I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 41 4 Entering the Police Station

Chapter 41
It's been less than a month since I came to Donghai.

It's the fourth time I've entered the game.

Perhaps because of the old regulars, some policemen who were not dispatched today looked at Ye Da in surprise.

As if to say again: Why is it you again!
Ye Da in the adjustment room could only lower his head, pretending not to see it.

This time the commotion was a bit big. Where did Wang Guofang go to report, and Ye Da was accompanied by a faceless female police officer. After completing the third record in his life, Ye Da rested in the mediation room.

"Do you want a drink? Or are you hungry?"

The female police officer looks like she is in her early 20s, but she is not the kind of police woman with long legs and stockings that is often seen in novels. She has a more friendly appearance and wears an ordinary police uniform.

Ye Da shook his head and asked, "No thank you. Is there any news about this police comrade and my classmate Wang Weiwen?"

Ye Da was worried that the real Wang Weiwen was killed by the "skin-changing woman". If this was the case, Ye Da would probably feel guilty for a long time.

Thinking about it now, when I first met Wang Weiwen outside the community, until I searched for Building 42 in the community, and a series of things after that, I am afraid that it was all planned by the "skin-changing girl".

Ye Da could only say that it was so terrifying.

Damn it!When I was in happiness, I checked every corner in front of "her"!
I'm afraid "she" is laughing madly in her heart!
This is still the best guess, and the worst guess is that Ye Da is worried that Wang Weiwen may not even exist.
If so, he wants to go back to Xiangxi to eat bacon, the city is too crazy, I want to go back to the countryside!

"Don't worry. After understanding the situation, we contacted Wang Weiwen's family through Tunghai University as soon as possible. He just lost his mobile phone and was already sleeping at home. There is no problem with his personal safety."

"That's good"

Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief
It seems that the disguise of the skin-changing girl does not necessarily kill and skin the skin. Brother Tony may have had other circumstances before.

But this also means that her ability to reskin is more difficult to prevent.

The female police officer looked at Ye Da's right hand curiously: "Is there really nothing wrong with your right hand? You can pick it up again after being cut off for so long. You really don't need to go to the hospital to see it? There are departments related to spirit seeds in big hospitals, maybe you can Help you eliminate some hidden dangers."

Ye Da: "No need, my self-healing ability is relatively strong."

It is impossible to go to the hospital, even if killed.

The female police officer laughed and said: "This is not a relatively strong level. I have never seen a similar situation in the years of being a police officer. I am afraid that your self-healing ability is at least A-level and is a relatively high-ranking existence in A-level."

Ye Da wanted to be idle, so he asked curiously, "Officer Lin, I've been in a small county town before, is A-level rare?"

Lin Yushan said, "There's no rush, I'm afraid someone will come to tell you about this soon, so I won't spoil it."

Ye Da was confused.
After a while, Wang Guofang pushed the door open and walked in. It was obvious that he was also quite tired. Recently, he had been working overtime continuously because of the "Law Seeker" related cases. Today seemed to be an all-night rhythm. His wife went to perm him every day. Can't control it.

How can this go on!
It's understandable for women to love beauty, but won't it damage the hair quality if you perm your hair too much?
Also hurt money!
"Xiaoye, come with me, I have something to tell you."

The female police officer gave Ye Da one: Look, what did I just say?eyes.

Ye Da followed Wang Guofang out of the mediation room, turned around and entered another room, which looked like a conference room, but at this time there was an extremely majestic man standing inside.

Wearing a black jacket and a pair of hiking boots, the back is wide enough to support two leaves.

Even Wang Guofang, who is middle-aged and very tall, feels that his size and aura are not on the same level when standing next to him. This person is probably only two meters tall.And when the man turned his head, the shape of his beard aggravated this feeling.

A man who seemed to have "pure man" written on his face.

"Young man, well done!"

Stretching out his broad palm, Ye Da shook it subconsciously and felt that his hand was completely wrapped
"From the sudden attack at the beginning, to the calm response and pursuit afterwards, the identity of you who attacked has been found out. Zhao Chenggang and Xiao Daqiang, both of them have strong ideas. I didn't expect it to be in your hands."

Ye Da nodded blankly, wondering if this person came here to praise him?
Wang Guofang said: "Let's sit and talk, Xiaoye is probably tired too."

The bearded man nodded, and the three of them sat down.

"My name is Jiang Hou, from the Special Affairs Department."

"Special Affairs Department?"

Ye Da had never heard of this department, but it didn't sound simple.

"The department that deals with incidents of spiritual enlighteners, spiritual objects, and spirit sons. The woman you met twice is suspected to be a member of a dangerous organization. The nature of the case involved is different from conventional criminal investigation work. That's why I appeared here. s reason."

When Jiang Hou was talking, he kept staring at Ye Da, as if he was looking at something of interest.

Ye Da nodded, waiting for the next sentence.

No need for the beard to tell him, he also knew that the skin-changing woman was very dangerous.
"We are still investigating her purpose and identity, but obviously she has become interested in you. If she comes back to you for the second time, there may be a third or fourth time. Although it is our responsibility to protect citizens, Based on the abilities she has demonstrated, it may be very difficult for us to prevent her before she is completely caught."

Ye Da's face turned ugly, because what the bearded man said was the truth.

That woman is not only interested in herself, she is even more interested in the stone needles in her arms that she calls "Nine Yin Stone Bracelets".
When he was describing what happened tonight to the police, he was forced to cover up the problem of the stone needles, because if he confessed, he would inevitably have to cooperate with treatment and even research, which Ye Da could never bear.
Although he himself is not shy about handing over the stone needle to the Kyushu officials, or wishing it were so.

Therefore, Ye Da chose to conceal the reason why Lao Xiao turned into that old and decayed appearance, and the woman said the same to him after "performing the show".

This makes the woman's motives and intentions very unclear from the perspective of the police.

Ye Da could only say sorry for causing misinformation to the police.
The only clue the police have now is Ye Da herself, who only knows that the woman always hangs around this college student.

So it was inferred that the woman was interested in Ye Da.

As for why you are interested, just watch today’s conversation.
Ye Da was a little nervous. Although he was not being interrogated as a criminal, the more he was involved, the more unstable factors he might be exposed to.

Thinking of him as a law-abiding and good zombie, why does he feel so melancholy!

Jiang Hou put his hands in the shape of a tower, looking extremely solemn: "Young man, we have studied and judged for a long time, conducted a reasonable analysis of that woman's motives, and finally came to two conclusions, this time I came to inform you, you Be mentally prepared."

"First conclusion."

Ye Da swallowed his saliva.

"I'm afraid she is just looking for sex."

Ye Da:.
Am I hallucinating?
(End of this chapter)

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