I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 425: 7 Years of Secrets

Chapter 425: 700 Years of Secrets

"Master, aren't you still sleeping?"

"Wait a minute, I just remembered that I created a poem and asked me to revise it carefully before going to bed after revising it."

Xue Qing and Xue Ke, two maids in their prime, dozed off and held their young cheeks, waiting for their young master.

Although they were tired, when they looked at the person in front of them, they were not impatient at all.

The bright and delicate little face is full of deep attachment and pride.

Wenqu star descends to earth, the youngest literary master in history, the poet leader whose reputation spreads all over the world, and the "master who is master" who has never met countless literati.

Child prodigy Ye Da.

Although he is only two years older than them, the young master is already famous all over the world.

Both of them were born into poor families, and were sold to Ren Yazi at the age of ten. Fortunately, they were spotted by the young master Ye Da, and they lived a stable and happy life ever since.

Every day they spend with him is the happiest day in their lives, and they hope to stay with him forever.

The son is gentle, courteous, talented, and affectionate. He never scolds his servants, teaches them to read and write, and teaches them the principles of life. He eats at the same table with them and sleeps with them. They use strange words such as "little" and "no loss forever", but they truly treat them as human beings, not objects or tools.

When they grow up in the future, they will stay with the young master for the rest of their lives, forever and ever.

After Ye Da finished revising the new work, he was quite satisfied after reading it aloud. He held their soft little hands and said, "Let's go! Go back to sleep!"

Such days can never be enough.

Xue Qing and Xue Ke thought so.

However, God didn't seem to favor the pair of little girls very much, nor did he favor this high-spirited time traveler whose life had just begun to shine.

"Master, are you feeling better? Drink this decoction."

Xue Qing looked at the pale young master in front of her with distress, his pitiful face full of sorrow.

When winter first came, I heard that there was a plague in the south. As a high-ranking family with many tenants, the Ye family naturally paid attention to it.

Ye Da, in particular, vigorously promoted measures such as drinking boiled water and washing hands frequently among the clan. At that time, others felt that the child prodigy was making a fuss out of a molehill.

But the development of the plague exceeded everyone's expectations. In just two months, the entire western Hunan and even most of Liangzhou began to be infected with the epidemic. Every day, busloads of dead people were dragged out of the city. In the end, even the young master who cared most about "epidemic prevention" was infected. sick.

The disease is so strange that all the doctors have no cure, so basically they can only lie next to each other on the bed, and the number of people infected with the disease is [-]% to [-]%.

Even the doctors and strangers invited by the Ye family, those with extraordinary abilities, were helpless and died of illness themselves.

Ye Da turned over with difficulty, took a bowl of turbid liquid with unknown ingredients, and sighed: "This medicine doesn't work at all."

Xue Qing said hurriedly: "Sir! Maybe it will be useful if you drink it?"

Ye Da knew that this was the reality. Dabin only had such a medical condition and he himself did not understand medical skills. He accepted his fate and said: "Forget it, forget it, I will just drink it. At least it is a decoction and not a talisman."

After drinking all the decoction, Ye Da lay weakly back on the bed.

Although Ye Da was feeling uncomfortable at this time and knew how serious the plague was, he still didn't think he would die.

On the one hand, he used the epidemic prevention and biological knowledge of his previous life when conditions permit, including his own conditioning, keeping warm and ventilated, drinking more hot water, taking in protein and vitamins, etc., and he thought he was better than ordinary people. There's a chance you can get through it.

On the other hand, some time travelers are somewhat pretentious and do not believe that they will die so early.

Unfortunately, things did not develop in the direction he imagined.

A month later, Ye Da's condition progressed very slowly, but there was no sign of improvement. He was originally so handsome and handsome, but now he was as thin as a stick. He didn't even have the strength to get up and turn over, and his spirit became trance-like.

There are various signs that he may not be able to resist.

Xue Qing and Xue Ke have never contracted the disease, but looking at the young master's appearance, they secretly wiped away tears every night.

Ye Da said angrily: "I'm so confused about this disease. What day is today?"

Xue Ke wiped her tears and said, "Sir, today is the winter solstice."

"It's been such a long time since the winter solstice. How are my mother and the others doing? And my father and eldest brother."

Xue Qing and Xue Ke looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

"I guessed it. Are they still alive?"

Xue Qing said quickly: "Master, don't think too much! The master and his wife just got sick. The doctor doesn't allow them to come see you..."

"Haha. Return to the doctor. The doctor himself has died several times."

Ye Da has been bedridden for too long, especially during the last period, when he was unconscious more than awake.

