I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 317 The defeated army and a new chapter

Chapter 317 The Destroyed Army and a New Chapter

"Tobacco leaves, the best tobacco leaves, Ake tobacco leaves are added with a special formula, so that you can get two of them at night!"

In the chaotic camp, Ake was selling his seasoned tobacco leaves.

In just ten days, he has earned a wealth that he could not earn in the previous ten years. This young man with a flexible mind has already started to use other brains. He began to give his name to the tobacco leaves, using Some plant powders that can be seen everywhere in the Far East are mixed to make it chew with different tastes.

As for whether it is really worth two at night, the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom, just like all the things that claim to have that function, it has almost no effect, and no one will say it.

But one question is: "I was awesome last night."

The location of Ake is located in the middle area where large troops and militias gather. There are not only villains who follow the invincible army of Hessein to fight the autumn wind, but also prostitutes who follow the army to make money, and some officers will come here to have some fun. It can be said Good and evil are mixed.

But without exception, the people here don't need to face the war directly, they just need to be in a safe place behind, and there are unlimited business opportunities.

"Praise the war" Ake sighed in his heart.

He hawked from the north to the south of the camp, and the tobacco leaves became less and less, and the money increased.

The further you go to the fringes, the poorer the people stationed, but these guys who bring all their belongings to fight the autumn wind will spend the last dime in their pockets, either on Ake or on prostitutes.

Of course Ake hopes to be himself.

"Come to pack the tobacco leaves, the kind with added spices."

A middle-aged man with black and yellow teeth threw out a few coins, and he became a regular customer.

"Okay, no problem, did it work last night?"

The middle-aged man grinned, and there was a suffocating smell coming from his mouth: "You should ask those girls, they still can't stand up straight, I was so awesome last night."

Ake didn't take it seriously, would it be awesome if he added some dogtail grass?
Are cows so vulnerable?

When he came to the edge of the camp, the tobacco leaves in his wooden boxes were almost sold out, and the stock he prepared was getting less and less. He was also forced to start adding various things to the tobacco leaves.

In a few days, he would have no more tobacco leaves to sell, but he was unwilling to go back so early, and wanted to find some other ways in this war.

Standing on the edge of the camp, Ake wanted to enjoy a piece of tobacco leaves without additives, but thought that this was roughly equivalent to chewing money, so he gave up this plan, put the wooden box aside, took off his pants, and prepared to open a big cigarette. .

As soon as he untied his trousers, he heard the sound of horse hooves on the road to the south. He secretly thought that it was bad luck. He was not afraid of showing his butt, but the wooden box was full of money. If any soldier saw it and tried to rob it, it would be terrible. .

Putting on his pants, he hurried to get the wooden box, only to see an ownerless war horse running wildly at the end of the road. The figure of the owner had already disappeared on the horse's back, and the huge animal over two meters high kept neighing, obviously frightened up.

There was a hint of greed in Ake's heart, and he recognized that it was a Gorley war horse, which was worth more than the tobacco leaves he sold for a month, and a little bit of spare parts would be a lot of money.

Before he could turn his heart into action, the ownerless horse rushed into the camp, and several militiamen who couldn't dodge were immediately trampled to the ground. There are traces of fireworks, blood is flowing from the rear hip, and the metal armor on the front chest is also bent and broken.


Hundreds and thousands
Nearly [-] Golly cavalry are running wildly.
Without exception, their eyes were full of panic, as if there was some devil chasing after them.

Some were missing an arm, and some had burn marks all over their bodies.

Like a lost dog!

These cavalrymen almost had the words "defeated" engraved on their faces.

Without slowing down, they rushed directly to the camp. Countless people in the camp were crushed and trampled to death before they could react.

The power of the cavalry charge was clearly visible, but this time they were facing their own people. "What's the situation! What's the situation on the front line!"

An officer got out from the prostitute caravan, grabbed a gory cavalry and asked angrily.

The man was obviously still in extreme fear: "It's coming! People from Kyushu are catching up! They're all going to die! The consul is gone!!"

The officer slapped Cavalry Gurley on the face: "Fart! Wake up! Tell me what happened."

He snorted, looked down, and saw that there was a knife on his stomach.

He looked at the Goli cavalry in shock. How dare you?
The Geli cavalry only shouted dully: "Don't stop me! I want to live! I want to live! They are coming! People from Kyushu are coming!!!"

The officer knelt down on the ground, his face pale, watching the Goli cavalry continue to flee.

Ake was afraid of being trampled to death, so he hid under the fence and dared not open his eyes until the sound of horseshoes of countless defeated troops gradually disappeared.

However, more and more defeated troops came out of the woods. It turned out that the defeated troops were more than the ones before, and they were just the first echelon that ran fast.

"The front line was defeated?"

The strange voice of "da da da da" appeared in Ake's mind.

Behind countless defeated troops, at the junction of the tree crown and the sky, a large group of steel birds suddenly appeared, pouring firepower at the defeated troops on the ground.

"Hisain was defeated?"

Ye Da took a deep breath and pulled out the Xuanshui Stick from the puddle of meat paste.

It's over, and all seven races are executed.

Four of them were "sucked" to death by themselves with an incense burner, two were beaten to death by "Mao Zong", and the other one was specially reserved for Ren Shilin and others to practice.

Under the siege of unlimited anti-spirit bullets, top sniper Li Zifeng, and 30 elite spirit enlighteners, that Sain who seemed to be named Brent was tough enough and did not give up until the last moment. He is also considered a good player, much stronger than the "Jill" Ye Da met for the first time.

But in the end, with few enemies and many enemies, he was consumed to death.

None of the other heavy-fire camps were attacked. It seemed that the enemies were all here.

"Here is the No. 2 heavy fire cluster. Ye Da, the defense force, has already dealt with the intruder Sai Yin. Six of our team are seriously injured. We need to apply for transfer."

"This is the headquarters. Received. Please do a simple bandage first. The medical transport team will arrive soon."

Ye Da said into the headset: "How is the situation on the front line? Is there anything else that needs to be done on the No. 2 cluster?"

The operator over there was obviously also excited, and said: "The front line is in good condition. There should be no more Hessein to go to Kyushu. They are all fleeing back. You can follow the medical transfer team back to the headquarters and get ready. Participate in the second phase and implement the sharp knife plan."

"Got it, let me explain."

Ye Da greeted Ren Shilin, who was marveling at Sai Yin's body.

Who would have thought that a fair and clean little girl would be so dark and have such dense hair after transforming?

"Where are you going, Captain?"

"Go to the headquarters first, and then travel long distance as planned. By the way, Lao Wang is almost here."

(End of this chapter)

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