I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 326 Hessein Bows His Head

Chapter 326 Hessein Bows His Head

Outside the ruins, Jiang Hou jumped down and landed beside Ye Da.

Ye Da hesitated for a moment, but did not make a defensive posture.

"Is that your purpose?"

Jiang Hou was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said: "It's just a matter of hand, I said, I am not the enemy of Kyushu."

Ye Da crossed his arms and looked at the one-sided battle ahead. He had to say that Bradley was very strong, even stronger than any Saiyin Ye Da had encountered.

But this legendary general is facing hundreds of years of accumulation, and the "extreme" progress bar is stuck at 99.99%, the King of Sain Field.

Bradley fought bloody battles, panting heavily, the long sword in his hand was bent out of shape, and he no longer had the aura he had when he first appeared.

That picture is a bit miserable, especially when the other party is also a Hessein.

This is a pure soldier and a pure patriot, but he chose the wrong object of allegiance.

Ye Da respected such an enemy, so he would not intervene.

Perhaps for him, the greatest relief is to carry out his beliefs and die tonight.

"So what agreement did you reach? The King of Saiin surrendered?"

Jiang Hou scratched his cheek and said: "Although I didn't participate, I can probably guess the strategic goals of Kyushu. I'm afraid I said too little, so I'll talk more."

"However, these Sein, I am afraid that they really don't care about Hessein or human beings. They care more about their own ethnic group. When the interests are inconsistent, these guys will easily melt the knife."

Yes, Bradley is the knife that was abandoned and melted. I am afraid that Field also realized that such a "patriot" will only become trouble in the future, so he made a bold move.

Jiang Hou said faintly: "I'm not sure whether this gang of Saiin can really control the big ship Xisaiin, but judging from their situation, it shouldn't be a big problem."

At this time, Field walked out of the ruins alone, and the result of the battle should have appeared.

The aristocratic dress on his body was not messed up at all, but there was a rip in the collar at the shoulder near the neck, which was the last trace left by Bradley and also his epitaph.

Field walked up to Jiang Hou and said coldly: "Your Excellency, can you fulfill your promise?"

At this time, many parts of Sein Rand were still in flames, and the riot came to an end, but it also reached a climax.

By ending the night of riots earlier, Hessein could still leave some more hole cards.

As if he had just remembered, Jiang Hou clapped his hands and said, "By the way, Xiaoye, we just want someone to notify the other teams. It's almost over. Next, is the negotiation process."

Field looked at Ye Da, with no joy or anger in his eyes: "Please hurry up and tell your infiltrators to stop. The damage caused is too great, and it will be troublesome for me to suppress it."

Ye Da spread his hands and said, "I can only try, I'm not the commander in chief."

Just as Ye Da was about to communicate with other teams with the headset, he heard a loud noise from a distance.

The "deliberative hall" that had carried Hisaime's pride for hundreds of years collapsed.

Field's face twitched.

Ye Da said awkwardly: "Well, it's over for now. That's the last goal tonight."

When the sun rises in Seinland, Hessein's downfall is also doomed.

The image of the red mask and the night of riots brought the fear of war.

Having not experienced hardships for a long time, the Seinlanders, who have always regarded themselves as the center of the world, fell into confusion in the face of collapsed important buildings.

"I'm Da Hessein, and I'm about to die?"

Just like 150 years ago, Kyushu, which had been focusing on itself, was suddenly beaten to the door by the army of Hessein. At that time, countless people in Kyushu kept asking similar questions in disbelief.

Compared with the doubts of countless people, the collapse and betrayal of the superstructure is the sharpest knife that can stab Hessein's heart. It is more deadly than the collapse of the Far East, and more unsolvable than "Operation Sharp Knife".

In the early morning, Field summoned all the Saiyin people and issued an irresistible order.

No matter how unbelievable these proud Saiyin were, they could not disobey Field, or those who had the guts to disobey the King of Saiyin had already stood behind Jiang Hou.

Under the control of Field and the Saine family, the uproarous senior leaders of Xisaiin could only slowly digest the matter of their country's compromise and surrender.For a long time to come, it is estimated that the rights of the Saiins will be challenged by the unwilling Xisayins, but that is not Kyushu's matter, nor Jianghou's matter, but Field's matter.

The king of Saiyin will not immediately drag out the promise of Jianghou and Jiuzhou, which will make the whole of Xisayin go up in flames. He chooses to subtly influence Xisai under the circumstances of eliminating the current disaster. Because of this, these people who "worship Saiyin" gradually accepted the bloody fact.

These include: ceding ownership of the Far East region, disclosing the core technology of Xi Sain, signing a series of unequal armistice treaties, and... among the three kings of Sain, one will always need to be a "hostage" in Kyushu.

It can be said that Jiang Hou had already guessed most of the goals of Kyushu without participating in a series of high-level discussions in Kyushu.

These goals were originally planned to be gradually achieved within 3 months, including the "Sharp Knife Project", which did not last for just one night.

However, Jiang Hou's sudden appearance raised this progress by leaps and bounds.

He even directly hit Hessein's weakness: Saiin.

It also directly hits Sai Yin's weakness: the friendship between the kings of Sai Yin, and Sai Yin's cowardice due to the continuation of the race.

Saiyin, the weakness of the dragon class, directly caused the backbone of this huge empire to be broken.

No matter how many people roar, it will not help.

Although I don't want to say it clearly, but helping Kyushu to end the war more than three months earlier, Jiang Hou somewhat atones for his sins.

At this time, the 10 "Sharp Knife Squads" from Kyushu were gathering in the square in front of the ruins of Seinland's "Political Hall".

Field directly sent a large number of tribesmen to protect them, and stopped anyone from approaching the square, lest the short-sighted Hesseins would start a dispute again.

Although these protectors are also itching their teeth with anger.

Li Zhenyun lit a cigarette, stretched his waist, and said to Ye Da: "Is that guy really here?"

The opponent is also one of the captains of the "Sharp Knife Squad".

Knowing that the other party was talking about Jiang Hou, Ye Da nodded.

Li Zhenyun sighed: "I don't understand these flamboyant people, I thought it was a simple rebellion, I am really only suitable for going to work honestly to get paid and perform tasks, and I can't figure out plots and tricks. "

Ye Da asked Li Zhenyun for one, and said, "What does the headquarters say?"

Li Zhenyun said: "The shock over there is overwhelming, and the excitement is also overwhelming. Let's find a place where the transport plane can land, and we will send people to formally contact it in the evening."

At this time, a figure flew from the sky, Ye Da looked up, and it really was Jiang Hou.

This guy can fly.
Li Zhenyun became vigilant subconsciously, but Jiang Hou just looked at Ye Da: "Let's talk?"

Ye Da thought for a while, released a cloud of incense ash from his left hand, and floated up with himself.

Who can't fly the same.

Li Zhenyun: I can fly
Ye Da and Jiang Hou didn't leave too far, and turned their heads and landed on a high tower.

The two just stood on the slope of the spire, looking at the rising sun in the distance.

Ye Da threw down the cigarette butt and crushed it, left his mark on the famous scenic spots and historic sites in Hessein, and said, "Going?"

Jiang Hou shook his head and said: "It doesn't count, I will wander around the waters around Seinland for a while, lest those guys change their minds."

"Go back to Kyushu with me?"

Jiang Hou was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"You know Kyushu wants to get you back, right? Don't say anything else, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

This time, Jiang Hou didn't respond, he just stared at Chaoyang in a daze.

Ye Da touched his forehead irritably: "Will it come back then? Later?"

Jiang Hou was silent for a longer time this time.

Shaked his head again.

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(End of this chapter)

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