Chapter 316
"Quick! Quick!"

Several Saiyin shuttled through the mountains and forests without hesitating their physical strength.

They didn't even dare to look back at the desperate battlefield, and they didn't even dare to look at the old man who made Lady Yilunsha afraid.

They worry that they will be shaken and timid.

Although the destruction of the main force was irreversible, they still had to carry out Ironsa's orders.

Even if the entire army is wiped out, those terrifying unknown weapons must be found and destroyed.

They believe that the quantity of such terrifying things must be limited, and their use must be restricted. As long as these weapons can be destroyed, Hisain will have a chance to regain its strength and have a glimmer of hope.
I don't know when it started, they have completely put Kyushu in a position stronger than Xisaiyin.

The Saiins directly turned into black mist, ignoring all obstacles and terrain, and flew across the ground in a flying posture. Using this ability for a long distance will greatly speed up their speed, but it will also consume a lot of energy.

But now I can't control so much.

Seven strands of black mist connected together, and a faint sound came from inside.

"Master Blunt, do we... still have a chance?"

A voice in the black mist said: "Execute the order! Don't think about anything else."

In the No. 2 heavy firepower cluster camp, Ye Da watched the last missile launch into the sky, feeling completely at peace in his heart.

"Only 20% of the missiles are left, and they are launched at a low density for emergencies. All three main forces of Hessein have collapsed, and the enemy annihilation rate has reached 60%. We have won!"

The head of the camp took the telegram sent by the headquarters and said excitedly.

In the previous half hour, Ye Da participated in this strange war from a unique perspective.

In the absence of ground troops advancing, relying on the early layout and information crushing, the victory was established only with advanced weapons.

A disappointing victory for Hessein.

A large group of Hessein troops were annihilated and scattered, and the survivors got into the mountain forest in embarrassment. They were named by armed helicopters, cleared by bombers, and expelled by fighter jets.

It's not that Hessein has the ability to fly, but it's also flying, but the height is not the same. Individuals can reach the sky after flying a few hundred meters, but the Kyushu aircraft calculates the altitude in kilometers, and the speed is extremely fast.

The first stage of the war is coming to an end, and then Kyushu will continue to pursue with air power as the main body, completely breaking the confidence of Hessein.

But it's not time to let go of their vigilance. If the Hisayins still have a little brain, even if they are completely defeated, they will send elites to explore the secrets of Kyushu's weapons. Facing a small group of elites, a limited amount of precious air power is unnecessary. Waste of time, the task came to Ye Da.

"I reckon those bereaved dogs are coming."

Sure enough, not long after, Li Zifeng sent a message from the lookout point on the top of the mountain: "Captain, at 11 o'clock in the northwest, there is a gray fog approaching. The current distance is 18 kilometers, and the number is between 5 and 7. They are gathered in a group and cannot be distinguished. , the speed is very fast, 17 kilometers."

Ye Da thought it was really fast, it really was Sai Yin.

"Will there be a surprise?"

Li Zifeng: "The location is just right."

Ren Shilin on the side was eager to try: "Captain? Is it time for us to play?"

Just now, he had already seen his blood boil, as if the missiles hit his heart, he was very excited.

There are few men who would not be aroused by that thick metal creation.Ye Da was originally ready to say no, but then he thought that this guy would eventually go to Xisayin's homeland with him, so it would be nice to see Saiin's existence.

"The forest team is ready, and the camp team stands firm just in case. Ren Shilin and Liu Xiaoqian will follow me to meet them."

"Roger that!"

The black mist that the seven races turned into was shuttled through the dense forest, but it was slightly darker than when they first set off, which was caused by excessive physical exertion.

Due to the confusion and shock of Kyushu, they did not choose to divide their troops to go in three different directions, but planned to work together to destroy one place before going to other places.

In the black mist, a hesitant female voice said: "The position in front of Mr. Brent is almost there. Should we slow down? Hide over there?"

Sayin, who was called Brent, gritted his teeth: "One minute every night, Lord Ironsa's army will suffer an additional humiliation. At least we must get close and say no more hesitation, and accelerate with all our strength."

Suddenly, as they were shuttling, they suddenly saw something breaking through the ground in the snow ahead.

As the earth and stone rolled, a huge sarcophagus stood up from the frozen ground, facing the front in a daze.

A group of Saiyin withdrew from the black mist state and looked ahead vigilantly.

"This is a coffin?"

Although the styles are different, the general structure of the coffins of Hessein and Kyushu is the same.

The coffin lid slowly fell down, revealing a strong figure among them.

It was a strong man in sackcloth, with white hair that was similar in color to these Saiyin's.

But the strange aura on his body is just the opposite of Sai Yin with great vitality.

"Corpse. It's really not that simple."

Not far away, sarcophagi were erected one after another, and several zombies in sackcloth came out.

At the same time, Ye Da took Liu Xiaoqian, and Ren Shilin had already rushed around, but temporarily hid behind.

Before learning the "Puppet Method", he could already rely on Jiuyin Stone Bian and the pressure from his superiors and subordinates to control a strong "hair stiff". Now with the cooperation of the "Puppet Method", his operation level has doubled several times.

Nine is his current limit, and he can basically use most of his combat power. This time, he asked Ye Jianguo to ask for ten "fools", just to try it out.

Originally, Ye Da wanted ten of the "Hundred Zombies" summoned by Ye Jianguo in different costumes from the God-controlling Bell, but Ye Jianguo refused to give them. The previous loss of Bai Zombies against Hai Long was not small. Jianguo was being replenished, so he gave the next level, that is, the existence of the same level as those coffins in the formation.

Besides, that guy himself should be on this battlefield.
Ye Da didn't talk nonsense, and directly controlled the zombies to start attacking Saiyin. These Saiyin dared to look down on anything in Kyushu now, and immediately rushed forward.

Soon they discovered that these "corpses" were extremely powerful, and their bodies were extremely tough. They were not much worse than them in terms of brute force, and many of them had a strange ability to attack with hair.

Although the overall strength is still dominated by the 7th Saiyin side, they do not have enough time.

Brent secretly confessed: "Aggie, Avril, you go to the front first, we will deal with this group of corpses."

The two young Saiyin, a man and a woman, nodded and rushed out from the side.

Then he never came back.
(End of this chapter)

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