Chapter 321 Seinland
"What? Our army to the Far East was defeated?"

It has been a week since the missiles wiped out Hessein and the consul Ilunsa was captured.

The defeated army of tens of thousands, in addition to those who fled back to the town, must have also run towards the east. When the news of the defeat was brought back, many people did not believe it at first.

But they couldn't help but believe it, and soon a red light shrouded the city, looping the tragic scene of the destruction of the Hessein army, and then marking the places that would be destroyed, and the air force with the Saqin as the pedal would blast them at fixed points.

The only difference from the Far East is that Kyushu will no longer send manpower to receive it. The eastern region of Xisayin is too far away from Kyushu, the natural resources are inferior, and the population is much larger, which is too troublesome.

"Roadshow" and "bombing" are completely a deterrent, and by the way, weaken Hissein's war potential.

Kyushu's behavior is relatively restrained, and it will deliberately avoid civilian casualties, but those military facilities are not so lucky, and they explode one by one.

"Silence! Silence!"

The capital of Hessein, Seinland, means the land of Saiin. At this time, the upper class is falling into a kind of confusion and absurdity.

In the political hall known as the Heart of Hisaime, a group of blond people were arguing fiercely. No matter how the host smashed the gavel, no one responded.

"What we are discussing now is not whether the frontline army was defeated. This is already a cruel but irrefutable fact. We are discussing what to do next!"

A man with the appearance of a general stood up and said in a loud voice: "Does that matter? Of course, it is to organize the elite forces to let those despicable fourth-class people know how arrogant they are! Smash their army and slaughter their troops!" Race, restore the glory of Hessein!"

Immediately, several generals also in military uniform stood up to express their support.

Although judging from the feedback from the front line, many people have not digested the fact that Hisain's army was wiped out without even touching the enemy's fingers, but after all, Hessein has been invincible for hundreds of years. Arrogance still reigns supreme.

Of the 15 troops in the first Eastern Expedition, only 8 were local elites, who were considered to be armed with combat effectiveness. In theory, there were still nearly 80 elite troops in the local area. Many people believed that there was still hope.

Especially the military force headed by the army played an important role in instigating the first Eastern Expedition. If the flags die down now, I don’t know how many generals will become victims of the struggle, and they can’t help them pretending to be dumb.

But soon another person stood up and said: "Everyone, even if you want to fight, you must first figure out how to fight. How can we deal with that kind of iron bird in the sky? Even the most powerful Carter behemoth cannot attack that Such a height, not to mention that kind of terrifying bomb."

Soon there was another quarrel in the political hall.

"Cough cough!"

Suddenly, an old man stood up in the noisy council hall, and everyone fell silent after he got up.

This is the oldest and most powerful aristocratic patriarch in Hessein. There have been 6 consuls in the family. The last consul, Field, came from the Erich family.

"Everyone, have you forgotten that the most important thing is to first determine the safety of Lady Ironsa?"

The Erich family is one of the vests of the three kings of Saiyin. The three most powerful old nobles in Sisayin were all founded by the three regents. This old man is naturally also the Saiyin family, but he usually Pretend to be a blonde.

Compared with others, he or the Saiyins naturally cared more about the situation of Lady Ilunsa.

In the end, there was no result in the debate. The chaotic Xisayin senior officials were not so quick to unify their voices, and not everyone put the rescue of "Elunsa" first.Three hours later, the aristocratic old man took a carriage to a manor, where he met "Field", one of the three regents. Since he had just abdicated, he could not fade away from the stage so quickly. Generally speaking, he had to continue to act like this. The identity will exist for about 10 years, and then he will re-enter the senior management of Xisayn with a new identity.

Field, who looked in his fifties, like an old lion with no complacency, was enjoying his lunch.

The noble old man knelt down on the ground as soon as he met, and said respectfully: "My lord, the political meeting is over, but there is no result, and the rescue of Lord Yilunsha has not yet been concluded."

Field sighed and said: "It seems that they have forgotten the original meaning of their existence, which is to worship Sain."

The three regents have supported each other for hundreds of years, and they have all the feelings they should have and the friendship they shouldn't have. The remaining two cannot sit back and watch Ironsa be captured. In Seinland, it is convenient to unify the overall situation, and the previous consul "Lechner" who has already taken off his vest has already taken a strong Sein to the Far East to save people.

Regarding Kyushu's toughness, Field only heard a few words from the report, and he still has confidence in Hessein's martial arts. He is going to let those people dance for a few days first, and then come out to clean up the overall situation. By the way, those who danced the most happily Guy Makes His Own Dinner.

And the local army is still gathering in secret. This time, in order to rescue Ironsa, he will attack with all his might.

The naval power of the [-]th district of the Far East has already set off to patrol outside the gray fog, looking for the possibility of entering the gray fog. The warrior clansman in Saiyin, various treasures accumulated over hundreds of years, and even some trump cards that have never shown up, All have been dug out one by one.

Hisaiyin has to fulfill its mission, that is, it exists for Saiyin.

As night fell, a winged figure appeared in the sky above Seinland. Hu Hang did the same and activated the No. 0723 enlightenment object, showing the tragedy of their frontline troops to the capital of Hessein.

Since Seinlander is too big, even the "Global Projector" cannot cover it completely, so that the peripheral areas can only see these pictures from the outside to the inside, which will cause distortion in the eyes.

Well. They shouldn't mind, it's a free movie after all.

Not surprisingly, everyone in Seinland was shocked, and only some high-level people knew that this was not the first time this had happened.

In the past week, many cities in the east were lucky enough to see this scene, but the news was blocked by the upper echelons.

When the flames tore apart the Hessein elite one by one, the bloody and terrifying scene caused countless people to fight each other, and some noble ladies even fainted.

Field came to the balcony of the manor, with no expression on his face, and said quietly: "You came so quickly."

There was no anger on his face, and this shouldn't easily appear in the expression system of a long-lived species.

But when he saw Yi Lunsha's distressed appearance when she was carried by a Kyushu man, she still showed her sharp teeth unconsciously, and there were some animalistic marks on her face.

How to treat Elunsa like this.
He has no impression of the Kyushu native who defeated Ironsa.

150 years ago, a strong man appeared on the battlefield of the Eastern Expedition, which caused a lot of losses to Hessein. However, at that time, the three kings of Saiin did not go to the front line. Later, they realized that the other party was too strong. When they were about to work together to find out, the wall of gray fog rose again.

maybe the same person
Ten minutes later, the images in the sky came to an end. Field suddenly frowned and said, "There are mice coming in. There are quite a few of them."

(End of this chapter)

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