The situation of the Ye family was far beyond his imagination. Hundreds of people from this famous family had already died. Even in the main family mansion, almost everyone was infected with the disease.

The spread of the plague also led to the collapse of ethics in Liangzhou. People who fled, robbers, and rebels emerged one after another. Once many families fell ill, even their servants and relatives were unwilling to take care of them, leaving the patients to fend for themselves.

There were only two little girls, Xue Qing and Xue Ke, who thought that they would die with the young master, and they stayed around his patient every day without fear.

Ye Da murmured: "You're still alive. That's good. You two silly girls, your master may be in trouble soon. I didn't expect that I died of the plague. It's really outrageous, and it's a shame for time travellers."

The two little girls hurriedly said, "Master, you can't do that!" "Young master, you are so blessed!"

Unfortunately, his face was crying even harder.

In the end, Ye Da, a generation of prodigy, died of a strange plague at the age of 16.

When the news spread to western Hunan, the whole world was shocked, and countless literati and poets wept.

But neither Ye Da, who died of illness, nor everyone in the world at this time realized that this plague would torture Kyushu for hundreds of years.

I do not know how long it has been
Ye Da opened his eyes drowsily.

The wooden boards are unfamiliar to the eye.

"Is this... a coffin board?"

While his mind was still in confusion, the board of his coffin was lifted, and two beautiful women with fairy-like appearance stood outside.

Ye Da was stunned for a moment.

"Am I not dead? Was I dug out? No! Why am I still conscious?!"

Before Ye Da could figure it out, the two women hugged Ye Da directly and cried with joy.

"My lord! You're awake!"

"Finally! Finally"

Ye Da felt his arms full of fragrant jade and was stunned for a long time.

"Are you Xue Qing? Xue Ke?"

The appearance of the two people vaguely showed traces of their childhood, but they were more beautiful. Ye Da could only sigh with emotion at his shrewd eyes when choosing people from Ren Yazi.

"What time is it now?"

After the two explained, Ye Da realized that ten years had passed since his death.

A lot has happened in these ten years.

First of all, the plague swept across all nine states. Humanity was weak, the world was in chaos, and the number of dead was huge.

The Ye family also suffered heavy losses in this catastrophe. Almost everyone familiar to Ye Da died in the plague.

The story of the two little maids is even more bizarre.

Because Ye Da has been teaching them how to read and write, and telling them some anecdotes, the two girls are far smarter and more visionary than ordinary servants.

After Ye Da's death, the two decided to leave Ye's family and search for those legendary capable people and strangers to seek immortality and seek immortality, hoping to use extraordinary power to resurrect Ye Da.

This is an extremely ridiculous decision.

But judging from Ye Da's current situation.

They actually succeeded, or succeeded in a sense.

"Old Man Jiuyou?"

The two girls nodded. After they left the Ye family, they naturally went through a lot of twists and turns, but in the end they were lucky enough to be apprenticed to a hermit who called himself "Old Man of Nine Nethers", and learned the techniques passed down by him to pave the way for their final recovery. Ye Da provided the conditions.

The reason why it is called recovery rather than resurrection is because of Ye Da's identity at this time.

He is a zombie.

And it is the weakest kind of "walking corpse", its strength is not as good as that of ordinary living people, its limbs are stiff, and it walks like an 80-year-old man.

Hmm. The hair is also similar. Maybe because he has been dead for ten years, all his hair has fallen out, leaving only a big bald head.

It took Ye Da a long time to digest all the news. Ye Da had no objection to reawakening in this way. After all, he was a time traveler from the earth and had died once. The psychological threshold is high.

Even vaguely, I feel that it should be like this, otherwise he would be a time traveler!I copied some poems at the age of 16, but it was too anticlimactic!

And after reawakening as a zombie, he finally had the opportunity to come into contact with the extraordinary power that he had dreamed of before his death, but had never been able to obtain.Xue Qing and Xue Ke naturally have nothing to hide from Ye Da. In order to help the young master quickly improve his strength and get rid of the "walking zombie" state where he can't even walk stably, Ye Da needs to learn from them without saying anything. The "Corpse Control Technique" was passed on to Ye Da.

And Ye Da was able to practice for the first time.

Since Ye Dashang was still weak and his face was too pale to look like a living person, the three of them lived in seclusion on the mountain without disturbing the chaos in the world of mortals.

The three of them have all lived the life they dreamed of ten years ago. Ye Da also begins to regard Xue Qing and Xue Ke as family members and even lovers, and the three of them have become husband and wife.

Those were the happiest years for Xue Qing and Xue Ke.

