I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 424 Thank you and goodbye

Chapter 424 Thank you and goodbye
Poseidon stood on the turbid sea, his short figure rising and falling slightly with the waves.

There were no Delai people around him, only a strange existence.

The two-headed basilisk that had been killing everyone at the bottom of the sea was now like a frightened cub, with [-]% of its body hidden under the sea, with only the two "Nero" heads exposed so that the short sea god could touch them comfortably. head.

Poseidon's gaze seemed to be able to penetrate everything, looking at the vast battlefield in the distance.

"Obviously without the protection and guidance of ancestral alien species, and obviously experiencing a long wilderness era, I didn't expect that this species called human beings could actually develop into this state in hundreds of years."

There was a hint of fear in Poseidon's eyes.

He considers himself to be the master of this planet and has been the master for 2 years. He does not like anything beyond his expectations or beyond his understanding.

So He must exterminate this strange race of humans.

Otherwise, maybe within a short period of sleep, such as one or two hundred years, human beings will become a being that can threaten Him.

"And that guy who came to the door. Where did the condensation go? It should be in this area. I have never seen anything so delicious."

Thinking of the orb condensed by humans, Poseidon's ugly mouth opened and closed, and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth. It was something he had never seen before. In the past tens of thousands of years, except for the alien species in the world, nothing could arouse his appetite like this. .

No, to be precise, it may be something that can benefit him more than the alien species of heaven and earth.

".I'm really looking forward to it."

On the grand battlefield, energy weapons and explosive weapons complement each other, causing death every second.

Although fighting on land is an absolute bad idea for the Delai people, the fearlessness of death under the influence of the Poseidon Mark offset this disadvantage to a certain extent.

Moreover, the physical quality of the Delai people is much higher than that of humans.

A behemoth Carter roared and tried to overturn the heavy sea tank, but was pierced through the chest by an energy beam. It roared unwillingly with its strong vitality, and was then killed on the ground by more than a dozen Derai soldiers.

A cloud was descending rapidly, with dozens of human elites standing on it, falling directly behind the Derai people. The cloud continued to spread and thin, and together with the Goli cavalry, they created a "fog of war" to try to block the energy weapons of the Derai people behind them.

And dozens of elites jumped down one after another to fight in the thick fog.

The Onmyoji of the Okumura family summoned the spirit of the ancestors to possess him. He was wearing the traditional armor of the Tofu Islands and wielding a sword as he danced among the enemies. But suddenly a harder staff came in at an extremely tricky angle, and with just a few moves he was able to Let the door open and be struck through the heart.

The Poseidon priest who killed him was hit on the head by a huge fist. In an instant, his skull shattered into pieces and his brains splattered.

Wang Weiwu withdrew his fist without stopping and rushed towards a sea tank that was very close at hand.

"Get up!"

The thick volcanic rock spider legs were picked up by Wang Weiwen and moved heavily to the ground. The sea tank's energy beam hit the ground, splashing countless gravel and soil.

Wang Weiwen directly inserted his bare hands into the energy core at the bottom of the sea tank, completely destroying it. The terrifying burning on his hands only stayed for a few seconds before it completely recovered.

The eyelids of a young Sain wearing the attire of a Hisain noble twitched.

Is this Kyushu native so fierce? !
Whose general is this? !
Why do you feel like you can't defeat me even if you transform? !
There are not a few Sains on the battlefield, but because they are afraid of the energy weapons of the Drai people, few choose to transform and expose their huge bodies. That is equivalent to a living target. Those Carter monsters are the best negative teaching materials.

Wang Weiwu nodded to Saiin and then continued to rush to help other places.

But there was also a hint of worry in his heart.

Too many. Too many Terai people.
And the firepower is too strong!That kind of concentrated energy beam is really terrifying.

About 5% of the large vehicles and weapons on the battlefield have been detonated by the Terai people. The average survival time of helicopters does not exceed [-] minutes. Only land-based missiles and fighter jets can survive and continue to provide fire support.

If at the beginning, the human side could suppress it with its superior firepower, then now the two sides have entered the stage of close combat.

Relying on his tyrannical strength and vitality, Wang Weiwu has no enemy on the battlefield. However, for the vast majority of humans, the pressure is increasing and the losses are also increasing.

