I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 323 Do you know how scary you were just now? !

Chapter 323 Do you know how scary you were just now? !
"Someone sneaked in! The 'Nightcrawler' found the target! Teams 1, 4, and 6 went in to support, and the others stood by!"

Outside the research institute, Hessein's troops are rapidly deploying, and one of them, who looks like a military officer, is chirping with him.

There is no way, there is no advanced communication device, no matter how stylishly dressed, the command is mainly based on roar, supplemented by hands.

Since they had already seen the red mask image in the sky, the officers and soldiers had no complaints about being called up in the middle of the night. Everyone was highly concentrated and holding back their energy, preparing to give a good look to the possible intruders.

The tragic images of the Far East frightened many people, but also made many people feel the same hatred.

Unexpectedly, it was really guessed by the chief above. Not long after the soldiers arrived, the "Night Walker" hidden in the research institute discovered something.

"Nightwalker" is a very special extraordinary weapon of Hessein. They can completely dissolve in the shadows, be silent, and have extremely advanced detection-oriented modifications. This kind of guy is basically meaningless on the frontal battlefield, but He is good at performing special tasks in the city, and has long played the role of "agent" in Xisaiyin, helping Xisaiin's senior management to monitor everything.

The commander officer still had two brushes, knowing that there might be more than two intruders, he didn't rush in with a swarm of people, but instead asked the soldiers to form a guard outside the institute.

Then walk around with manned patrols, looking for other infiltrators.

"Sir, someone is coming over there."

The officer turned his head sharply. The mechanical prosthetic eye provided good night vision, allowing him to see a row of people coming out of the alley in the distance.

It's really a row of people, the kind lined up horizontally.

Because it was too open and aboveboard, the officer had a sense of confusion.

Is this a bunch of drunks?Or a blind gang member?

It wasn't until he got closer and saw clearly that the 11 people there were all unfamiliar faces from Kyushu, and each of them was holding a long stick, that he realized that these should be the people who had sneaked into the country.
No, shouldn't it be an infiltrator?

This is too much swagger!
What kind of gang is this, the Iron Stick Gang? Are you going to fight in groups?
Even the soldiers on the side were stunned by this positive formation.

And the line of people was getting faster and faster.

From walking to running, from running to galloping!

One of the figures naturally hid behind the human wall.

"Shoot! What are you doing in a daze!"

Several watchmen immediately raised their guns to shoot, and at the same time, those figures jumped more than ten meters high, falling into the crowd like big birds.

A Kyushu man who looked like a strong man fell to the ground and disappeared. With a sweep of the stick in his hand, several soldiers flew out.

The soldier beside him fired immediately, but it made a sound like beating leather when he hit the man. The strong man didn't realize it, and pierced him with a stick.

More weird stick-wielding men rushed in, like a tiger among a herd of sheep.

A few "Blades" in windbreakers waved their hands, and two blades linked to their arms protruded from their long sleeves, swimming through the crowd like fish, and facing the group of weirdos.

They were extremely fast, and they swung out a knife during the attack.

But it doesn't work well.

The combat uniforms on the zombies were already anti-cutting, not to mention the inner body. This handsome knife only cut off a tear in the clothes.

"how is this possible!"

The "blade" was stunned for a moment, and then he was hit on the temple with a stick.

The metal-armored soldier spewed out scorching flames, but he was a little clumsy in the melee.

Although jumping into the crowd made every zombie besieged by dozens of people, it also avoided being suppressed by the firepower of queuing up and shooting, which made Xisaiyin's formation chaotic and even accidentally injured.

The officer stood on the outside, thinking quickly through the human wall. This group of people didn't seem to want to invade the research institute at all, and they didn't rush in at all. Instead, they focused on eliminating the Hessein soldiers.

The formation is chaotic and the enemy's defense is amazing. If this continues, it is really possible that 300 people will be defeated by 10 people.

No, a breakthrough must be found.

Officer Hessein has no weaklings, even if his actual combat ability will be a little weaker due to slack, but each of them is a higher-level transcendent. This officer himself was promoted from "Blade". He looked around the battlefield, looking for possibilities. Opportunity.