The three of them all like the color white and are often dressed in plain clothes. They are in the deep mountains without being disturbed, just like a couple of gods and immortals.

Occasionally, I met a woodcutter collecting firewood, telling me that another year of plague had hit the mountains and how many people had died.

In the end, even the woodcutter died of illness.

The only thing that made Ye Da strange was that the "Old Man of Nine Nethers" mentioned by Xue Qing and Xue Ke, that teacher who sounded unusually selfless, was like an illusory symbol that never appeared and never gave any instructions.

The second daughter said that "Old Man Jiuyou" has a long lifespan, and one retreat may last many years. They will introduce the young master to him in the future.

It took Ye Da six years to gradually develop some skills in practice, and he had the strength to protect himself, and he would no longer be noticed by ordinary people.

"Young master, do you have something on your mind?"

Xue Qing lay in Ye Da's arms and couldn't help but ask.

Ye Da, who was dressed in white and had a bald head, could only nod when he heard this, helped Xue Qing up, called Xue Ke, and said to the two girls: "Xue Qing, Xue Ke, I want to go down the mountain and have a look."

The two women looked at each other and seemed to have guessed the young master's plan.

The young master has always been sympathetic to the people of the world. The plague outside has become more and more serious every year. The young master has long been unable to sit still. He even asked them to bring back many medical books and began to study medical skills to find a way to cure the plague.

He even polished a pair of "stone stones" and practiced regularly.

Xue Ke immediately said: "Let's accompany the young master!"

Ye Da shook his head: "He's not a child anymore. He just walks around casually. One person is enough."

Ye Da went down the mountain alone. At first, he just walked around the surrounding area and visited some remote mountain villages. But even these limited places refreshed his worst expectations about the outside world.

Nine out of ten rooms are empty, there are bones on the road, ethics have collapsed, and humanity has declined.

Those scenes were so painful that even Ye Da's vocabulary could not describe them.

The people of Kyushu have been indulging in this kind of misery for more than ten years, so much so that they have become numb.

It seems that there should be that terrifying plague in this world.

Ye Da came back from the mountains for the first time and locked himself in the house all night.

He looked through the medical books but couldn't find any method.

He tried polishing the convex lens himself, but found nothing. He didn't know whether it was because the microscope he made didn't work at all, or because the plague was just so weird.

Then he went down the mountain again and visited more places to explore possible hope.

Although he could not cure the plague, he knew how to reduce the losses. Everywhere he passed, he would use the "corpse control method" to mobilize the people who died from the plague and burn them in one place to isolate the source of infection.

And they will also persuade local people to follow suit and promote cremation.

Although the effect is not very good, Liangzhou, especially Xiangxi, attaches great importance to returning fallen leaves to their roots. For relatives, cremation is not much different from killing family members with their own hands.

In the end, Ye Da simply made an incense burner himself to "burn" the corpses. Large tracts of corpses would turn into ash-like powder in just a few breaths.

This has aroused the hatred of many people, and not everyone can understand his behavior.

He has never given up, and has been searching for strange people and ancient books from various places. It seems that he has a good talent for practicing after turning into a zombie. He has been improving rapidly along the way, becoming stronger and stronger, and he has also re-refined the incense burner and stone Bianstone. More powerful.

Gradually, the reputation of the "boy in white" spread throughout Liangzhou and was sung by the world, leaving behind many true and false legends.

Xue Qing and Xue Ke would sometimes ask him: "Are you tired, Master?"

Ye Da only replied: "I can't bear to see the world become like this. It's boring to live in this world!"

However, although Ye Da's actions had a certain effect that year, no matter how hard he tried the next year, the plague would always come back again. Ye Da gradually felt that these were only treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

Many years later, Xue Qing and Xue Ke suddenly said: "The master is calling us. Master, please come with us. We will introduce you to the master."

So Ye Da finally met the legendary "Old Man of Nine Nethers" in the extreme west of Liangzhou, at the very edge of Kyushu.

Almost immediately after meeting him, Ye Da felt that this guy was not a good person.

The whole body exuded the aura of decay, and the body was covered with tattered robes. On the old face, it was not even possible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

Moreover, the old man Jiuyou has been sitting on a stone platform, and the stone platform is in an underground space.

From the perspective of a time traveler, this guy almost has the word "villain" written on his face.

Especially this underground space, Ye Da vaguely felt that it was a formation, but he himself had no experience in this area, so he couldn't tell what the formation did.

However, Xue Qing and Xue Ke were not surprised by the state of "Old Man Jiuyou". It seemed that Old Man Jiuyou was like this when he first became a disciple.