Especially no matter how many people died, no matter who they faced, these Derai people did not show any hesitation or fear.

He is not afraid of death, but even if he dies, he will have someone to support him.

In the white space, Ye Da knew nothing about the changes in the outside world. According to his senses, only half an hour had passed here.

Jiang Hou's remnant soul finally finished explaining everything, looked at Ye Da with smiling eyes, and said:
"It's basically like this. My body failed to defeat Poseidon, but at the last moment, I condensed all the sources of life into a bead using the 'Unity of Spirit and Flesh'. And the small one in your hand is actually me. The eyeball that has been taken out a long time ago is the beacon of the orb. As long as you keep carrying it, the orb will definitely find you."

Ye Da said helplessly: "But my spiritual enlightenment ability 'Infinite Devouring' cannot be transformed into my own strength as quickly as you can. I ate a black monster before and it took dozens of hours to digest it. Even if I went out immediately, Even if you swallow the beads, you won't be able to improve your strength immediately. It may take several days or even longer."

Not to mention whether the Poseidon can be defeated in the end, at least within a few days of digestion, the entire island will probably be destroyed by the Poseidon.

This is an extremely heavy price. This island has gathered a large number of elite combat forces, and it is also a precious heritage for mankind.

"Jiang Hou" suddenly said: "Don't worry, I'm afraid you haven't discovered many secrets of 'Infinite Swallowing' yet. The most important and powerful point among them is that if you 'swallow' the spirit enlightener, then you You can gain the other party’s spiritual enlightenment ability.”

Ye Da's eyes widened.

"You mean?"

"Yes, the orb contains all my life sources. After swallowing it, you will obtain my 'spirit and flesh unity' and become a dual-ability enlightenment possessing the two powerful abilities of 'spirit and flesh unity' and 'infinite devouring'." Spirit, by then, you will be able to digest the orb quickly, just like I once swallowed the sea dragon, in a few breaths. But don't worry, I have removed the impurities of power that are not human, and you will not become like me Such an inhuman existence.”

Jiang Hou had really planned everything before his death. He knew several timelines and was more aware than Ye Da of the new spiritual enlightenment ability of "Infinite Devouring".

In a certain timeline, Ye Da awakened "Infinite Swallowing" and swallowed the mortal "Wang Weiwu" in a desperate situation, gaining the "hero" spiritual enlightenment ability. That was the only time he swallowed the spiritual enlightener.

Unfortunately, in that timeline, Ye Da did not have a high reputation. The changes brought to him by the "hero" were not enough to defeat Poseidon, and he ended up in the ruins of Kyushu.

After hearing "Jiang Hou"'s description, Ye Da himself was stunned for a while. He didn't expect "Infinite Devouring" to have such a heaven-defying ability.
"Infinite Devouring" + "Unity of Soul and Body".
Ye Da felt like he was in over his head. If these two abilities came together, he didn't know what kind of experience it would be like.

In addition, the orb itself contains all the power of Jiang Hou during his lifetime.
Maybe there really is a chance.
"Jiang Hou" thought of something and his eyes were a bit joking: "If my guess is right, there will be a surprise waiting for you after you obtain the 'Unity of Soul and Body'."

As for what the surprise was, "Jiang Hou" didn't want to say.

Ye Da wanted to beat this "remnant soul".

But seeing that rough smiling face, I couldn't let go.

Having finished speaking, the two figures, one tall and one short, fell silent again.

Ye Da knew it was time.

He looked at Jiang Hou, trying to remember his appearance. That was the human appearance of Jiang Hou, and it was also the Jiang Hou he was familiar with.

He knew that after this time, he might never have the chance to see it again.

"Do you have any last wishes? If I win, I will fulfill it for you."

"Jiang Hou" said happily: "I don't have any last wishes. Go and blow up Poseidon's ugly face for me."

He then touched his chin and said, "If you must, wait until you cross that threshold and try to see if you can help me resurrect Wen Juan. Although I am not completely sure, after all, that is what Poseidon is pursuing. Maybe the realm is really so magical?" Ye Da nodded and finally let out a breath.

After a long time, Ye Da said with a complicated expression:

"So. where to start?"

where to start. eat you.
"Jiang Hou" smiled and said: "Let me start by devouring this remnant soul. In fact, the orb has been transmitting power to you since you entered this space. I set it to only recognize you." , this should save you some time."

