Chapter 329 What a joke

"well done."

Ye Jianguo showed a hearty smile on his face, obviously talking about the battle of Hessein.

As an old man who has experienced the chaos of alien races, raised the wall of gray fog, participated in the construction of Kyushu, watched the development of Kyushu with his own eyes, and watched Kyushu's counterattack against Hessein with his own eyes, he recently felt that his lifelong wish had finally come true.

At nearly 200 years old, he experienced too many hardships and losses, and finally had a moment of joy at the end of his life.

Ye Da saw that it was rare for him to laugh so sincerely, so he didn't choke him with his seniority.

Ye Jianguo said: "Originally, the old man planned to properly handle the imprisonment of this girl, and go to Hessein to act together with you. I can also contribute. I didn't expect you to end it so soon."

The unexpected appearance of Jiang Hou greatly advanced the strategic progress of Kyushu.

Ye Da looked at King Saiyin in the floor-to-ceiling glass and said, "Can she see us?"

Ye Jianguo said: "You can see it, but you can't hear it. This guy is not weak. If you want to kill her, I can do it on the battlefield. But if you want to imprison her alive, I have to be able to do it without any problems." It was really a bit troublesome and took a lot of effort.”

Ye Da noticed that in the space behind the glass, although there are all kinds of utensils, there is no cover. Even the table, chairs, and toilet are made of transparent materials, so that the people inside have no corners to hide their secrets.

I'm afraid that even if the King of Saiyin goes to the toilet, he must do so in a fair manner, and there must be a large number of cameras monitoring it 24 hours a day.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are a total of 8 stone coffins in each corner, standing in each direction, making this space even more gloomy and cold.

"Those are the more powerful ones in the old man's hands. They can ensure that when the old man is away, even if this bitch is impulsive, there will be something that can restrain her for a while."

Ye Da asked curiously, "How to deal with the food? These things eat people, right?"

Ye Jianguo rolled his eyes: "This is really a hotel, just go hungry. With their physique, they will be weak and not die if they don't eat for a few years. Their vitality is extremely tenacious, which just reduces the difficulty of imprisonment."

The king of Saiyin is an important bargaining chip to check and balance Sisayin in the future, just like the "mortgage" between countries in ancient times, he must not escape or die.

However, the restraint ability of this king of Saiyin is much stronger than the "proton" in ancient times. If the "proton" is gone, you can regenerate another one. It all depends on whether the old man is cruel enough and thick enough. The relationship between the kings is real.

"What book is she reading?"


Ye Da:.
Ye Jianguo grinned and said: "There are also some philosophical ones. She will read them when she is bored. If she reads too much, she will think, and her thinking will be affected. Anyway, we didn't force her, but just selected some suitable ones for her. It’s just a book, and it took a lot of effort to translate it into Hisaiyan.”

Ye Da nodded, and then asked: "Then what's the matter with us? We also came here specially to meet."

When he got to the point, Ye Jianguo became much more serious: "After we caught her, we naturally conducted a thorough and meticulous examination of her. We conducted a comprehensive study on her biological characteristics and extraordinary characteristics."

"This King of Sains is very different from ordinary Sains. You can understand that Sains are their degraded versions. Their strength is restricted by the King of Sains. Only through some extraordinary ritual can the upper limit be increased. Similar to some kind of shackles hidden in the body, we have always suspected what the apex of this bloodline link is, and then we obtained some samples from this girl and found that she, or the King of Sain, is not from this link. vertex."

Ye Da frowned and said, "Is there a superior?"

The King of Saiyin is already the existence of the extreme progress bar stuck at 99.99%, which means that their superiors or ancestors must be the extreme, and it is the lowest level that is much higher than the extreme.

Ye Jianguo touched his beard and said: "If it were in the past, I would be surprised at most. The war has reached this level and no 'Ancestor Saiin' has jumped out. Most of them are already dead, but what a coincidence. What a coincidence." Ye Jianguo looked at Wang Weiwen.

Wang Weiwen:? ? ?

What are you looking at me for?What does it have to do with me?
Ye Jianguo said: "Coincidentally, I also studied Wang Weiwen's physical problems not long ago, including helping him revise the method, and found that there is a very big similarity between the two!"

Both Ye Da and Wang Weiwen felt the huge absurdity.

Wang Weiwen said: "I don't eat people, I feel like you are insulting me."

Although the main body is a heterogeneous existence of heaven and earth, Wang Weiwen's psychological identity is human beings hundreds of years ago when the governor of Yunzhou was in charge.

Ye Jianguo said: "Don't worry. When we first captured Saiin samples, we conducted research on them. They are not spirits or monsters. They have long lifespans, can have stable inheritance, transform into beast heads and human bodies, and biologically start from the bottom." It’s just different from humans. Apart from stable inheritance, which you haven’t tried yet, don’t you think they are very similar to you?”

Wang Weiwen frowned and said, "It's not enough. It doesn't mean anything."

Ye Jianguo also seemed a little troubled. He tugged at his beard and said, "My current guess is just a guess. You said that you are a 'foreigner in the world' with infinite lifespan and extremely strong natural strength. It’s impossible. Two people were born in the world at the same time? One male and one ahem, I mean one male and one female?”

Ye Da opened his mouth and said after a while: "Wait a minute. This doesn't seem impossible."

Ye Jianguo continued: "This world is so mysterious. There are so many things that we don't understand or are unclear about. Maybe two powerful creatures were born on this land back then, one in the west and one in the east. Just you Two, have you never met before?"

Wang Weiwen's complexion is already not very good-looking, he still can't accept this kind of unfounded speculation: "There are too many creatures born in the world, and they all make a pair?"

Ye Jianguo said: "Of course I was just guessing. I called you here just to do an experiment. I heard that something went wrong with the method I gave you when you practiced it. Can you try to reveal a little bit of the body's breath?"

Wang Weiwen sighed. Although he felt that Senior Ye was talking nonsense, it did make him a little curious.

That's okay, just prove your innocence.

He took off the sleeve of his left hand. This suit was specially made after something went wrong. It looked like a glove, but it was actually a whole sleeve, which could help him cover up the abnormality of his left hand.

When he took off the 'sleeve', he revealed a significantly stronger arm covered with red feathers.

The red feathers were like the crimson sun, and even faintly emitted an inexplicable luster.

Wang Weiwen glanced at the King of Saiyin in the glass space, seeing that she didn't respond, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Jianguo said: "Run the method to release some of the breath of the body."

Wang Weiwen closed his eyes and concentrated on it, slowly running the method that originated from his own and modified by Ye Jianguo.

Among the red feathers, the red fluorescence became more conspicuous, and a wave that ordinary people could not detect, dissipated in the space.

Suddenly, Yi Lunsha, who was reading a book quietly in the glass space, suddenly raised her head, showing a shocked expression, and stared at Wang Weiwen's arm firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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