When Old Man Jiuyou saw Xue Qing and Xue Ke arriving, he smiled like a child crying in the night: "My good daughter, is this the husband you are talking about? Let me take a look."

Old Man Jiuyou remained motionless and showed no intention of getting up. He seemed unable to leave the strange stone platform.

Ye Da suppressed all the thoughts in his heart and walked honestly to the old man Jiuyou.

The closer Ye Da got, the more he felt the astonishing decaying atmosphere of the existence in front of him, like a coffin board that had been silent in the mud for hundreds of years, and the concept of "aging" was revealed all over his body.

When Old Man Jiuyou saw Ye Da, his cloudy eyes burst into light, and he seemed quite satisfied: "Hahaha, he is indeed the husband of my daughters, so good!"

I don't know what's good about it.

This old man from Jiuyou seems to have never heard of the deeds of "Prodigy Ye Da", and he doesn't know what era he is from.

Old Man Jiuyou and Xue Qingxue spoke in secret, told them to do a few things, and then let the three of them leave.

Outside the cave, Xue Qing seemed to notice Ye Da's complexity, and she took the initiative and said, "Sir, is it the Master's appearance that scares you?"

Ye Da wanted to deny it, but finally nodded.

Xue Ke on the side hurriedly said: "Husband, master, he just went wrong in his practice, he looks a little scary, but he is very kind, never harsh to my sister and me, he teaches carefully, and has nothing to ask for, if there is no master , Don’t talk about waking up the young master, I’m afraid my sister and I would have died in this world long ago.”

Ye Da understands how Xue Qing and Xue Ke feel. After all, they can survive, practice skills, and resuscitate him all without the help of old man Jiuyou. And that strange existence, at least so far, has no appeal. It seems that they really only focus on cultivating Xue Qing and Xue Ke.

Now, it seems to include myself.

Old Man Jiuyou actually pointed out many of Ye Da's doubts about cultivation, and also passed down several profound teachings.

That existence's status in the hearts of Xue Qing and Xue Ke is probably second only to themselves.

It's just that appearance, that breath, is really too weird.

In order not to make the two of them sad, Ye Da could only hide his worries. Besides, the world is so dark and difficult, and the plague is the most important thing!What if there is a terrifying-looking stranger hiding in the ravine?
If we have this time, we might as well think about how to solve the plague problem.

After that, the three of them separated. Xue Qing and Xue Ke went to do the things assigned by the old man Jiuyou. They had to go to many places, all over the world, while Ye Da continued to follow the footsteps of the plague and find a way to solve it.

His footprints went further and further, traveling all over the country, sometimes for a year or two. Although he would return to his secluded home whenever he had time, in general he gradually became less together with Xue Qing and Xue Ke. ,
The devastated world made him less interested in romance, and he only wanted to get rid of the pain of the plague as soon as possible.

His strength is getting stronger and stronger, his knowledge is getting wider and wider, and he gradually has more insights of his own along the way of cultivation, all the way reaching extremely advanced levels, until he finally touches an invisible threshold.

Compared with other capable people and strangers, his talent after becoming a zombie far exceeds everyone else. Ye Da's few years are worth a lifetime of hard work for others. This makes Ye Da often sigh with emotion. It turns out that he is a time traveler. The script of the film was officially launched after death.

Among the people he has met, only Xueqing and Xueke's talents are on the same level as him, which made him realize why the old man Jiuyou had a crush on the two of them and accepted them as his disciples.

A few years later, Ye Da took the lead in crossing that threshold, which was called "the ultimate" threshold by the Kyushu strangers.

Unfortunately, the plague has been raging and doesn't seem to care about this little thing.

And after he became the "Jue Ding", he gradually gained a new understanding of the plague that was ravaging Kyushu.

It's the spirit son who is creating the plague.

No wonder the microscope that I polished could not detect the pathogen. No wonder no matter how much work I did, the plague would still appear the next year.

The entire Kyushu was shrouded in a strange power.

This discovery made Ye Da, who was already "extreme", feel cold all over, so he began to investigate secretly.

Finally, he realized the source of all the problems, which turned out to be the "Old Man of Nine Nethers".

This existence is harvesting the vitality and destiny of the human race in some way.

Those harvested mysterious and mysterious things were gathered into formations in Jiuzhou, and finally passed through a sky-reaching formation and gathered at the old man Jiuyou.

Over the years, everything Xue Qing and Xue Ke did for Old Man Jiuyou was basically to help him maintain his various positions.

 Celebrate the first [-]-word chapter in your life.

  Although it’s too late
(End of this chapter)

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