I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 325 The Patriot's Helplessness

Chapter 325 The Patriot's Helplessness
Ye Da wiped the wound on his forehead, gray debris floated back one after another, and the wound healed.

They are on their way to the fourth destination.

It is also the most important goal tonight.

Seinland's council hall.

But on the way, they finally encountered a hard stubble.

An old man in military uniform with a neat beard who looks about 50 years old.

Judging from his attire, he was one of Hissain's generals, and there was even information about this person from the mouths of prisoners of war.

Bradley, Hessein's legendary general.

It is also the only chestnut-haired race among the high-ranking members of Xisaiyin.

This Bradley had gray temples, but he was unusually tall and strong. With a solemn and gorgeous military uniform coat, he blocked Ye Da and his party with a sword one by one.

Ye Da didn't worry too much at first, his side had sufficient combat power, and the previous targets were not in danger, but in one encounter, Bradley killed two zombies.

Although the puppet method has been refined, after all, when controlling zombies, the operation will be discounted. Facing such a powerful enemy, Ye Da knew that he had to be serious. Wang Weiwen and others had already led Ren Shilin to detour. The squad will rendezvous.

Bradley's appearance let Ye Da know that Xisaiyin is not alone, but in this chaotic night, many people choose to wait and see in their mansion.

A common problem of a decaying empire, but this legendary veteran is not included.

Ye Da held a flower stick, pointed at Bradley, and decided to say hello first: "Lao Li, shoot."

There was a soft sound in the distance, and a bullet shot at Bradley's head.

At the critical moment, the general actually reacted, raised his hand and slashed at the bullet with the edge of his sword.

With a loud sound of "Dang", Bradley, with his terrifying strength and insight, knocked the powerful sniper rifle bullet into the air, and slid back several meters by himself.

Li Zifeng's voice came from the earphones: "Fuck!"

This is something neither of them expected, what kind of vision and reaction.

Bradley looked at his slightly bent sword of unknown material, then looked at Li Zifeng's position on the horizon, and frowned: "It's the sky again."

He knew about the defeat on the front line a week ago, and the sporadic feedback of the defeated army became the information he studied day and night, knowing that the biggest disadvantage of Hessein was the suppression of the sky.

But even if he found Li Zifeng's direction, that height was beyond his reach. Bradley raised his caution, and then turned his attention to Ye Da.

"Hissein's glory cannot be tarnished, and you will all be buried here."

Ye Da was unmoved, and instead said to Li Zifeng through the headset: "Hit him, let's see how long his sword can last!"

This is a war, this is a special operation, not the world's number one martial arts conference, Ye Da just wants to quickly deal with this enemy, and then go to blow up Xisaiyin's political hall.

Continuous gunshots came from the sky. Bradley flew 2 shots, dodged 3 shots, and rushed into the building beside him to avoid the shooting from the sky.

The next moment, the legendary general shattered the stone wall and rushed towards Ye Da from the side. The long sword in his hand shone with scorching light and extended for more than several meters.

Ye Da had been prepared for a long time and raised the Xuanshui stick to stop him. With a loud noise, Ye Da finally gained the upper hand in strength, but there was a gap in the Xuanshui stick in his hand. This was the first time that the Xuanshui stick was damaged. .

With a heart move, six stone needles shot towards Bradley, and the opponent's scarlet long sword flew up and down, knocking all the nine Yin stone needles into the air, and split another bullet by the way.

Ye Da didn't see clearly until he got closer. Both eyes of the opponent revealed a strange red light, which was different from those low-level soldiers who looked like mechanical prosthetic eyes. The appearance of these eyes was the same as that of the naked eye, but they were far more powerful.

No wonder it can split stone needles and bullets.

And this old general's fighting technique is also superb to the peak, just relying on a long sword, he can wield it seamlessly, and every step is carefully calculated, like a war machine.

The two had already fought dozens of times. With his terrifying combat experience, Bradley consciously guided the battle group along the surrounding buildings to avoid the threat of the sky as much as possible. During the process, he smashed several buildings. Residential houses, the civilians inside screamed again and again.

