I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 430 Finale (BGM begins a new journey)

Chapter 430 Finale (BGM begins a new journey)

A month has passed since that unprecedented battle.

The sea gradually returned to normal, and many submerged islands in the Tofu Islands resurfaced. However, due to the severe impact on the ecological environment, the relocated residents at that time could not return for the time being.

The military bases on the main island and the source island have fewer and fewer personnel, and a large number of social spiritual enlighteners have returned to their original posts. Only the military and official forces are still stationed here.

The large amount of infrastructure built during this war, which is still intact, will be retained in the Tofu Islands, providing a valuable foundation for the future development of the Tofu Islands.

The most troublesome thing is those Terai prisoners of war. Except for a small number of people who formed a mission and traveled across the ocean with humans to deal with the subsequent defeat in the Terai territory, tens of thousands of others still need to stay in the Tofu Islands. Holding.

The food habits of these Terai people are different from humans, they also need to soak in sea water for a long time, and they don't even understand the language!
It's really frustrating for humans.

A large number of mariculture experts had to be transferred from Kyushu overnight.
Five precious ocean current generators, four of which were completely destroyed, and one that was still working but exhausted its energy, were all recovered by humans. They will become key research objects for technological development and provide a solid first step for humans to transform the planet in the future. step.

Of course, there is no need to mention some men who dug for more than ten hours and missed the whole world.

I fainted from crying in the toilet.

Before taking back the current generator, a melted body of a Terai man caught the attention of humans. For some unknown reason, his flesh and blood completely melted on the current generator, showing a strange crystallized state that was difficult to peel off, almost lifelike.

After trying various methods to no avail, in order not to destroy the ocean current generator, the human side finally chose to retain the crystallized body of this Derai man, allowing him to stay with his last tragedy forever.

The wall of gray fog did not completely dissipate after the war, but it was also very different from the past 100 years. The gray fog in the ocean direction almost completely disappeared, but the land part was still there, and there were nine more huge doors.

The rules of heaven and earth seem to have undergone some subtle changes, but most people have not noticed them yet.

The war between humans and the Terrai is over, but there is still a maritime civilization with a huge population in the distant seas that needs humans to deal with.

They may have lost their own king and their own god, but they are not meat on the chopping block.

How to deal with it depends on human skill.

Yes, humans.

In this war, for the first time, mankind transcended national differences, geographical distances, and even languages, texts, and customs.

We chose to stand together.

The prototype of a new "community of human civilization" with Kyushu as the core and the Tofu Islands and Hisaiyin attached to it has emerged.

And this prototype has not yet been discovered or realized by anyone at this time.

It lies dormant in human consciousness, waiting for the day when it will break out of its shell.


Since its birth, it has lost the protection and guidance of its ancestral alien species.

It lasted for tens of thousands of years in the wilderness.

In the darkness, the spark of civilization was born with difficulty.

In just a few thousand years, a splendid civilization was created.

They once had the same origin, but they also once fell apart and hated each other.

But maybe one day, they will come together again, in the name of "human civilization".

It is a community of destiny.

Gray fog calendar, 155 years.

In Jiangzhou, Sanlin Town, a wretched, obese middle-aged man with a mustache and a sinister look came to a strange building.

The building is located not far from the highway. It is in a square shape and forms a courtyard.

It seems to be an Internet celebrity tourist attraction. Countless young people come here to check in, and some small Internet celebrities are live broadcasting.

The middle-aged man was really uncomfortable with this scene and subconsciously walked slowly, not wanting to attract anyone's attention.

Then he used a cover-up trick and got into the small door on the edge.

A middle-aged woman who was also obese was skewering starch sausage inside and chewing beef jerky. When they saw someone appearing, they were both stunned.

After half an hour.


"Hu Er?"

Two people who looked about the same age hugged each other and shed tears.

With a "bang" sound, they all revealed their fluffy fox tails.

"You're still alive! Where have you been these past few years?!"

Hu Er wiped away tears and said: "I went to work in a human city, and then I was caught for committing fraud and was imprisoned in a protected area for several years!"

"The reserve is a great place, but you've become fat."

"Then the food is very good..."

Hu Er regained his fox-like appearance and excitedly took out a small card:

"Mom, what do you think this is?! This is a spirit ID card! A human issued it to me! From now on, we will be monsters with identities!"

