards the sky.

He had seen the power of these things before, and Hai Long would scream after eating them.

He couldn't see the whole battlefield from his position, but he could tell from the forbearance of the headquarters that the net should be closed.

Abern felt like a dehydrated fish.

He was puzzled when an unknown object flew over the horizon.

When one of them fell into the "fog of war" of Hessein, he was indifferent.

He thinks that it is nothing more than the extremely long-distance shells before. Although it will cause some damage, it is not a big problem.

Until he saw a huge fireball hundreds of meters in diameter rising from the ground.

Within 200 meters, it is almost a vacuum.

Within 500 meters, all were annihilated by flames, and the temperature reached 2500° in an instant.

Within 800 meters, the shock wave can still kill all enemies not in the bunker.

And in the fog of war, it was the vanguard troops who had just arrived here following the gory cavalry.

The terrifying gust of wind messed up Abern's hair, a wall of smoke and dust swept over his body, and the shock wave almost made him unable to stand still.

The saber in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang", and his red right arm gradually went out.

He almost forgot that he was on an extremely dangerous battlefield, that he was confronting Li Zhenyun.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

on the battlefield.
There is a huge vacuum.

Whether it's the Goli Cavalry, or the Watcher, or the Carter Behemoth, or even those unused backhands.

In the center of the fog of war, with the detonation of the cloud bomb, he died instantly.

The people who were still alive were stumbling around, and before they had time to fear or panic, the dizziness caused by the terrifying shock wave hadn't dissipated, and the second and the third ushered in above their heads.

The four cloud explosion bombs completely surrounded the battlefield with precise landing points, except for the side closest to the Kyushu position, which was slightly farther away, without a single gap.

The smoke cleared.

Vanguard Army. There is no Hissayn Vanguard Army anymore. There is almost only charcoal that spontaneously ignites without wind on the battlefield.

It was nothing more than ashes and smoke.

Only a small group of Hissain troops at the front and some scattered people on the edge of the battlefield survived, but whether it was officer Abern, the flame-breathing Goli cavalry, or those mindless Carter giants, The beasts all lost their voices at this time.
A terrifying thought popped up in Abern's sluggish mind.
Kyushu is irresistible
Hisain is going to lose.
As if to test his idea, more meteors flew past his head in the sky, flying towards a position tens of kilometers behind.

That was the position of Hessein's main force.

Abern stretched out his hands weakly to grab the sky, as if he wanted to grab those terrifying weapons.

But he didn't succeed, and instead got more out of his fingers.

One by one, the steel monster birds moved towards the horizon at a terrifying speed, without even looking at the first battlefield below. The Kyushu side knew very well that the story here was over.

There are more victories ahead waiting for them to ingest!
"My lord, the vanguard army has exchanged fire with the enemy, and the time was 10 minutes ago."

Consul Ironsa nodded.

Although she took this war a lot seriously, and even gave the vanguard a super high configuration, she didn't care much about the war that happened just now.

Left and right is just a trial, and the war of more than 10 people will not end so quickly.

In her vision, even if the vanguard army didn't get too many results, or even was at a disadvantage, it was acceptable, as long as they brought back more information.

She needs more intelligence support to dispel the bad feeling in her heart.

Little did he know that he had stepped into a dangerous zone.

"Continue to detect the report. The central route army will speed up and advance before tonight."

The next moment, Elunsa felt herself flying.High temperature, high pressure, lack of oxygen, shock wave.

Her extravagant and huge carriage, which looked like spring all year round, quickly deformed and squeezed, like an ugly can, and then began to melt under the high temperature and turned red.

When the first missile landed on the heads of Hessein's main force, no one knew what it was.

That huge carriage has long been marked as a key target. In the war aimed at making the other party frightened, Kyushu did not give any preferential treatment to the so-called consul.

The eight horses pulling the cart were completely carbonized.

The Central Route Army is different from the Vanguard Army. It has as many as 8 people, almost all of whom are local elites from Hessein. Here, the Goli cavalry can only be regarded as ordinary arms, and the watchmen are the bottom of the chores. There are countless strange things.

They either possess tyrannical power, or have strange and extraordinary abilities, or have undergone advanced mechanical transformation.

However, under 2500°, all living beings are equal.

If it's uneven, that's not enough.

They enjoyed several times the firepower of the vanguard.

The Carter Behemoth howled in the flames, the Watchers fell like wheat, and the Golly Riders didn't even have a chance to get on their horses.

After a face-to-face meeting, nearly Wan Xisai's army turned into coke and stayed in this land forever.

"Attack! Attack! Attack"

The lucky one who escaped the first round of scrubbing roared at the top of his voice, but he didn't know who he was shouting at.

There is no need for him to remind, Kyushu will tell you!
The team of 8 people did not huddle together, but occupied the entire hill. The tall transcendents immediately climbed up and looked into the distance, looking for where the enemy was attacking.

However, the mechanical prosthetic eye has been focused into a piston movement, and it still can't be found, if it has to be said.

That is the horizon!
More missiles came one after another, like ink dripping on the white snow, swarming, vowing to completely blacken the hills, and Hessein's army could only howl like lambs.

When there were 1 casualties, they were astonished.

When there were 2 casualties, they panicked.

When there were 3 casualties, their organizational system was completely chaotic, and everyone was running away, but they didn't even know the direction.

The fact that they were able to persist until they lost nearly half of their losses before thinking of running away was not because they were elite, but because everything came too fast.

But they didn't know that their location was not just entering the attack range.

The reason why it is called casting a net is that the distance the fish escaped is naturally included in the calculation, which is why Kyushu forbears it before.

run?Can you run away?

The so-called ideal position, the so-called complete coverage, means that you have nowhere to escape.

Dozens of black dots appeared in the sky, and steel monster birds that had never been seen roared. They used more precise weapons to destroy the powerful units on the ground one by one. The survivors of Hessein tried to attack these monster birds with guns However, even if it is a rifle with extraordinary power, it is too out of reach for the strange bird in the sky.

No one has the time to take care of the carriage in the center anymore. The sunken carriage is lying on the side. The thick extraordinary metal allows it to retain its basic structure, but it is not friendly to the existence inside, because the high temperature has turned it into a Horrible oven.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a scorched black figure stepped out of it.

Almost all the skin on his body was turned into coke, and countless carbonized black slag would fall down with every step, and the flesh and blood wriggling in the black cracks was particularly terrifying.

The exposed sharp teeth and ferocious expression spoke of someone's anger.

A few of Saiyin, who accompanied the army, ran over immediately and knelt down in front of the scorched black figure.

"Lady Elunsa! What should we do?"

Every time the scorched black figure takes a step, the huge vitality will be repaired. The black shell on the body will gradually fade away, and the white skin will grow again. Standing naked in the middle of the battlefield.

All Saiyin did not dare to raise their heads, they were waiting for the order from the King of Saiyin.

"Enemy weapons are coming from the southeast, go find them! Do whatever it takes! Destroy!!!"

Immediately after giving the order, Ironsa suddenly looked up.

An old man from Kyushu, dressed in plain sackcloth, stood in the sky, staring at her expressionlessly.

Close the net. Close the net. Naturally, you cannot let go of the biggest fish.
(End of this chapter)

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