I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 322 Don't Panic, Come Immediately

Chapter 322 Don't Panic, Come Immediately
Ye Da adjusted his clothes one last time, took out the tactical watch on his wrist, and then looked back at the 13 people and 1 board behind him.

Wang Weiwen, Liu Xiaoqian, Ren Shilin, Li Zifeng, a dump truck, and 9 zombies.

The extra zombie was buried in the ground by him in case of emergency.

It is worth mentioning that all zombies have a metal long stick in their hands, and they are dressed in the same black combat uniforms as other living people.

"Check the table."


At this time, they were in the outskirts of Seinland, and they had sneaked into the mainland from the east of Hessein before. With Liu Xiaoqian's illusion ability, they were not discovered by anyone along the way.

There are 9 other teams arriving with them, and they are about to enter the capital of Hessein in different directions and in different ways.

They also saw the red light cover in the sky, and when the red light cover completed the "road show", it was a signal that they were about to act.

"Then everyone, let's make a fuss!"

Li Zifeng nodded, and immediately held his "Zhangba sniper rifle" and squatted on the chatterbox skateboard. Liu Xiaoqian dragged them up to a height of 2 kilometers. Cruising at this height, it provides powerful fire support.

Li Zifeng was dressed in black, and his skateboards and firearms were also camouflaged in black, making it extremely difficult to spot.

When Liu Xiaoqian landed and came back, Ye Da took the lead and operated 9 zombies to follow at the same time, Wang Weiwen and Liu Xiaoqian followed to the left and right, and Ren Shilin hid among the zombies.

Ren Shilin's ability is indispensable, but he is also the best, which can protect his safety.

He swallowed his saliva because he was pretending to be a zombie. He already knew that these expressionless guys were Ye Da's "powerful corpses controlled by using the mysterious water method to control body fluids". Although he absolutely believed in the captain's moral level, Still a little terrified.

The group's first goal was a research institute located in the southeast of Seinland.

According to the confession of the captives in the Far East, it was one of the research and development institutions of the Carter Behemoth.

The Carter Behemoth is the biggest technological crystallization of Hessein in the past few decades. It must be produced by more than one organization, but none of them are very important.

Under the cover of illusion, Ye Da and his party quickly approached the target.

As the capital of Hissein, even the suburbs are full of people. The city is full of buildings similar to the "Victorian" style of the previous life, and there is a touch of mystery.

The dark buildings are full of exotic style, especially under the night. The stone roads on the ground reflect dirty light due to the dew, and the open-air gutters are full of insects and rats.

When passing by a residential building, the dimly lit window on the second floor opened, and a middle-aged woman poured down a turbid, foul-smelling solid-liquid mixture, which fell in front of Ye Da, splashing water droplets several meters away.

Ye Da's hairs stood on end in fright, did this mother empty the toilet on the road in the middle of the night?
If he gets wet all over, he can only retreat first!
Ye Da chose to take a detour without saying a word, and then whenever he passed a place with bright windows, he would subconsciously raise his head and be vigilant.

Occasionally they would encounter a few night watchmen, and since they were not sure whether these people also had a certain degree of transcendence, they all carefully avoided them.

Although satellites have been monitoring the capital of Hessein for some years, after all, it is impossible to understand the inner core of Hessein’s social operation by relying on pictures alone. We should not take it for granted, otherwise it will be easy to make jokes like "I am a friend from the north".

This away raid has a lot of uncertainty.

Finally, after a 20-minute journey, the group arrived not far from the institute located in the suburb of Seinland.

Ye Da told everyone to stop and looked at his watch. It was half an hour before the appointed time.

This period of time is reserved for them to collect information, and then the teams will work together to implement the sabotage plan.

But obviously, their existence should have been discovered.Groups of soldiers are rushing around the institute, and they are obviously dispatched here urgently.

The main one is the "Watcher", which is half a level higher than the "Watcher" in intelligence. It can be understood as the city version of the Watcher. The focus of the transformation is different, but it is not too strong.

There are also some special armed forces who wear black windbreakers and are covered in hoods. The prisoners of war call them "blades". They are extraordinary armed forces that focus on speed and cold weapons.

And Ye Da is very familiar with it. The whole body is wrapped in armor, and the gaps are full of gears. The appearance is more advanced than what Ye Da saw in his memory. It may be an alienated version in the city.

Li Zifeng's observation results from extremely far away were also transmitted to Ye Da's ears through the earphones: "The total number of people is about 300, and the number is still increasing. No silver-haired targets have been found yet."

Obviously, either because of the previous encounters between the East and the Far East, or because of something that could identify intruders, Seinlander is already preventing Kyushu from attacking various important facilities.

But it doesn't matter, compared to sneaking cold guns to engage guerrillas, the deterrent effect of storming and sabotage is stronger, which is why Hu Hang used the "road show" method to preview all the way.

"I guess the possibility of obtaining the research materials is not very high, but we still need to try. Wang Weiwen and Liu Xiaoqian, you two sneak in to try your luck. You don't have to force it. You should return within half an hour. If there is any situation, you can communicate by radio at any time."

Ye Da can't go by himself, because he needs to control up to 9 zombies to respond outside, and both Wang Weiwen and Liu Xiaoqian have certain illusion and confusing abilities, so they should be safe.

Ye Da wrote a few lines on Wang Weiwen's left hand. Wang Weiwen nodded and put his hands together. A sound-proof area was formed around his body. Liu Xiaoqian then used illusion to cover them up, and the two of them disappeared into the air.

Ye Da led the others and hid in an abandoned courtyard 200 meters away from the target.

Seeing Ren Shilin rubbing his hands constantly, Ye Da asked, "Are you nervous?"

Ren Shilin shook his head: "Do these teammates have no body temperature? Why am I getting colder and colder when I am crowded in a crowd?"

It should be caused by a small amount of escaping Yin Qi.

After a long time, it may also cause physical weakness, kidney deficiency, and insufficient essence and yang.

Hmm. Not very important.

After 10 minutes, the voices of Wang Weiwen and Li Zifeng came from the earphones.

Wang Weiwen: "We have entered the interior, there are many guards, and we are looking for a place where information may be stored."

Li Zifeng: "I have confirmed three suitable demolition points, and now fly to the other side to observe the blind spots that may appear. Captain, be careful, your position is safe now."

Ye Da responded softly, then continued to look at his watch.

The goals of the ten teams are far and near, and the difficulty is also different. Ye Da and the others calculated early, and the other nine teams should not be in place yet.

After another 5 minutes, things developed unexpectedly.

The sound of fighting came from the research institute. It didn't sound violent, but the frequency was very high.

A large number of Xisaiyin armed forces went inward for support.

Wang Weiwen's slightly hasty voice came from the earphones.

"Encountered an unknown unit that can blend into the darkness! It has been discovered, and the theft of information has failed."

Ye Da put away his watch and said in a deep voice, "Don't panic, I'll be here right away."

(End of this chapter)

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