Chapter 428 Immortal
"Hehehe! Innocence! Innocence!"

The pale giant still looked hideous, and his ugly face became even more bizarre due to his enlargement.

The giant hand of Poseidon grabbed Ye Da, and Ye Da sacrificed an incense burner, which in an instant changed from the size of a palm to several meters square, and smashed it against the giant hand.

The heavy impact resounded through the bottom of the sea.

As a result, the incense burner was knocked away.

It is undeniable that Poseidon is powerful, even beyond comprehension.

He is the most powerful existence that Ye Da has seen in 700 years. He is more powerful than the old man Jiuyou, more powerful than Jiang Hou, and more powerful than the boy in white.

On the surface, Poseidon has been exerting physical power, but in fact, the surrounding seawater is attacking Yeda all the time, and these currents are like the sharpest blades.

Even Ye Da's own Mysterious Water Technique can no longer mobilize the sea water.

While fighting, Poseidon shouted with a smile: "You ate that bead, right? Hehehehe, it doesn't matter, it will be the same for you if I eat it."

It is a communication method that relies on waves of consciousness and brute force to be mapped into the minds of other creatures, and can ignore language differences.

Ordinary people may become crazy if they hear even one sentence.

As he spoke, muddy saliva flowed from the corners of Poseidon's mouth.

Ye Da estimated the strength of both sides expressionlessly and came to a less optimistic result.

He did not reach the realm called "immortality" as Jiang Hou said. Although he could vaguely feel the threshold, the location of the threshold was further away than imagined.

In fact, in terms of current hard power, Ye Da is still lower than Poseidon.

In fact, the Sea God was even more surprised. The human who came to him had already surprised him. He had been asleep for hundreds of years. A human appeared out of nowhere and could fight him back and forth. This feeling was overwhelming. It hasn’t appeared in years.

Over the long years, he crushed everyone and never had a real opponent.

Now, another one actually appeared, and it was stronger than the previous one, and stronger than any of the "heaven and earth aliens" he had eaten.

He suspected that the orb was the key to strength, so he wanted to swallow Ye Da even more.

Ye Da and Poseidon, the two probably the most powerful and second most powerful beings on the planet, stirred up the entire sea and could not calm down.

Both of them have almost unlimited physical strength and vitality. I am afraid that this battle will not be decided in a short time.

And a figure quietly swam out from the dark sea hook. He glanced at the direction of the battlefield with hatred, and then continued to move awkwardly towards the original position of the Delai people.

Ye Da waved his hand and summoned the nine stone stones. These old companions who had been with him for 700 years have regained their peak strength.

"go with!"

The nine stone needles grew in the wind and instantly turned into nine stone pillars. With a series of loud noises, they bound the limbs of the Poseidon to the bottom of the sea, and then the incense burner was slammed down.

A loud "Dang!"

Poseidon's head was smashed, but his fierce smile remained unchanged.

"Hey hey, it's useless, I'm starting to like you a little bit."


Ye Da had no expression on his face. He flicked the incense burner and kept saying hello to Poseidon's ugly face.

Poseidon suddenly pulled out his arm, and his entire body grew huge again, reaching a height of nearly 200 meters. All the stone pillars that bound him were shattered and flew back to Ye Da's hands.

Poseidon became taller and taller, and his body seemed to have no limits. His huge body was just standing at eye level with the floating Ye Da.

"You know, if you live too long, sometimes what you fear most is boredom. It's good to have a few interesting guys pop up, so is this your limit?"

The nine stone needles trembled slightly, and fine cracks appeared on them. After all, this treasure was a little fragile for the level Ye Da and Poseidon were at.

In fact, for both of them, any external force is not very helpful. This may be why Poseidon still has nothing after 2 years. He has long passed the level of using external objects to enhance his strength.

If nothing unexpected happens, this battle will probably last for a long time!
At this moment, a roar in the Derai language came from the distance.

"Sea God!!!"

This voice should not have been heard in the chaotic sea at this time. However, both Ye Da and Poseidon's six senses were too sharp, so they both turned their heads to look.

I saw a one-armed Delai, wearing broken coral armor, standing on the ocean current generator.

Lark, the commander of the Sea Shark Legion, was spared the mental control of the Poseidon Mark because his right arm was broken by Ye Da.

He glared angrily, his eyes burning with the flames of hatred.

Among the five highest technological achievements of the Terai people, one of them was not completely damaged and was mostly repaired by Lark.

Lark pulled the switch of the current generator and then used his body to calibrate the position of the transmitter.

Lark roared: "Drai people!!! No need for gods!!"

The terrifying ocean of creation, which can destroy continents, spurts out from the generator. This weapon, which can change the landscape of the planet, is bombarded by the Delai people at the Poseidon they believe in.

Lark's body was burned by the energy close at hand and began to melt instantly.

"My Lord Ramos, behold, I am avenging you."

This huge energy arrived in an instant, and even Poseidon couldn't dodge it. A rare expression of surprise appeared on his face, and then his huge body forcefully received the blow that shattered the earth, and was pushed out of the sea all the way.

Before Luck died, he murmured regretfully: "It's a pity that it didn't completely succeed."

Then his flesh and blood completely melted away, and he died on top of the ocean current generator.

Ye Da took a deep look at Lark, and then rushed out of the sea.

Poseidon had been pushed several kilometers into the sky at this time, and the power of creating ocean currents was too terrifying.

Scars finally appeared on his chest, blood splashed like asphalt, making Seagod a little distracted.

He was actually injured by an ant
A despicable slave race!

Poseidon came back to his senses and looked at Ye Da, who was looking at him.

