I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 330 Chapter 329: Get used to it after spitting it out.

Chapter 330 329: You get used to it when you spit it out.

Ironsa, the king of Sein, stood up abruptly, and appeared in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass in an instant.

Staring at Wang Weiwen's arm in shock, he opened his mouth and said something.

The three people outside the glass couldn't hear, Ye Jianguo looked to the upper left corner of this space, and asked, "What is this bitch talking about?"

There was a camera there, and soon there was a voice, which should be the monitor: "She said: what are you?"

The three of them looked at each other. It was really hard to answer this question, mainly because Wang Weiwen himself didn't know. He had always thought that he was the only one in the world.

Yi Lunsha seemed to understand this communication method of teleportation, and said something.

"She said: Are you Sai Yin?"

Wang Weiwen shook his head with an ugly face.

Such a big reaction?It won't really matter!
In the end, due to Yilunsha's distrust, she didn't reveal anything, nor did she explain why she had such a big reaction, and she sat back on the transparent chair, but her eyes never left Wang Weiwen.

Wang Weiwen put on the "sleeves" again and fell into deep thought.

Ye Jianguo said: "It's obvious now. Although I don't know the specific reason, you do have some kind of connection with Saiin. Or with the existence above the King of Saiin."

In fact, he can try to directly extract Ironsa's soul to search for the soul, or try those powerful spirit enlightenment objects.

But Ilensa will be rotated back, and this "pledge" mechanism will play a huge role in decades, becoming an important means to control Xisayin, but you can't make people crazy or stupid.
Hmm. It won’t work if you get too angry. It will be more troublesome if you switch back.
"How about we let you two chat alone?"

Wang Weiwen was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

Seeing that Lao Wang was unwilling, Ye Da said to Ye Jianguo: "Don't mess around, let Lao Wang take it easy."

"Sit still, don't worry, there is no danger in the crack of the gray fog."

Sheru West tightened the seat belt on his shoulders. Although he had just touched it not long ago, he easily understood the function of this thing.


From Hessein's capital "Synland", after a long journey, they finally arrived at the foot of the gray mist.

Since the seven Hisaiyans were really not used to the long-distance flight, they did not go with Ye Da and the others, but rested for a day at the foot of the gray mist.

Along the way, I have seen a lot of new things, which made the group more cautious. The impact of the world view is not so easy to digest, such as the huge aircraft in the sky, various cars on the ground, the remote communication tools of the soldiers, and even the exquisite tableware when eating. It made them all stunned.

At this time, accompanied by a group of contacts from Kyushu, they were about to formally enter the Wall of Fog.

To be honest, Xie Lu was initially caught by the high-level officials of Xisaiyin. As an existence like an abandoned child, Xie Lu refused. He is a relatively boring and unappreciated scholar. At the beginning, he chose Kyushu language as his research direction. Received a lot of neglect, and was even almost ruined for a time.

It is only by keeping a low profile that it can survive in the environment where Xisaiyin banned everything in Kyushu.

Overnight, the high-spirited nobleman of Hessein suddenly patted him on the shoulder and said, "You have valuable knowledge, it's time to serve for Hessein."

If he couldn't beat him, he would really like to slap the dictionary in his hand on the opponent's face, to test how thick-skinned the opponent is.

No one cared whether he wanted to go to Kyushu or not, and in order to survive, he had to go.

But what he saw and heard along the way made him gradually change from apprehension and complaints to surprise and anticipation. Sitting in the car at this time, he became very curious about Kyushu inside the wall of gray fog.

The accompanying personnel were responsible for both translation and supervision. Seeing that Xie Lu's expression turned red and white, he said, "If you get motion sickness, you must tell me that I have a vomiting bag."

Xie Lu shook his head and said, "No need, I can hold on."

From here on, the seven Hesseins will act separately, and Kyushu's arrangement naturally has profound intentions.

Before entering the gray fog, Xie Lu saw a huge, ten-meter-tall elk outside the car window eating green leaves provided by Kyushu people. He was shocked: "What is that?" The accompanying person said: "You don't know? People in the Far East call it 'Anton', an elk spirit with a very docile temperament and high intelligence. If you feed it something, it will be willing to help, such as knocking down a big tree that is blocking the way."

Xie Lu shook his head. He studied the Kyushu language, not the Far East. Besides, he had never been to such a far place in his life. He lived in Seinland for more than 20 years.

An hour later, he still vomited. There are mountains on both sides of the gray fog. Although it has been slightly repaired for the transportation of materials, it is far worse than the asphalt road. Xielu feels that it is more bumpy than when he was the "airplane".

And to his disappointment, after entering the wall of gray mist, it was not the bustling city he imagined, but a snowy mountain forest that was not much different from the Far East.

The accompanying person said: "Are you in good condition? The next step is still the plane, and it will take 3 hours to arrive in Huajing."

Three hours later, when Xie Lu spit out his last mouthful of stomach acid, the plane finally arrived in the sky above Huajing.

He looked down from the window curiously, and saw a huge group of buildings connected to the horizon.

Not to mention that the area far exceeds Seinland, the buildings are row upon row, showing the great achievements of human beings in transforming nature to the extreme, especially those high-rise buildings, which reflect the luster of metal, as if they are all made of steel.

On the straight road, cars were densely packed like ants. Xie Lu thought that cars were only expensive vehicles unique to the Kyushu military, but now it seems that even ordinary people can own them.

During this journey, he was so shocked that he was numb. Too many things impacted his thinking. At this time, after looking at Huajing from the sky, he chose to close his eyes instead.

He needs to think.

Alone in a strange country on the other side of the mainland, Xie Lu suddenly heard his mother who died 3 years ago and was also his only relative.

"Xie Lu, do what you want to do, study the things that interest you, don't care what others think, this life is very short."

There is only darkness in sight, and the roar of the plane is in my ears.

He suddenly realized that with his mother's death, he seemed to have been in a daze for a long time.

When he was just an adult, he was found to have the lowest level of extraordinary talent, but relying on his parents' support and support, he did not become a lowest level "watcher" in the end, but went on an academic path.

This is a little bit of privilege for the locals, unlike the mandatory recruitment in the Far East. After all, if the children of the big noble families are not talented, there is no need to be a leader, right?

But this didn't make his life much better. On the contrary, it exhausted his family's savings. After his parents passed away one after another, his life was even more messed up.

What Seinland brought him was only suppression and exclusion.

"Maybe I can start over as a Kyushu native."

A ridiculous idea popped up in Xie Lu's chaotic mind.

He quickly grasped the idea.

"Perhaps it is not impossible. Jiuzhou obviously hopes to have more communication and influence with Xisaiin, and the Jiuzhou language I have studied for many years gives me a great advantage at this point in time."

"Even the name is completely consistent with the surname Xie Minglu. It is very consistent with the naming method of Kyushu people."

What he didn't even know was that something in his heart had quietly changed.
Suddenly, Xie Lu suddenly felt something gushing out of his body. He thought he was going to vomit again, so he quickly opened his eyes and buried his head in front of the vomiting bag.

However, after brewing for a long time, nothing was vomited out. This is not the feeling of vomiting at all, but the changes in the body seem to be continuing.

After being stunned for a while, Xie Lu felt something in his heart, and a foreign body sensation surged up from his throat.

Instead of vomit, what came out was a ball of fire.

The fireball dissipated less than one meter away from the body, but it was also discovered by the Kyushu escort beside him, and he pulled out his gun and pointed it at Xie Lu in an instant.

"Wait! Don't kill me! I don't know what's wrong! I didn't have this ability before!"

(End of this chapter)

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