Chapter 327
Jiang Hou finally left, still did not give an excuse under Ye Da's questioning, hiding everything under that rough face.

Looking back at the past, Ye Da, Jiang Hou always seemed to hide a lot of things, like an onion, peeling off one layer and another layer, never knowing what color the innermost part is.

Ye Da felt that apart from helping Kyushu negotiate a lot of conditions, Jiang Hou should also have some personal agreements with Field.

That night, Ye Da and the others gathered at the racecourse outside Seinland and gathered the Kyushu officials who came to deal with the follow-up matters. The leader of the team was actually his acquaintance Tao Yongwu.

This racecourse was barely enough for a medium-sized transport plane to land. Due to fuel supply problems, two planes came at a time, one to pull people and the other to pull oil.

Tao Yongwu and his party consisted of nearly 40 people. They were all in high spirits, and they all looked like elites. After seeing Ye Da, they immediately asked, "Where are the Jianghou people?"

Ye Da shook his head: "I left this morning, but according to him, I will be cruising around Seinland for a while."

Tao Yongwu was a little disappointed, and then looked at Field, who had a dark face, without shaking hands, but just nodded and introduced himself: "I am Tao Yongwu, the person in charge of this negotiation."

An interpreter on the side spoke again in Hisaiyan.

In the formal diplomacy of two major powers, there are still victors and losers, and there must be rules and postures.

After that, Ye Da didn't have much to worry about, but as evidence of Kyushu's "abundance of martial arts virtues", he accompanied him to attend a large number of occasions.

What is more surprising is that Tao Yongwu's team never refused to come to the various noble balls prepared by Field, as well as a series of social venues in line with Hessein's style. Characters and even first-class nobles communicated extensively, with a look of ease.

These high-ranking members of Hisain are currently boiled frogs. They don't know that Hessein has betrayed from the top structure. They only know that Hessein has to negotiate "slightly humiliating" with Kyushu due to the defeat on the front line. .

The Eastern Expeditionary Army was wiped out, a large number of cities were threatened with bombing of military buildings, and the riots in the capital had just subsided. This kind of "slight humiliation" has not crossed their bottom line for the time being.

You can bear it even if you grit your teeth.

In public, Tao Yongwu reached a certain level of tacit understanding with Field, and never made the "unequal treaty" that the two parties actually reached public. The content that would make Hisain's public opinion boil only existed in the "closed-door talks" between the two parties. middle.

Hessein was sold and had to be sold slowly.

This made Ye Da very tired, being dragged by Tao Yongwu to dance every day, ah no, it was the ballroom dance every day as a face, Ye Da even suspected that Tao Yongwu was not tired of it.

Ye Da, as a representative of the victorious country, often received hostility and eccentricity from the male Hessein people, but there was an endless stream of noble ladies who asked him to dance, even if Liu Xiaoqian sat beside them, they could not stop them The young girl with the perfume came over and asked.

It was another noisy and meaningless social meeting. Ye Da stretched his collar and came to the balcony. He happened to meet Tao Yongwu, and there were several security personnel beside him.

Seeing Ye Da's appearance, Tao Yongwu smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You participate in this kind of occasion every day, and you will be able to return to Kyushu in a week."

Ye Da leaned against the balcony railing and said, "It feels like you attach great importance to this kind of social dance?"

Tao Yongwu looked around, confirmed that it was only his own people, and said, "Do you know what is the most troublesome thing for Xisaiyin for the current Kyushu?"

Ye Da thought for a while: "How to get what you promised?"

Tao Yongwu said: "Yes and no, the above think it is: public opinion."

Ye Da raised his eyebrows and said: "Hissein is not a country that talks about 'Master'."

Tao Yongwu said: "Let me give you an example. Suppose Field suddenly had a seizure today and handed over all the rights to Xisaiin. I mean completely. All government affairs departments and power departments were replaced by Kyushu people. What do you think of Kyushu? What can you get?" Without waiting for Ye Da to answer, Tao Yongwu gave the answer:

"Kyushu can only get one war-torn land that spans the continent."

"The two sides have different races, different languages, and different customs. It will take decades or even longer to form a common understanding. What Kyushu wants is resources, technology, and space, not hundreds of millions of hungry mouths, and With tens of millions of rebels, it is impossible for us to slaughter all the Hisayin people and raise our blades against the civilians, so the Hisayin must 'survive', and only in this way can we get what we want."

Ye Da was thoughtful.

"Even if Hessein loses the Far East, it may not be hurt. The current situation is caused by the betrayal and weakness of Field and the Saiin family, but even if Field is ten times stronger, they cannot cover the sky with one hand The ideology accumulated by hundreds of millions of people and hundreds of years does not allow him to blatantly betray, even if he is at the helm, if we want this big ship to sail according to our ideas, we can only do it subtly."

"I have a good relationship with these nobles and high-level non-Sain, and I have shown a side that can communicate and even cooperate, which is to reduce the difficulty for Field to fulfill the agreement. Going through Sain, that's too risky, non-Sain's upper echelons need to be our glove as well."

Ye Da was shocked.

"With the Far East, Kyushu will no longer need to worry about resources and space for at least 200 years, and 200 years later, it would be good if these man-eating monsters have a place to live."

Politics are dirty.

Tao Yongwu laughed when he saw Ye Da's expression, and said:

"Let me tell you something funny. Later, some of Sai Yin and the blond nobles will go to Kyushu to 'study abroad' and let them see the power and beauty of 'Kyushu' with their own eyes. The communication between the two parties must start with young people. It does have a huge advantage in terms of culture, art, education, and even the cars running on the road and the planes flying in the sky, all of which will be our 'mouths', maybe in the future you will have a classmate Hessein."

Tao Yongwu suddenly took a sip of the full-filled wine glass in his hand. After a dance, he touched dozens of nobles, but he didn't take a sip, and no one dared to say anything.

"A certain existence once said: Productivity is the answer to everything. Civilization is not backward and advanced, but productivity is."

In the night, on a cliff on the coast north of Seinland, Field slowly walked up the high slope.

Jiang Hou was alone, already waiting here.

Seeing Jiang Hou, Field said with a complex expression: "I still can't understand how you know about this matter. Only the three of us know the existence of 'mother' in this world, and I believe that even if Lechna is If you die, you won't say it."

Jiang Hou stroked his beard and said, "I didn't press him, but I can't explain the source of the news."

Field stared at Jiang Hou for a long time, still hesitating.

He wasn't sure whether he should fight to the death to cover up the secret, or trust the Kyushu people in front of him.

Jiang Hou seemed to know the other party's hesitation, and took out a huge round bead as beautiful as a sapphire from his bosom, which actually glowed by itself under the night sky.

Faintly there was the sound of whales singing from it.

"This is the original essence that I have condensed from an existence of the same level as your 'mother' by using my own ability. Maybe after absorbing it, your 'mother' may wake up. Anyway, it has been hundreds of years. Try it Not at a disadvantage?"

Field stared at the sapphire bead for a long time, feeling his desire for that thing, as if as long as he swallowed it, he would be able to break free from the long-term shackles of strength and go one step further.

But he chooses to suppress this desire, because he wants to wake up the 'mother' more.
After a long time, Field clenched his fists and said: "Let's go, I will take you to the place where 'Mother' sleeps."

(End of this chapter)

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