I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 429: Beat until death (BGM starts a new journey)

Chapter 429: Beat until death (BGM starts a new journey)

Why immortal?

At the top, it should be immortal.

Immortality can last forever, immortality can lead the world, immortality can live as long as heaven.

But none of that matters.

the most important is!

Immortality can smash the ugly face of Poseidon!
Ye Da, who was a hundred meters tall, squeezed Poseidon's fist. This fist, which could shake the wall of gray mist, made a cracking sound in Ye Da's hand.

The Sea God understood almost immediately that the human being in front of him had crossed the realm that he dreamed of.

He has been pursuing that realm for 2 years.

"Impossible! Impossible! It must be fake!"

He mobilized all his strength and punched again.

The entire atmosphere was stirred because of this punch.

If he were in the ocean, this punch would cause a tsunami.

If he were on land, this punch could shatter the city.

However, what greeted Him was a huge slap.


The Poseidon, who was hundreds of meters high, was hit in the face like a shriveled tire and flew away for an unknown distance.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Poseidon opened his big mouth, and endless bright water spurted out from his mouth. It was an energy stronger than the creation of ocean currents, and it was his greatest killing move and original power.

However, when these bright water streams approached Ye Da, they were turned into docile water dragons. The hundreds of meters long water dragons hovered around Ye Da, as if they were pets guarding their owners.

"Control water? I can do it too! Mysterious water method."

Then Poseidon received another slap on the face.

Ye Da looked at Poseidon calmly and said: "I promised that if someone wants to smash your face, I will definitely smash your face. I will not touch other places."

Although Ye Da has countless ways to end the battle.

But he kept his word and only got a slap in the face
The kind that beats you to death! !
Huajing, Kyushu, the combat command center.

Countless people are busy working in an orderly manner. The battle hall renovated in the stadium is full of running staff, and everyone has anxious faces.

Since both Ye Da and Ye Jianguo lost contact, the Huajing Operations Center took over the command of the battlefield.

Tao Yongwu sat on the dispatching table with a heavy face. He looked as stable as a rock, but his fingers hidden under the table were tightly intertwined.

Plan D of the island's land operations did not go smoothly. The Terai people's firepower was not weak. After a difficult tug-of-war, a big killer weapon like a two-headed basilisk actually appeared.

Especially for the missile bases on the Tofu Islands, ammunition reserves are very unsatisfactory, the frequency of fire support is getting lower and lower, and the failure rate of a large number of fighter jets is also increasing after multiple takeoffs and landings.

This battle is too important to mankind.

Can't stand him not being nervous.

At this moment, a staff member came running over.

"Director Tao! The monitoring facility discovered that the gray fog has disappeared!"

Tao Yongwu was stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

"What did you say?!!!"

The man also had a look of disbelief: "Not all of them, but in the coastal area, there is a vacuum zone with a length of 2000 kilometers. In addition, there are also violent unknown tremors in the gray fog in the direction of the land."

Tao Yongwu stood up in a flash, sending all the stools behind him flying.

The gray fog disappears?That is the last line of defense in Kyushu!

It can be said that the existence of gray fog is more important than the outcome of the Dongfu Islands battle!

The Dongfu Islands have lost, and humans still have a chance to defend themselves against the gray fog, but the disappearance of the wall of gray fog is a completely different matter!

But before Tao Yongwu could finish digesting it, another staff member ran up.

While running, he yelled: "Director Tao! This is the satellite picture above where the gray fog started... and disappeared! You need to see this!"

Tao Yongwu took the photo.

In the photo, a figure in white was beating an ugly gray figure violently.

It's still the weird posture of riding on the body, firing the bow left and right, and constantly outputting the big cock.

What is this? An emoticon?
Got it wrong? Is this it? !
He almost immediately wanted to get angry. How could he make such a stupid mistake when life and death were at stake!

"Director Tao! The scale is okay! Both of them are nearly 200 meters tall! The figure in white seems to be Commander Ye Da!"



Wang Weiwu was covered in blood and stood in the battlefield panting.

Wang Weiwen has also exited the "red" state and cannot stand up.

Together they finally defeated the two-headed basilisk.

In order not to let the battle last too long, the two of them tried their best from beginning to end without reservation.

Someone from behind immediately came up to support the shaky Wang Weiwu and cheered: "Success!"

Wang Weiwu wiped the blood from his eyes and said from exhaustion, "It's not over yet."