Suddenly, he saw that among the group of people who rushed in, although everyone was holding long sticks and wearing black clothes, they seemed to be strong or weak.

One of them looks the youngest and looks the weakest. Not only is he not as tall as those strong men, but he is also often distracted. From time to time, there will be a little blockage in his movements. Even his body doesn't seem to be that tough, unlike the other few. Don't care about getting hurt at all.

This is the breakthrough!

He firmly believes!
Kill one first to let the panicked soldiers know that these enemies are not invincible!The officer did not hesitate, showing off the "blade" footwork he had perfected for 20 years, and twisted away like a drill.

When the surrounding soldiers saw the chief showing off his power, they gave way one after another.

"It's Major Bellaby!"

"There it is, Major Bellaby's butterfly gait!"

The officer's double swords form a death point in front.

"Go to hell!"

This loud drink shocked the spirits of the surrounding chaotic soldiers.

He also woke up Ye Da, who was a bit stuck in his body.

Ye Da turned around abruptly.

What the hell? !

Then with a wave of his hand, six stone needles flew out, flying up and down, piercing the rushing figure into a sieve.

I was shocked, it turned out to be a soldier
Ye Da calmed down and continued to paddle while controlling all the zombies.

The Xisaiin soldier was obviously stagnant and exclaimed something. Ye Da couldn't distinguish it. He was a little confused now.
I didn't expect the resistance of this group of soldiers. I don't know why it became more and more chaotic, and Ye Da's pressure became less and less. After killing nearly 100 people, the rest began to retreat and fight, and most of them rushed into the Institute, a small part is spread out towards the two sides.

After all, it was a local battle, and Hisain's soldiers would not easily desert, but the lack of command, the chaotic situation of the battle, and their disadvantage made them have to look for new opportunities to regroup.

Hissein's tradition of "high-ranking military officer" equaling "high-ranking extraordinary" has given him a certain degree of fairness during the 100 years of stagnation, but it has brought many disadvantages.

In the past, Hessein was invincible, and the commander's rush represented bravery, morale and glory.

Now at a disadvantage, the commander can easily wipe himself out.

The Xisain soldiers at the main entrance of the institute gradually retreated, and Ren Shilin, who had been hiding behind, popped up: "Shouldn't we sneak in?"

"Killing all witnesses is the best way to sneak in."

In fact, Ye Da couldn't handle it so finely, controlling ten zombies to sneak into a place guarded by hundreds of people.

It's not as good as a wave of A in the past.

Ye Da counted the losses.

Well. No loss.

Ren Shilin looked at the open door and said, "Is it time for me to play?"

Ye Da said: "Don't worry."

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the main entrance, he saw a young man in aristocratic attire, holding a foil sword, standing proudly under the moon, as if he was waiting for his prey to come.

Although the other party had yellow hair at this time, Ye Da still asked, "Sayne?"

The young man was extremely handsome. He opened his thin lips lightly, took off his gloves, and pointed a foil sword at Ye Da from a distance: "I didn't expect that a despicable fourth-class person could actually know the name of our Saiin. Those losers can actually know my name." You are just ten enemies who cannot stop you, and I am afraid you would have forgotten the glory of Hissain, if I hadn't come in the middle of the night."

Ye Da didn't want to listen to nonsense, so he turned on his earphones and said, "Lao Li, shoot."

"Boom!" There was a loud noise!
Half of that handsome young man's head exploded directly.

Ye Da rushed out with a stride, grabbing the remaining half of the opponent's head with his left hand, and the powerful ability of the "Jiantian Incense Burner" had already been activated before the splattered flesh and blood had time to recover.

The handsome young man twitched crazily like an electric shock, like a bullfrog stepping on a cable, sucked into a corpse after a few breaths.

Ye Da weighed the amount of life force he bought.

"Sayne is so weak, he still likes to pretend to be someone else, newborn?"

Ye Da shook his hands and looked at the bewildered Ren Shilin.

"Now it's your turn to play."

Ren Shilin: Captain, do you know how terrifying you were just now! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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