Ye Da shook his head and said, "I don't feel it. I might have to go out and take a look."

He made final mental preparations and stood up.

Next, we will swallow Jiang Hou’s remaining soul.
This can be regarded as the last trace of the human being named "Jiang Hou" in this world.

Originally he wanted to put his hand on Jiang Hou's head, but after thinking about it, Ye Da stretched out a palm in front of Jiang Hou.

"Jiang Hou" was stunned, then he laughed and stood up, stretching out his hand.

The two palms were held together.

Ye Da's eyes were gloomy, and he shook his huge palm, squeezing it tightly, as if he was saying goodbye to his friend for the last time.

Jiang Hou's remnant soul began to glow and gradually dissipated.

Ye Da said softly: "Thank you. Goodbye."

Jiang Hou responded: "Come on, Xiaoye! I leave it to you."

Completely dissipated.

In the white space, Ye Da was the only one left.

At the same time, he also felt that a force was changing him, as if he was sublimating in a certain direction.

He is about to obtain the ability called "Unity of Spirit and Body" and Jiang Hou's full power.

Jiang Hou's last gift.

At this moment, a note suddenly floated down from the empty white space.

Ye Da picked up the note doubtfully.

On it was Jiang Hou's handwriting.

After much thought, I decided not to leave this world with a single lie. After all, I had created too many lies before.

And finally, two things to confess to you.

First, the space of consciousness here flows at a different speed than the time in the outside world, but it does not slow down, but speeds up. Several hours may have passed in the outside world. I am worried that you will not be able to absorb the power of the orb with peace of mind, and even risk your life to save others. Give up the orb, so I lied to you.

Secondly, I don't have a soul left behind. "Infinite Devouring" can only obtain the other party's spiritual enlightenment ability by completely devouring the complete soul. I'm worried that you won't be able to bear it.

Finally, it's a pity that I don't have time to chat with you anymore. In fact, I really want to find someone to have a long chat with. There are so many words that I have been holding in my heart for many years. Then... in the next life.
You will eventually surpass me. 】

Ye Da's hands were trembling, and he held the note tightly in his palm.

A clear tear fell on the pure white ground.

Almost at the same time, the inexplicable power completely completed the change and opened a treasure called power.

Ye Da's momentum was soaring rapidly.

The white space was trembling violently, as if celebrating Ye Da's change.

The power called "Unity of Spirit and Body" has found a new home.

"Spirit and body become one"!The first stage:

The soul can touch, hurt, and protect the body.
The body can also touch, hurt, and protect the soul.
The two forces complemented each other, making Ye Da's body and soul a perfect fit.

"Spirit and body become one"!second stage:

The soul strengthens the body
The body can also strengthen the soul.
Ye Da felt the power in his body rising endlessly.

"Spirit and body become one"!The third phase:

The two powers merge to form an extremely strong defensive force on the body surface. If the soul is not scattered, the body will not be broken, and if the body is not broken, the soul will not be injured.

A strong and invisible protective film appeared on Ye Da's body surface.

The fourth stage of "Unity of Spirit and Body":
The soul and body can be condensed into orbs, which can be swallowed to quickly strengthen one's body until the limit of destiny.

The white space was gradually collapsing, and the space that existed inside the orb began to dissipate as Ye Da completely absorbed the power of the orb.

White squares fell from the sky, and the white earth collapsed piece by piece.

Even at the speed of "integration of soul and body", it would have taken several hours to completely absorb the orb left by Jiang Hou. But now, because of Jiang Hou's lies, Ye Da has reached the final step.

Ye Da felt that his body and soul were sublimating simultaneously, reaching a truly perfect state.

And with Yeda's soul and body fitting perfectly for the first time.

He finally untied it.

The seal he placed with his own hands.

He finally remembered who he was.

Ye Da's eyes seemed to have aged hundreds of years in an instant, and became calm, as if he had seen through all the joys and sorrows in this world.

"I see. No wonder Kyushu is so familiar to me."

"It turns out that I am the boy in white."

 The big chapter is 4000 words, and there are only two chapters today, but Chapter 2 has more words, maybe 5000.

  The answer to the mystery buried in millions of words has finally been revealed.

  Tell a story, tell a story.

(End of this chapter)

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