As he said that, he looked at the Delai people who were still in darkness.The death of the two-headed basilisk did not affect their morale at all, and they remained silent and desperate to attack.

The person holding Wang Weiwu couldn't help but have a sad look in his eyes.

Yes, although the two-headed basilisk is gone, the Terai people are still there.

They may all end up dying in this war.

I only hope that mankind can achieve final victory.

Suddenly, the eyes of tens of thousands of Delai people on the field became clear almost at the same time.

It was no longer that firm and cold look, but instead showed emotions such as surprise, confusion, fear, etc.

It was as if they were sleepwalking and suddenly came here.

This scene was also captured by the human side.

A huge commotion quickly spread among the Delai people. One second they were holding weapons and launching attacks without fear of death. The next second they became full of confusion and their steps were frivolous.

"What's going on? Why am I on land?"

"This is a battlefield?! What happened?"

"I'm so thirsty I'm dying."

"I'm hurt! I'm hurt!"

Only the more powerful legion commanders and Poseidon priests could vaguely remember what happened.

They recalled the short, ugly figure at the bottom of the sea, the guy who called himself Poseidon, and Ramos, the king of the Derai who was swallowed by Poseidon.

The remaining two legion commanders immediately understood the situation of themselves and the others.

From shock, to fear, to despair.

Wang Weiwu quickly grasped the key. He jumped on the huge corpse of the two-headed basilisk and shouted loudly. His extreme power made his voice resound throughout the battlefield!

"The Terai people have been defeated! Surrender! Disarm and do not kill!"

The last four words were shouted in Delai language.

Although before the war, many people used the information obtained from Ye Da's soul search to learn one or two terms that they might use.

But they didn’t expect it would actually be used!
On the human side, voices like mountains and seas uttered together.

"Disarm without killing! Disarm without killing! Disarm without killing!!"

A large number of Derai people were already stunned by the tragic battlefield that "suddenly" appeared in front of them. Now, after hearing the shouts reaching into the sky, they subconsciously put down their weapons.

More and more Draai chose to drop their weapons.

They were confused, fearful, and even felt that their bodies were severely dehydrated. After losing the control of the Seagod's mark, they seemed to have no second choice.

A legion commander saw this and recalled that Ramos was killed in front of them. He was so sad that he took up his own weapon and committed suicide.

However, another legion commander next to him stopped him and pressed his weapon firmly.

"No! We can't die! Even if we die, the life and death of the Delai people here will be in doubt! We still have to stay and take charge of the overall situation, and we have to take the truth back and tell our billions of compatriots! Tell them the true face of Poseidon! "

The legion commander closed his eyes in pain and nodded.

"Mankind must win! Mankind must win! Mankind must win!"

With the fall of Poseidon, the war between humans and the Terrai finally came to an end.

In this battle, Kyushu suffered heavy losses and numerous casualties. Ye Jianguo fell and the Dongfu Islands were devastated.

But after all, a precious victory was achieved.

The remaining 9 Terai army chose to surrender and were all imprisoned by the human side.

And it may take a long time for the news of their defeat to be spread back to the country of the Terai people, including the grudge between their king and the Poseidon.

With the death of Poseidon, the abnormal sea water gradually receded, and a large number of submerged lands and islands in the Tofu Islands began to gradually emerge from the water.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, but many people were confused and didn't know how the Delai people woke up.

"Kutch, buzz, buzz"

A strange sound was made at the foot of the current generator.

As the water recedes, the tidal movement temporarily exposes the space that should have been underwater.

When the sea water movement becomes normal in the future, the place should return to the way it was before the war.

But now, before the humans had time to check out these trophies, a large number of seagulls started a buffet here.

"Kuqi Ka Ka, woo woo cross rub"

The strange noises became more and more obvious, and gradually the seagulls were frightened and flew away, screaming strangely and running away.

There was a loud "bang", accompanied by broken earth and rocks, and a figure wearing strange clothes jumped out from the ground.

"I'm Ren Shilin! I finally got out! Just watch me achieve amazing feats!!"

The "Sea Drilling Plan" has finally reached the most critical step!
God knows how worried he is about the situation outside when communications are blocked underground!
He dug for more than ten hours!

Do you know how he spent these few hours? !

"Huh?. Shouldn't this be the bottom of the sea?"


The seagulls in the sky flew by "Ao~Ao".

(End of this chapter)

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