Hu Niang also took out one: "Mom, you have one too! Our 'Yam Village' is now an internet celebrity attraction! The people in the town have already come to help us. Without further ado, I will take you to see Uncle Wei. He and Zhuang The boss is discussing business."

Hu Er was stunned. Isn't Uncle Wei a zombie?Can you meet someone?
"Your Uncle Wei is now the general manager of 'Yam Village Tourism Development Co., Ltd.', and Boss Zhuang is an investor!"

"Zhuang Miao? Where is your mother? Why are you here alone?"

Zhuang Miao rolled her eyes: "I'm already in junior high school, what's wrong with being alone? My mother is busy with business."

In the youth training camp of the Donghai Special Affairs Section, Li Youren, who was reinstated as an official, smiled awkwardly.

This little girl is probably going to be rebellious.
I hope the rebellious phase of the S-class spiritual enlightener will not cause any trouble.
"After you were promoted to S level, the name change of the spiritual enlightenment ability has been approved. According to your request, you are now the owner of the 'God of Love' spiritual enlightenment ability."

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Miao pouted and said: "I thought about it yesterday and felt that the name 'God of Love' is too old-fashioned, as if it was only used by the previous generation. I want to change it."

Li Youren's face jumped: "Change it to what?"

"Let's call it 'Pure Love Warrior', that sounds nice."

Li Youren:
It is indeed the rebellious period
"Then let me apply for it for you."

Inside Tunghai University, in a certain classroom.

"Everyone, there will be two new transfer students in our class this semester."

On the podium, the two girls, Sagara Miyu and Okumura Ryoshi, bowed in unison. This kind of special etiquette was quite rare in Kyushu. The college students below were stunned for a moment.

"They are all from Tofu Islands and have completed preparatory school. In the next three years, we will all be classmates. Welcome."

There was warm applause from the audience. The transfer students from outside the territory were quite impressive, especially the two beauties.

In the evening, there was a class reunion as usual to welcome the two new girls.

In the same restaurant, two blond young men not far away looked over from time to time.

"Is that a Tofu Islander? Why haven't I seen him in the preparatory school?"

"They may be in a preparatory school in Huajing, but we are in a special preparatory school in Donghai. We have three hours of ideological reform classes a day!"

The two of them are also international students, but they are from Xisayin.

However, compared to the international students, the two have a more secret identity, that is, they are two "Sain".

This strange ethnic group once had many misdeeds, but after all, it has deep roots in Xisayin.

However, as a Sain, if you want to survive in today's society, especially as an international student in Kyushu, in addition to having made meritorious service on the battlefield, being born no more than 20 years ago, and undergoing thorough ideological transformation, there are also some other requirements. .

"Hey, the artificial serum protein tastes really bad. I almost vomited after drinking it."

There were only two glasses of Coke in front of them.Another person quickly whispered: "Stop talking, it's a new era now, you and I are lucky enough to be able to come to Kyushu. I heard that anyone who dares to make mistakes back home will be killed."

"Have you heard that the 'New Saine Management Department' is doing internal cleaning, and many old guys in Xisaiin who are unwilling to change their habits have been eliminated."

"Nonsense, what era has it been? Even Mr. Field and the others have switched to taking 'artificial serum protein'. I won't say it any more. I'll take you to the next level tonight! Up, up, up!"

"I want to play ADC!"

"Pull him down! You're so good! Just play support with peace of mind!"

A lively wedding was being held in the Donghong Hotel, a long-established hotel in the East China Sea.

In the hotel lobby, there are roll-up banners for the bride and groom. The two handsome men and women on them are smiling particularly brightly.

"For the wedding of Mr. Li Zifeng and Ms. Yao Ruting, please go to the Baihua Hall on the second floor."

In the banquet hall on the second floor, people were drinking and drinking, and it was very lively.

A young man in black laughed loudly, picked up a bottle of red wine, and stepped on the stool.

"Uncle and auntie! I'll show you a little whirlwind!!"

The groom Li Zifeng in the distance had his eyelids twitching.

This guy Ren Shilin... I really want to shoot him!

Yao Ruting, who became solemn and bright at the side, kept scanning her groom with her beautiful eyes, with unstoppable love in her eyes.

"Do you think he would be curious, when did we start?"

