I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 40 Let’s collect all 9 Yins

Chapter 40
Ye Dam is numb
He was just like Lao Xiao just now, feeling his body stiff.
A feeling of raw cold permeates the whole body!

But instead, he said angrily, "Where is Wang Weiwen!"

The woman smiled slightly, but on her ordinary face, the smile was very bright, just like meeting for the first time.

"Don't be anxious, Ye Da. When we were at the Donghong Hotel, we were so cruel. We didn't even know what was in Lianxiang Xiyu's arm. Isn't it fun?"

As he spoke, he moved his neck, which was the place where Ye Da pinched it off last time.

Ye Da put on a fighting stance, but the huge doubt made his feet take root.

When did this woman replace Wang Weiwen?
Is it time for the chase?
Or does Wang Weiwen exist?

"If you don't say so, then don't even think about leaving!"

"You can't keep mine."

The woman shrank back again, as if she had taken off her clothes and put them back on, turning back to Wang Weiwen. She said to Ye Da's familiar face: "Don't let anyone discover the things in your arms~ As the whole day today, As a reward for having fun tonight, I will tell you some useful information."

"The stone needles are called 'Nine Yin', and what you have in your hand are three of them. The three most important ones. You'd better not let anyone know that Nine Yin is in your body, because that will cause big trouble. Today, it has been confirmed that you are 'Nine Yins' is a once-in-a-lifetime host, so I won't take it back for the time being."


Ye Da exerted force on the soles of his feet, and his whole body seemed to move forward, punching the woman's face with a punch.

However, the speed at which the hooded man couldn't react just now, the woman turned around lightly, turned somersault like a gymnast, and dodged.

Sure enough, he is not in a small space like the men's room, and his fighting spirit is far inferior to that of this woman.
The figure of "Wang Weiwen" became fainter and fainter, disappearing into the night. A soft voice came from nowhere: "If you want to solve the problem of stone needles, go find the other six. Last time, you stopped me from getting the other six. Be responsible"

Ye Da punched all around, but hit nothing.
"Liu Xiaoqian! Perceive maliciousness, or any emotion! Hurry up"

"Good benefactor!"

Liu Xiaoqian rushed out, but floated in mid-air for a moment in confusion, and said, "My benefactor seems to have run away."

"Damn! Why do I need you!"

Many passers-by stopped to look at the viaduct construction site, wondering why so many police cars surrounded them.

Some people speculated whether the corpses were dug up under the construction site, and some old people swore that there used to be a cemetery there.

At the edge of the crowd, a tall man was hiding in the shadows, frowning and looking up, seemingly bored.

Compared with the others, he looked a bit out of the crowd in his well-fitting suit.

A scheduled delivery went awry and the police were drawn in.

Did Lao Xiao and the others fall?What happened on the viaduct?
"Yang Tian is right, tell me it's a coincidence that you are here."

Suddenly, a figure directly embraced the man's neck from behind.

If the man in the suit is considered tall, then the man holding his neck can only be described as majestic.

With a rough beard, his body is twice the width of an ordinary person, and his height is probably more than two meters. Wearing a black jacket and hiking boots, just standing there makes people feel extremely strong.

Feeling that his neck was stuck between someone's exaggerated biceps, Yang Tian, ​​who was dressed in a slim suit, tensed his nerves, and then relaxed in an instant.

"Of course it's a coincidence. I'm a good citizen. I came across this kind of excitement while walking in the middle of the night. I just wanted to eat." The majestic man touched his beard and said, "Really? Wearing a suit and leather shoes for a walk in the middle of the night? Are you not afraid of athlete's foot? ?”

Yang Tian didn't break free, and said calmly: "Anyone who knows me knows that I have such a good taste in dressing, even if I go for a night run, I still wear a suit."

The majestic man sneered and said, "Then will you wear a suit when you are in prison? I can prepare it for you."

Yang Tian frowned and said: "The captain of the sixth team of the dignified special affairs department, he doesn't go to deal with police affairs in the middle of the night, but he is here to embarrass the law-abiding citizens?"

"It's not your turn to decide whether you abide by the law or not. I hope you have something to do with what happened tonight, so that I can put you, a thin dog, in jail."

Yang Tian gritted his teeth, but in the end he still didn't have an attack.

Nima, I look thin in clothes and fleshy in clothes, eight-pack abs and mermaid line, who is not a dog compared to you, you are a monster like a bear.

"I can't compare with you. I have to practice hard when I turn back. If I have nothing else to do, I will leave first. Next time, Team Jiang is welcome to come to 'Tianyuan Yipin' to appreciate it."

After struggling twice, the man known as Team Jiang finally let go of his arms. Yang Tian straightened his tie and left the crowd expressionlessly.

Jiang Hou looked at the back of Yang Tian's leaving, and ordered in the intercom: "Send someone to watch him and see where this little dog will go."

Turn to look at the viaduct construction site.

"The registration is for strength enhancement class B and high-speed regeneration class C. It depends on the situation."

With his hand cut off, he chased others for [-] streets alive, and even carried a person on his back.

Grade B?Who would believe it!
This young man is actually a liberal arts student majoring in ancient literature. Sure enough, he is not a college student who has chosen the right major.
On the silent viaduct, only Ye Da, the hooded man Gangzi and the illusion enlightener Lao Xiao were left lying on the ground.

And the color steel house that was tied up like a hedgehog.

At this time, a loudspeaker shouted from under the viaduct.

"Xiaoye! Are you up there? Don't panic, we'll come up right away!"

Ye Da looked down from the edge, and it was Wang Guofang.

Its chubby figure was turning left and right in a hurry, as if looking for a way to get up.

"Is there an enemy on the leaflet? If there is an enemy, you lead it to the edge, and I can support it!"

As he spoke, he drew out his small pistol.

Ye Da knew Wang Guofang Qiling's ability was great, and when the small pistol was aimed at him, the pressure was greater than that of a real gun, so he hurriedly said, "It's all settled, I can stand up alone."

Wang Guofang breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, someone finally found the nearby workers. They slept in a small shed on the ground before and knew nothing about what happened on the viaduct.

The workers started the crane and loaded several policemen up. Wang Guofang was a little afraid of heights and almost used his hands and feet to get up.

Seeing that Ye Da was in good condition, Wang Guofang felt a little relieved, but turned to wonder: "Didn't the witnesses say that you carried someone on your back? Where is the person? Is it the two lying on the stomach? Are you seriously injured?"

The other policemen went towards Gangzi and Lao Xiao, as if they were going to handcuff them.

Ye Da felt like something was stuck in his throat, and he held it in for a long time: "This is a long story."

(End of this chapter)

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