I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 324 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 324 The Uninvited Guest

While controlling the zombies, Ye Da expelled the soldiers near the main entrance, walked in, tapped his earphones and said, "Old Wang, how is your side?"

Wang Weiwen said: "A few enemies have been dealt with, but it seems that a lot of people have come in, and the plan to steal information has failed."

"It doesn't matter. It's just a shot if there is no date. Let's back out and meet up. I'm at the main gate, ready to execute the sabotage plan."


Ye Da contacted Li Zifeng in mid-air again: "Where is the first demolition point?"

"A total of 8, and one is at two o'clock in front of you on the right."

Li Zifeng has a B-level "geometry sensitivity". In addition to playing a great role as a sniper and lookout, with a certain amount of structural knowledge, he can discover the key structural points of buildings.

In the case of a small number, it can make the building lose its support and balance, achieving an effect close to that of directional blasting.

The buildings in Hessein are generally not tall and relatively solid, so more points are needed.

Ye Da greeted Ren Shilin to go in the designated direction, 8 zombies scattered to ensure a safe range, and one to protect Ren Shilin.

After about 200 meters, we came to a corner of the main building of the Institute, which resembles a corridor structure.

If Ye Da is allowed to go up, he can also do some damage through brute force, but the degree of thoroughness will be far inferior to that of Ren Shilin.

Ren Shilin nodded, and pressed his hands on the ground. After a while, all the surrounding earth and rocks surged, and the entire corridor structure shook at first, and then quickly broke and fell apart.

In order to prevent the waste from forming a support, Ren Shilin also moved the broken earth and rocks aside.

Li Zifeng: "This point is ok, the next one is in your direction at 12 o'clock, 100 meters away, and all the columns will be removed."

At this time, the soldiers of Hessein seemed to be under effective command again, and it seemed that a certain officer stood up and approached here.

Ye Da relied on remote control of the zombies to ensure that no one interfered with Ren Shilin, and soon Wang Weiwen and Ye Da joined Ye Da and the others under Li Zifeng's guidance.

There were no accidents in the battle part. Ren Shilin, who was the weakest, was closely protected, and the others were not weak. Although it was difficult to annihilate all the Xisaiin soldiers, their actions were also difficult to stop.

In the middle, it also entered the interior of the institute, destroying two load-bearing walls on the first floor.

Soon they came to the last demolition point. Li Zifeng said: "About 300 soldiers gathered at the main gate, and they were preparing to catch turtles in jars to surround the people. They had to leave as soon as they were done. Ren Shilin destroyed the demolition in front of him with a 70° oblique plane. Wall."

Ren Shilin put his hands on the ground, hesitantly said: "Can this destroy this research institute?"

After all, this is a building of thousands of square meters, and the part he destroyed may only be 3% based on the area.

Li Zifeng: "Believe me, the time to witness a miracle has come."

As the last wall was destroyed, the entire 5-storey building and thousands of square meters of research institute groaned overwhelmed and gradually tilted to one side.

Everyone ran away quickly, and a large number of Hessein soldiers chased after them. They saw the changes in the research institute and stayed on the spot.

With a long series of loud noises, the entire research institute collapsed inward, and countless dust swept across the ground in an instant.

In the smoke, Ye Da made a decisive decision: "Just as a cover, withdraw!"

This is Seinlander, there is no end to killing people, so if you succeed, quickly withdraw and go to the next target.

Almost front and back, some important facilities in Seinland were destroyed, either destroyed by explosions, or engulfed in flames, which made the already restless Xisaiyan completely sleepless.

The King of Sein, Field, looked at the soaring flames in the far distance, his eyes were deep, and the anger was hidden in his eyes.

The old aristocratic man on the side said worriedly: "Sir, those guys are very familiar with Sainland for some reason. They may have infiltrated in through some means. Is it necessary to ask the tribesmen to dispatch too? Otherwise, I am afraid that ordinary soldiers alone will suffer losses." "

He wanted to say that the loss could not be afforded, but felt that this would anger Field.

But those places are Hissain's most important facilities, research institutes, weapons depots, and administrative agencies.
After this night, even if all the infiltrators were finally wiped out, Xisaiin would still be exhausted and his face would be ruined.
Field snorted coldly, is he angry?Nature.

But more is puzzled.

With hundreds of years of accumulated wisdom and experience, it was not difficult for him to judge that Xisayin had no advantage at all when facing Kyushu.His best hope is to rescue Elunsa, then temporarily give up actual control of the Far East, and use the number of Xisaiin's troops to engage in a protracted tug-of-war with Kyushu.

As for flattening Kyushu?His reason told him that it was impossible.

Why did the invincible Hessein turn into this situation of internal and external difficulties in just one month.

Maybe every lonely dynasty will have this kind of confusion and unwillingness when they are suddenly awakened.

But the arrogance accumulated in hundreds of years of life made him unwilling to give up.

He needs something to vent his anger on.

Field turned around sharply, striding towards the arsenal of the mansion.

"grown ups?"

"I'm going to crush these bedbugs with my own hands."

No matter how unfavorable the future situation is, he will kill tonight!
As long as the person who defeated Ironsa from Kyushu doesn't come, he can crush anyone, and the speed will be very fast.

Having lived in a high figure for a hundred years, the number of times he did it himself has become less and less, but his strength as a longevity species has not declined.

But when Field walked to the door of the hall, the door opened by itself.

A huge figure shrouded in a hood, with seven or eight people who were also mysteriously dressed behind him, came uninvited.

Field's pupils shrank, and his anger reached its peak.

He actually appeared in his own mansion? !Few people in the whole of Hessein know where they live.

"Who are you!"

The huge figure at the head took off his hood, revealing a rough face, behind his head was a ponytail almost reaching his waist, and the tip of his hair was slightly blue.

Jiang Hou said in a deep voice in Hisaiyan language: "Those who came to persuade them to surrender."

As Jiang Hou took off his hood, Field suddenly felt a dangerous aura enveloped his whole body.

He hadn't felt this way for hundreds of years. It was the suppression of pure life realm and the intuitive feedback from his body.

Field, who has been invincible for many years, once again fell into a sense of absurdity. Now there are so many people who are stronger than him?

Why did another one pop up? !

Compared with when Yuezhou had just been promoted to "Superior", Jiang Hou was stronger and his breath became more calm.

He took out a tablet from the hood, clicked on it, and showed Field the picture on it.

"You may not have seen this, but it shouldn't be hard to understand."

On the screen, an unconscious figure was bound by a transparent tentacle-like thing, and he was in a mess.

It was the other king of Saiin who had set off with the elite of Saiin to rescue Ironsa in secret: Laishina.

With just one glance, there were animal signs on Field's face, and the anger almost ignited him.

What made him even more angry was that Saiin actually walked out from behind the huge figure, took off his hood, and revealed a head of silver hair.

"Lord Field, please surrender."

Field: "I didn't expect that there would be a traitor among Sein. Shana, you are a direct descendant of Elunsa!!!"

The female Saine known as Shana shook her head and said: "I have nothing to do with Lord Elunsa's defeat, and I did not participate in the battle with Lord Lechna. Lord Field, you have no chance of winning, no matter what the opponent is. Mr. Jiang, it’s Kyushu... For the continuation of the race, for the survival of Xisaiin, please surrender.”

(End of this chapter)

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