I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 319 This is impossible!

Chapter 319 This is impossible!

In Saqin City, the obese mayor was enjoying his afternoon tea. Since Xisayin's army went out, although Saqin was in a mess and even the population had decreased by [-]%, he was finally relaxed as the mayor.

Without Ironsa the Consul and those senior military officers, he is still one of the most powerful people in the Far East and the ruler of the largest city in the Far East.

"My lord, the logistical force has left a part of the food, and the purpose is to return the food that was confiscated before, but it seems that this matter is fully entrusted to us."

The mayor's eyes flashed, he wiped his mouth, and said, "How many?"

The reporting document nodded and said: "According to what was said during the previous collection, it is three times the amount collected."

The mayor said with compassion: "It's a pity that the farming season has been missed. Even if it continues, it will be too late to sow and grow. The war is really cruel."

"What should we do?"

"In order to fulfill Lord Ironsa's order, let this batch of grain be mortgaged to the Valen Grain Company at the market price of previous years, and let the Valen Grain Company allocate funds at a ratio of three. Those farmers can use the land as collateral to obtain the grain from the Valen Grain Company. The company got a one-year low-interest loan to help them tide over the difficulties and at least have a meal. The general land mortgage outside is only 4% of the value. This time, for the sake of their difficulty, let them give [-]%. "

The clerk admired in his heart, but the mayor’s heart was dark. Those farmers couldn’t save a single penny except food. No matter how much money they got in loans, they would not have a penny left in the coming year at the current price. Warren Grain Company It is the property of the mayor's family.

This batch of returned grain was not worth a lot of money, but under the mayor's means, a lot of land was leveraged.

She is a role model for me!

Just as the secretary was about to say something, suddenly, the sky outside the window suddenly darkened.

The two thought it was dark clouds covering the sun, but then they heard the noise in the city.

The mayor hurried to the window sill and looked around the railing.

Above the sky, there was a strange man with wings on his back, holding a strange box in his hand at a very high position.

The light red light shot out from that strange box, unexpectedly covering the whole Saqin inside.

In the sky, Hu Hang, the captain of the Yuezhou Special Affairs Section, manipulated the things in his hands.

No. 0723 Enlightenment Spirit Object.

Soon, the mayor realized that this person might have something to do with the war on the front lines.

Counting the time, Hessein's invincible army should have already started fighting. Could it be that those Kyushu people are planning to attack from behind when the frontal battlefield is unfavorable?

But how could it be so fast, you must know that this is Far East Zone 2, and it is still far from the main battlefield!
More and more people discovered this change, walked out of their homes, and looked towards the sky.

Some people living on the edge of the city worried that the red light was some kind of prison, but they found that it did not prevent them from leaving, but only covered Saqin with a half-closed hood.

Soon, an image actually appeared on the huge cover.

It's like a living canvas.

Or a phantom in a dream.

No one had ever seen such a scene, and the exclamation resounded through Saqin.

It was soon recognized that what appeared on the screen was Hessein's army, their invincible army.

Some people thought they were clever and analyzed: "It must be the local gentlemen who want to use this method to let us see the heroic appearance of the frontline army. I didn't expect this kind of technology in the local area. Let alone, I will set off tomorrow to become a militia , go to Kyushu to make a fortune!"

There are not a few people who have such an idea, even the mayor thinks so, thinking that this is the latest local technology.

But soon they learn that they are wrong, and wrong very much.

First, unknown objects flew from the sky, and then a terrifying fireball exploded in the army, thousands of people were wiped out without any preparation.

Cries in Hissine echoed throughout the city.

Immediately suppressed the whispers of the citizens.

More flames, terrifying explosions, flying flesh and blood, and the discomfited Hessein army.

All kinds of desperate scenes continued to wash away their cognition, and the brains of the Xisaiyin seemed to have stopped functioning, and they could only stand there blankly.

Different battlefields, different terrains, different perspectives, but the same horrific scene was staged. They even saw the special carriage of the Archon Elunsa, which the Hisain people called a "mobile palace", in the light of the fire. Flying into the sky.The mayor broke into a cold sweat.
He didn't want to believe that all of this was true, but he didn't know how to refute this weird method.

As soon as the scene changed, the Consul Lord Ironsa was captured by an old Kyushu man dressed in sackcloth like a dead dog, while the entire Hessein army fled in embarrassment under the chase of the flying steel bird.

The entire video lasted nearly 10 minutes.

In the end, the screen went dark, replaced by a voice in Hessein, somehow, it was able to be heard by the whole city.

"Hissein's army has been destroyed, and your consul has been captured. We will destroy the following buildings in 10 minutes, and irrelevant personnel and civilians will evacuate immediately."

A picture appeared on the mask again. It was a top view of Saqin City. Even the mayor had never seen Saqin from this angle. There were 7 red circles drawn in it, marking 7 places that were about to be destroyed.

Research institutes, military camps, warehouses.
It contains almost all the important facilities of the Hessein military.

This picture has not changed since it appeared, as if it was for the people below to see clearly clearly.

Immediately someone shouted: "Impossible! This is a Kyushu conspiracy! They want to shake us! Hisain's army is invincible!"

There are armed forces staying in Saqin City, trying to design towards the winged figure above the sky, but even with the aid of prosthetic eyes, the height is beyond the reach of guns.

In the city hall, the clerk was in a cold sweat: "My lord mayor. Is this true?"

The fat mayor trembled and said: "It's impossible, impossible. I don't know."

He was originally a blond-haired person born in the local area, and he was also a noble with a powerful family. He naturally knew that there was no such technology in the local area, so that people in the whole city could see this vivid picture.

But the worldview he had built over the past few decades made him unwilling to believe that these were created by people from Kyushu, nor did he want to believe that these pictures were real.

The picture of the sky hung for nearly 10 minutes, allowing various thoughts to ferment in Saqin City.

Among those marked buildings, some people left the place in doubt, but some military figures gritted their teeth and just kept asking people to find out what was going on.

Finally, at 9 minutes, the scene in the sky closed, and the voice with wings took the big box and flew away.

"He's gone! Sure enough, he's trying to scare us!"

"That's right! Hisain's army is invincible. How stupid I was, I was almost fooled by the enemy."

However, their clamor soon fell silent.

An unfamiliar hum came from the sky.

Dozens of things that have never been seen before flew towards them at a rapid speed. It was the steel monster bird in the picture just now!

Even bigger and fly higher.

The mayor murmured: "Is there really such a thing?"

The bomber opened the bomb port, and bombs fell one by one.

People in Xisai saw a series of black dots falling, and then there were violent noises from all directions in Saqin City.

Those buildings that belonged to the military and were tightly guarded in the past were bombed into the sky amidst the black smoke and roar.

The whole Saqin could clearly feel the tremor of the ground.

This city is dumbfounded.

No matter how unbelievable it is, they can only let them digest it slowly.

In the municipal government building, the clerk struggled to keep himself from collapsing to the ground: "Mr. Mayor, what should we do?"

The mayor opened his mouth and said after a while, "I remember that there is a Kyushu language dictionary from more than 100 years ago in the study?"


"Hurry and get it. I want to familiarize myself with the future working methods in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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