Most of a bedroom was knocked down, and there was a fat woman screaming at the top of her voice. This is the area near the political hall. Even the civilians living here are middle-class. They obviously didn't expect that the commotion tonight would spread to Own.

The fat woman's scream almost broke her throat, and both Bradley and Ye Da frowned.Ye Da felt annoyed and signaled Bradley to stop first, then patted the fat woman's plump back and said in Hisensei: "Run quickly! What's the use of just shouting!"

Bradley actually stopped for a moment.

After the fat woman left in a hurry, Bradley took a sword flower and said: "It is admirable to be concerned about civilian casualties, but the enemy of Hessein, death is the only destination."

Ye Da gathered the scattered six stone needles on his back: "Really? I don't believe it."

It's good to hold this guy. At this time, Wang Weiwen and the others should be close to the political hall, and there are other teams.

The night of turmoil has come to an end, even if other people stop it, the hall that carries Hessein's pride will collapse today.

This will be the death knell for Hissein's overall decline and even collapse.

Just when Ye Da was about to untie the restraints of his body and use all his strength.

Under the moonlight, several figures landed on the bell tower nearby.

The arrival of the uninvited guest attracted the attention of Ye Da and Bradley at the same time, and they looked together.

The leader was unusually tall, probably close to [-] meters tall.

Ye Da's eyes widened, realizing something.

Jiang Hou took off his hood and smiled brightly: "I wanted to find someone from the Kyushu side, but I didn't expect it to be you, Xiaoye, don't you come here all right?"

Ye Da looked up, but he wasn't very happy: "Why are you here?"

Jiang Hou flicked the blue ponytail behind his back, shook his head and said with a smile, "In order to promote peace."

Only then did Ye Da notice that most of the people behind Jiang Hou were wearing hoods, but there was a Hessein in gorgeous noble clothes, looking at them with deep eyes.

That person is the king of Sein "Field".

Field looked at Bradley who was fighting complicatedly, and said quietly: "Bradley, you are very loyal but please stop for now."

Bradley naturally recognized the previous consul. He was startled at first, and then sneered: "A resigned consul, what reason do you have to order this old man? Field, are you going to be a traitor to Hessein?"

Field frowned, and this reaction surprised him: "Tomorrow morning, the Council will issue a formal notice that you don't need to resist stubbornly."

Bradley held his sword upright in front of him, and said coldly: "I don't know what kind of private affairs you have reached with these Kyushu people, but what face do traitors have to stand in front of me, bastard!"

Field was furious. Everything tonight was challenging his limits, and he jumped directly from the bell tower.

Jiang Hou folded his arms across his chest, not intending to stop him.

Ye Da changed his mind, and chose to take a few steps back, leaving room for the two Hesseins.

Bradley saw Field jumping down and said in a low voice: "I have long noticed that there is a group of evil-doing beasts lurking in the shadow of Xisayin. I didn't expect that their leader is you. Now even more so. Committed a treasonous act!"

Field laughed angrily, and his figure disappeared suddenly. The next moment, Bradley held the sword in front of him, but the man flew out, smashing down several buildings.

The screams were endless, and Field walked step by step into the ruins: "A dog must have the consciousness of a dog. When the owner doesn't want you to bark, you'd better keep your mouth shut."

What surprised him was that although Bradley's arms were shaking slightly, he still stood upright: "With such strength, he doesn't even want to repay Hisain, but..."

In the ruins, a male Xisaiyin was terrified and waved the mop in his hand indiscriminately.

Field didn't even blink his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he turned the opponent into a splash of flesh and blood.

Bradley spat out a mouthful of blood, the blade of the sword was like a hot iron, and there was faint steam spreading around him, but his eyes became more and more determined.

"The old man only regrets that he didn't discover you beasts in advance. I didn't expect that you would still do such a thing when Hessein was in such danger!"

The anger that Field had accumulated all night could no longer be controlled, and there were traces of animalization on his face: "What should we do, we don't need you, a low-grade third-class human, to beak."

Field's palms have turned into huge claws.
(End of this chapter)

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