I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 423 Humanity Will Win!

Chapter 423 Humanity Will Win!

"So you started the war before the gray mist collapsed because only the wall of gray mist can resist Poseidon and create ocean currents?"

In the white space, Ye Da couldn't help but say after listening to Jiang Hou's remnant soul narration.

"Jiang Hou" nodded and said: "Yes, if there is no wall of gray fog, even if humans win in the end, the best estimate is that the number of deaths will not be less than [-] million. After all, we have too many cities in coastal areas. But the only thing I miscalculated was that you were promoted to the top so early. You are better than yourself in all timelines."

Ye Da was not happy. His growth was not fed by the system, but was the result of events and crises.

Without all of this, I'm afraid he would really be like what Jiang Hou said in the first timeline, peacefully practicing the "How to Live in the World", then marrying a wife and having children, and living an ordinary and happy life.

"What are the weaknesses of Poseidon?"

"Jiang Hou" shook his head and said wisely: "There is no weakness. He is called a god, which is not too much. The specific battle process can be seen naturally if you eat 'me'."

Ye Da glared at him and said, "Then why do you think I can win by taking your 'human pill'?"

"Jiang Hou" said: "Because I know that there is a stronger realm above the extreme. Before my body died, I saw the new threshold in the distance, and Poseidon was infinitely close to that threshold. So I keep hunting for the alien species of heaven and earth just to cross that threshold."

"What threshold?"

"There is no name. No one in human beings should have discovered this threshold. I am the first one, so I simply named it myself. I call it Immortal! Above the summit, it should be Immortal."

"I have already reached my limit, no matter what, I can't take another step. If you can cross this threshold, then you will be able to defeat Seagod."

The sun rose slowly.

But it doesn't bring any trace of tenderness.

In the dark and turbulent sea water, 10,000+ Delai people, like a school of returning fish, followed the path of the sea water, heading towards the interior of the island.

The arms of the 10,000+ Derai people all flashed with strange Poseidon marks, and they silently carried out Poseidon's orders.

Attack, land.

The sea roared while opening up a battlefield for them. It kept rising, flooding plains, jungles, and even hills, and spreading toward the center of the island.

This island has never been treated like this since it stood on this planet, and the water seems to be endless.

The water overflows the Jinshan Mountains, and the sea swallows up the land.

Almost all of Tofu Islands were submerged.

The huge rift originally formed by the collapse of the "ocean current generator" has now become a trench hidden under the water.

Poseidon really has the authority to control the sea.

Among the ranks of countless Delai people, a figure quietly left the group.

It was a one-armed Terrai.

He once had his arm broken by an enemy in one confrontation, but now this disability has become his life-saving straw.

He said nothing, took one last look at his fellow tribesmen who were moving forward strangely, gritted his teeth and sank into the trench, not knowing where he went.

The sea water is like a natural vehicle for the Terai people, carrying them across previously unimaginable distances and directly approaching hundreds of kilometers from the main island.

Miraculous changes in the ocean caused the entire Tofu Islands to be shrouded in thick fog.

Until they encountered the obstruction of high ground.

The Terai waited a moment, before realizing that the sea could only take them so far.

One by one, the Delai people landed on land in silence in the mist.

Ten hundred, ten thousand, one hundred thousand
There were also a large number of sea tanks climbing onto the shore.

They have not become walking zombies. While executing the orders of Poseidon, they have not lost their wisdom. There are rules and regulations to follow for military formations, arms types, and formations.

However, when executing Poseidon's unreasonable orders, they would not make the slightest compromise. Even landing operations would never be the right choice for them.

For them, life is no longer their own property.

Poseidon says attack, Poseidon says massacre, Poseidon says extermination.

In the fog, the 10,000+ Derai army, together with the tens of thousands of ordinary Derai people accompanying them, moved resolutely towards the land, and the fog concealed their whereabouts.

Finally, they came to an open plain.

The morning breeze in the highlands gradually made the fog thinner.

Then they saw the enemy appointed by Poseidon.

The same huge number of human military formations.

tanks, fighting vehicles, trenches
This is Plan D.

Fight the Terai on land.

Being able to be ranked in the order of D shows that in Kyushu's original plan, the possibility of this happening was very small.

The thick fog kept both sides hidden for a while, so that they didn't see each other until the straight-line distance was only one kilometer.

Silent confrontation
The decisive battle is about to begin.

The first thing to break the silence was the roar from the sky.

A land-based missile pierced the sky and exploded in the Derai military formation.

Thousands of Terai people were wiped out in the explosion.

However, several commanders did not blink their eyes, and not even one Derai showed timidity.

"For the Sea God! Attack!"

"Attack! Attack! Attack!"

There was a crisp sound, and the leader of the Derai Army standing at the front had his shoulder smashed.

In the trench of the human position, Wang Guofang shook his right hand in an angry gesture that looked like a small pistol.