Li Zifeng came back to his senses and said to Yao Ruting: "He? It would be nice if he knew who he was when he came out from here. This guy is already the captain, but he is still so out of touch."

Under the cloth around the main table, a skateboard popped out with a thoughtful bow on it: "Do you want me to knock him out? The kind that knocks him out in one blow."

Li Zifeng laughed and said, "Let him drink. Anyway, the water in my cup is water. He can come to me if he wants!"

Ren Shilin performed his famous stunt for both parents of the bride and groom, and then started to circle in a self-destructive manner.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long before I couldn’t bear it anymore.

He ran to the toilet faster than he could drink.


After releasing the pressure in his abdomen, Ren Shilin wiped his mouth and was about to go back to find Li Zifeng to fight for [-] rounds...

His eyes were wandering, and he suddenly saw strange marks in the corner of the men's room.

This trace was very inconspicuous in the corner, but as the captain of the special affairs department, Ren Shilin could easily identify this thing.

Drunk and hazy, he looked carefully and wondered: "Why is there a bullet hole in the men's room?"

In Jiuzhou Hospital, a beautiful-looking Jiuzhou woman was waiting anxiously outside the door.

As if waiting for God's judgment.

Next to her, there was a blond woman who was very tall and attracted a lot of people's attention.

After a while, a young female doctor with a delicate face came out.

"Ms. Wenjuan, right?"

The Kyushu woman suddenly stood up.


"Please come in."

Wenjuan noticed that the young doctor's badge said "Deputy Chief Physician: Liu Ruyan"

The two entered the consulting room, and the female doctor said: "Hello, Ms. Wen, after careful examination, you are now physically qualified to undergo in vitro fertilization. Congratulations."

Wenjuan felt relieved, and her eyes instantly moistened.

Liu Ruyan looked through the information and said: "Mr. Jiang had sperm cryopreservation here five years ago. Now all the conditions are met, so I will make an appointment for IVF surgery for you."

Wenjuan asked excitedly: "Doctor, is the success rate high? Is there any possibility of failure? After all, I was seriously ill and was in a coma for a long time."

Liu Ruyan chuckled and said, "The success rate is very high in our department, so don't worry about it."

She thought to herself: The success rate is not simple, just a cigarette, otherwise why do you think I came to this department?


After walking out of the consulting room, Wenjuan wiped away her tears and looked at the blond woman who had been accompanying her throughout the entire process.

"Shana, that's great. The little boy is back."

Shana was also a little stunned.

"Master Jiang's child, shall we call him Xiaotong?"

At this time, a kind old man passed by the two of them and knocked on the door of the consulting room just now.

Realizing that Wenjuan had been looking at her, Shana asked, "Who do you know?"

Looking at the badge, it seems to be the dean.

Wenjuan nodded, but then shook her head: "I don't remember clearly."

The prosperity of the world is full of chaos.

In the huge structure called "society", some people are full of joy, some suffer, some are forging ahead, and some sadly withdraw from the stage of history.

Everyone has their own role and their own story. Maybe they are not the most shining one, but to themselves, they are the only one.

Of course, don’t be afraid if you fail. Maybe there will be a chance to make a comeback in the future.

Ye Jianguo opened his eyes drowsily, feeling that the entire small space was shaking.

With a "bang" sound, an ax blade appeared close at hand.

A crack was opened in the thick coffin board with an axe, and a strange young man in white peeked inside with one eye exposed, smiling strangely.

Then he chopped harder.

That way, it can be as scary as possible.

Ye Jianguo trembled all over. He couldn't remember who he was.

"Didn't I die? I died in the rebellion of the alien races."

Then he was lifted out of the coffin by the young man in white.

There was a woman standing next to the young man in white, looking at him with strange eyes.

But this is not important. What is important is that Ye Jianguo is a little confused now.

He instinctively wanted to devour the flesh and blood of a living person, but when he looked at the young man in white, his brain frantically warned him.

will die!will die!
So Ye Jianguo could only stay where he was, not daring to move.

The young man in white lit a cigarette, leaned against the coffin, puffed away air and said, "Maybe your mind is a little unclear now and you have forgotten many things, so I will keep the story short."

Ye Jianguo swallowed and waited for the next step.

Then I heard the young man in white say:

"You are a zombie now, and I am your ancestor."

A new story unfolds.
(End of this chapter)

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