I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 320 Saqin is very moist

Chapter 320 Saqin is very moist
Mayor Saqin is indeed a talented person. In just half an hour, his mind has already turned around 81 times.

As expected of King Sein's interested mind.

From the content of the screen on the hood, he quickly judged the gap between Hessein and Kyushu, which may have reached an incomprehensible level, although it is not clear how Kyushu did it.

Then the sequelae of this war may not only end with the annihilation of the entire army in the Eastern Expedition.
People from Kyushu will come to Saqin for deterrence, which means that they have already set their sights on this place.

At first he wanted to run.

But he can't run.

Most of his wealth comes from the land in the Far East, and most of his power comes from various subordinates in Saqin, the largest city in the Far East, and family members placed in various positions.

Sitting here, he is the most powerful person in the Far East, the overlord of Saqin, but if he leaves here and flees back to the mainland, he is just a bereaved dog who has lost everything.

The glory of Hessein is always dazzling, but his own glory is more important in comparison.

It is impossible for him to deal with the Kyushu people who cannot be dealt with by an army of 10,000+, but he can surrender before Kyushu shoots the first bullet.

And Kyushu's next actions are indeed very similar to what he imagined.

It is difficult to deal with completely unfamiliar races, especially races with no basis for mutual understanding and language barriers.

Although the Far East is vast and sparsely populated, there are still a large number of settlements dominated by Li Fa and the third class. Even though they may have never been to other places in their entire lives and have been squeezed for a lifetime, they still agree in their hearts that they belong to "Hissein" "of.

If Kyushu wants to take all the land in the Far East, the first problem is to deal with these people.

Apart from mass killings, the only feasible solution is to support a "former Hissein" force from within the Far East and manage it through their influence and tentacles.

So when more than 100 heavily armed Kyushu people arrived at Saqin, the mayor ran off and greeted them at the gate of the city.

And when Ye Da pointed the stick at the mayor of Saqin, the other party gave him the brightest smile.

Then said in the worst Kyushu language: "Kyushu! Leverage!"

The group of people exchanged glances. The fat man still spoke Guanzhou dialect.
Unfortunately, the mayor dug out an antique dictionary from more than 100 years ago, but how could he learn a language in a few days? It was the complicated Kyushu language, and he only memorized a few words by rote.

Even the mayor suspected that this dictionary was full of errors, and it was probably published just to cheat money. Anyway, few Xisaiyin people would really want to learn Kyushu language.

Ye Da looked at the smiling fat man in front of him, and said, "Do you speak Kyushu?"

Mayor: "I, Wiggins, work as the mayor, Kyushu! Great job!"

Ye Da rolled his eyes: "You still speak the Hissein language."

The mayor was not discouraged either, at least he showed his attitude to satisfy the adults of Kyushu.

The first stop of Ye Da and his party is "Saqin", the largest city in the Far East.

Although in the eyes of Kyushu people, this place is considered a town or a county.

Saqin is located in the second district of the Far East. Conquering this place can be used as a bridgehead for the second phase, and it can also be used to build an airport to overlook the local area of ​​Hisain, which has strong strategic significance.

Originally, their job was to eliminate the remaining military forces or diehards in the city of "Saqin" and lay a good foundation for the follow-up receiving team.

But looking at the performance of the fat Mayor Wiggins, it seems that there is no need to clear anything, and even the subsequent reception work can be done casually.

Wiggins is fat and fat, but he still wears the most formal Chinese clothes. In the early spring season, there is already sweat on his face, and he led a group of Kyushu adults inside.

Sa Qincheng, in the previous three days, many things happened.

First of all, among the remaining military personnel, there are many people who do not believe in evil. They insist that everything is a trick of Kyushu. It is impossible for Xisayin's invincible army to be completely wiped out, and they have to go to the front line for support.There are quite a few people in this group, either because they have colleagues or relatives on the front line, or because of their own interests.

For this group of people, the mayor did not stop them, and even provided some food and grass, and sent two collateral members of the family to assist them.

And there were some unbelieving militiamen who went with them. After these two types of people left, there would be no more thorns in Saqin City. Even if he was a man of one word, he had enough prestige among the people.

Wiggins is making two-handed preparations, unifying his voice internally, ensuring his status and safety, and constantly sending trusted people to investigate the traces of the Kyushu people.

Wherever people come, he is from that side.

Sure enough, the people who arrived were from Kyushu.

He was able to meet him outside the city because the people below rode back to inform him after seeing the helicopter landed outside.

Ye Da and the others didn't make things difficult for this wonderful mayor. Even if they set up an archway, they should praise Wiggins a little higher.

And Wiggins quickly showed his sincerity, presented the basic information of Saqin City, and hosted a banquet.

East and West Kyushu did not eat, they were not that stupid, but directly requisitioned the city hall, and held a meeting while checking the information.

A group of people discussed for a while. Although the first soldier of the "Sharp Knife Project" was bloodless, the next plan still needs to be carried out.

Captain Hu Hang, who owns the "Phantom Wings", is carrying the No. 0723 spiritual object called "Global Projector", and has already "roadshowed" in various cities in Hessein. More than 100 of them came to Saqin just to drop in, and there is no need Stay too long.

In the end, 20 people were left to assist the reception of the follow-up troops and ensure that Wiggins did not cheat. The others will continue to the east of Hessein.

There is an area that the Kyushu Air Force cannot threaten for the time being, and the task is even heavier.

"My lords, please understand my concerns, but as the mayor of Saqin, I am always responsible for the safety of hundreds of thousands of civilians. Will the Kyushu side really treat me and the Hessein people kindly in the future?"

Ye Da glanced at the other party. This guy obviously paid more attention to his own future, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a successful investment, but he still had to talk about the scene.

"Don't worry, Kyushu won't interfere with most people's lives, and they don't have this interest."

In the situation of the fourth class of Lifa in the Far East, there is no point in oppressing Kyushu. Is it just to grab the wheat in their hands?At most, they should be softened from the point of view of consciousness. In terms of actual living standards, not to interfere is the best result, otherwise there will be countless hungry mouths.

The appearance of Saqin City fully exposed Hisain's weakness and division. The positions of the upper class and the lower class are naturally incompatible. When there is no external pressure and no opponents in the game, these hidden dangers are temporarily safe.

But when Kyushu came, many things were stimulated. The upper class far away from the native land, without the constraints of the military, should be more "docile" than originally imagined.

And those upper classes in the east and even in the local area may not have a strong waist. They will prioritize the survival of their own class, and then think of Hisain's integrity.

Saqin's special situation was quickly reported to Kyushu officials, who were naturally happy about it, and sent a lot of people by helicopter that night.

Three days later, part of Hisaiyin's defeated army came to Saqin. When they saw the Kyushu people with live ammunition outside the city gate, they thought they were lost.

Wiggins stepped forward in place of Kyushu and received this wave of hundreds of defeated troops. Almost all of them were Golly cavalry. They would be captured and armed as prisoners of war, but they saved their lives anyway, and there was no need to run away in a hurry.

This is also Kyushu's test for Wiggins, to see if he is as useful as he said. .

Ye Da and others worked in Saqin for a few days, and the convoy that laid the military airport arrived here. After another two days, there was already a runway that could barely allow the plane to land. Ye Da and others watched in Wiggins With a fairy-like expression, he left the No. [-] city in the Far East and went to the depths of Hessein.

The next job is not so soft.

And the follow-up impact of Hisai's defeat in the war gradually fermented.

(End of this chapter)

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