Damn these Drai people are so hard!
Wang Guofang, Donghai Interpol, A-level rule system spiritual initiate, ability: vacuum pistol

Features: The face is very square.

It had been a while since he arrived at Tofu Islands, but he didn't expect that his first operation would be such a big event, which made him, a middle-aged man who had been working as a police officer all his life, a little nervous. "Boom!" "Boom!"

Countless artillery fire baptized the Terai team, tanks opened fire mercilessly, and fighter planes roared and dropped sparks of death.

Thousands of Terai people were wiped out almost every second.

Although Wang Guofang has been dealing with crime all year round, he has zero battlefield experience.

But in his opinion, the Delai people were dying as if they had taken the wrong medicine!

Although the attack seemed overwhelming, they suffered heavy losses under Kyushu's advanced firepower.

Maybe Plan D is the best outcome.

However, he soon learned that the Terai people were not meat on the chopping block.

When the Delai people at the front rushed to a distance of 800 meters.

The human firepower position has entered the effective range of energy weapons.

Countless energy weapons lit up, emitting bright light.

They gather in one place, creating a huge torrent of energy, far better than ever before.

A torrent of energy several meters thick crossed the Kingdom Fang and swept across the human positions behind in an instant.

No vehicle can dodge, and nothing can resist.

A terrifying explosion sounded from behind, and dozens of tanks and combat vehicles turned into fireballs.

Wang Guofang's hair was messed up by the wind and he looked behind him blankly.

Half of the hills have been cut off.
He finally realized that this battlefield was far from as easy as he imagined.

The Delai people were far more powerful than he imagined, even on land.

Those stone spider-like sea tanks faced the human firepower tit for tat, constantly emitting strong energy rays.

The tanks responded with live ammunition loaded with gunpowder, roaring one after another.

The helicopters in the sky fell one by one amid countless energy rays, and the propellers stirred the meat on the ground.

The Poseidon priests came in groups of three to five, purposefully destroying all human weapons that could be seen.

The spiritual enlighteners were moving around on the battlefield, using their own methods.

Several captains met the legion commanders.

Smoke, shouts, flesh and blood, and the smell of burnt flesh quickly filled the battlefield.

In just one encounter, the war developed to an intensity that frightened the kingdom.

Wang Guofang was stunned for a moment, and his right hand even maintained the posture of a small pistol.

at a loss.

Have you come to the wrong place?Why answer the call?

I am just a policeman.
At this moment, a majestic figure came from behind Wang Guofang. It seemed that he saw Wang Guofang's confusion and patted him on the shoulder: "Uncle, don't be in a daze. If you are afraid, just find a place to hide!"

The main force this time is extraordinary armed forces. Many people here are social spiritual enlighteners. Wang Guofang's reaction is not uncommon.

The majestic figure said: "Don't worry, I will stand in front, believe me! Humanity will win!"

After saying that, he rushed forward.

Then two more people caught up.

"Wang Weiwu! Be careful, my mother! Are you risking your life by rushing so far ahead?!"

Wang Guofang stared blankly at the figures rushing forward.

More and more humans are making the same choice.

Hundreds and thousands
He suddenly came to his senses.

Shout: "Humanity will win!"

How can a young man let you stand in front of me?

Wang Guofang's right hand kept activating his abilities, exploding each Delai man. After all, he was suitable for long-range attacks, so he kept his distance and kept making detours.

Suddenly, a voice with a strange accent came from the fog on the edge of the battlefield, accompanied by bursts of rumbling sounds.

"Get out of the way!!"

Wang Guofang turned back sharply.

I saw tens of thousands of cavalry riding huge war horses, breaking away the fog and charging towards the rear of the Delai people!

Those war horses were tall and mighty, and the mechanical structures on their chests revealed blazing flames.

Those knights were wearing strong armor, and their mechanical eyes shone dangerously.

This is obviously a surprise!
Wang Guofang thought to himself: Do we still have cavalry?

Commander Abern takes the lead!Shout loudly in Hissain language: "Humanity will win! Goli Cavalry! Fog of War!"

Tens of thousands of Goli cavalry responded to their commander: "Humanity will win! Drink!!"

The horses and knights spewed thick smoke from their noses and mouths, and nearly ten thousand cavalry rushed towards the rear of the Derai people. They wanted to use the fog of war to interfere with the energy weapons of the Derai people.

Following closely behind the Goli cavalry were hundreds of minotaur monsters behind them. These "Carter monsters" with tangled muscles all over their bodies arrived first, leaped high, and rushed towards the sea with countless energy beams. Tanks, wrestling with these big guys.

More and more human reinforcements arrived on the battlefield.

They shouted that cry together in Kyushu, Hissein, and Tofu Islands.

Fighters, missiles, tanks.
Spirit Initiator, Onmyoji, Saiin.
Lookout, Goli Cavalry, Carter Behemoth.
And those Terai people who are not afraid of life and death.

Intertwined together, this planet may be the most bizarre battlefield in thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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