The scars caused by the creation of ocean currents are being quickly repaired.

Rather than saying that he suffered multiple injuries, it should be said that Poseidon found it difficult to accept the fact that he was injured by ants.

Ye Da glanced at Poseidon, then suddenly turned around and ran away.

Poseidon was stunned. This human has not said a word since he appeared. Does he want to escape now?

Naturally, he would not let it go. He was bound to gain the power contained in that orb. He would eat whoever ate the orb.

Both of them are extremely fast, and the vast sky cannot allow them to fly at full strength for too long.

In the sky, it seemed like two shooting stars were chasing each other.

Poseidon gradually became impatient. Humans, who were probably second only to him in the world, had a head-on confrontation with him at the beginning, but now they seemed to have realized that they were no match for him, so they simply ran away with their heads down.

I couldn't catch this guy for a while.Suddenly, Poseidon spoke.

"Aren't you curious? Where is the other human with you? The older one?"

The deep sound was accompanied by reverberation and resounded throughout the sky.

During the flight, Ye Da's expression finally changed for the first time, and he frowned slightly.

"That guy is really unpalatable. His meat is sour and smelly. It seems like he doesn't have a few days to live."

Obviously, Poseidon hopes to use verbal stimulation to stop Ye Da from running away blindly.

"Especially his soul, which smells like earth. Before he was chewed up by me, he kept calling a name. What was it called? Ye Da? It couldn't be you, right? Human?"

From the vicious mouth, more vicious words came out.

Ye Da's face became increasingly ugly, and Poseidon seemed to notice his emotional fluctuations.

"It's so pitiful that he died in such despair, and not a single shred of meat was left. Although it tastes bad, he is a 'Sea King' after all, right? I didn't waste a bit. Do you want to find him? Maybe you can find him with me We met in our stomachs, hahaha!"

Neptune, who kept making sarcastic comments, suddenly found a wall of gray mist penetrating the sky and earth in the far distance.

He had arrived on this continent before, thousands of years ago, when there was no such thing
Even Poseidon was amazed by this huge creation of Jedi Heavenly Power.

"Is this kind of thing created by human ants?"

Ye Da flew to the edge of the wall of gray mist and finally stopped. He turned around to face Poseidon, with a cold murderous intent that could not be hidden in his eyes.

Although Poseidon realized that Ye Da was trying to lure him under the gray mist, he insisted on his strength and remained unflustered.

In the previous battle, he had already seen that although this human being was amazingly powerful, it was not as good as him, especially at their level, where conspiracy, foreign weapons, and weird abilities were all useless.

Only with a solid level of life and tyrannical strength can one defeat opponents of the same level.

The stronger Ye Da is, the more excited he is, so the more benefits he will get from eating Ye Da.

Poseidon said ferociously: "Hey, hey, give up. Whether it's a day or a year, I have enough time to play with you, but the result will never change, that is, I will eat you."

Ye Da opened his arms without saying a word, as if waiting for something.
At this time, the entire gray fog formation emitted an inexplicable tremor.

This behemoth that surrounds the entire Kyushu is responding to its controller and creator.

Poseidon had a vague premonition that this wall of gray mist was too vast, and the vastness made him feel inexplicably afraid.

On the [-]-meter-high wall of gray fog, the mist flickered and flickered, and figures were actually reflected in the changing light and shadow.

A sturdy young man in sackcloth, leaf-shaped sky.

Xin Shilin was wearing a Western suit, glasses, and holding an abacus.

Dressed in white, a boy in white is as ethereal as a fairy.

Those are the three weapon spirits of the Gray Mist Wall. Together, they have ensured the operation of the Gray Mist Formation for hundreds of years.

Three figures separated from the fog wall. Each one was hundreds of meters tall, no different in size from the huge Poseidon. This scene made Poseidon more vigilant and did not approach rashly.

Three [-]-meter-tall mist giants surrounded Ye Da in mid-air.

The giant in the image of a boy in white said to Ye Da:
"Are you sure? Once it absorbs us, the gray fog formation may collapse at any time."

Ye Da said calmly: "There are no permanent trends in the world, and there is nothing that cannot be done. Time changes and trends change, and reincarnation will eventually happen."

The fog giant who looked like a boy in white nodded, and then said speechlessly: "If you insist on pulling the literary bag and speaking classical Chinese, you are pretending to be cool."

Ye Da was stunned for a while. Then he could only shake his head and laugh.

The three fog giants turned into tornadoes rising into the sky, and finally converged into Ye Da's body.

The mist and storm seemed to directly connect the sky and the earth.

Poseidon felt that a power that even he was afraid of was being integrated into Ye Da's body, and he hurriedly rushed forward.

How can it be so fast?Doesn’t it take time for him to digest external forces?It's actually faster than him!
But Seagod didn't know that this was the combined effect of "unity of soul and body" and "infinite devouring".

Poseidon's huge body punched with all his strength without reservation.

However, the wall of gray mist behind Ye Da seemed to be protecting its master, and it rolled violently, resisting this shocking blow.

The violent impact caused the gray fog that was ten thousand meters high to shake.

Only Ye Da, with an expressionless face, looked directly at the Sea God, and sank into the gray mist little by little.

Poseidon was furious and roared: "Come out! Come out!"

Then like crazy, he punched the wall of gray mist with punch after punch.

He was not willing to lose the orb just like that, and was also afraid of the unknown changes in Ye Da.

He was afraid that there would be an existence on this planet that was stronger than him and could even kill him.

Suddenly, this wall of gray mist seemed to be unable to withstand Poseidon's attack any longer and gradually dispersed.

A huge figure, like a sea god, a hundred meters tall, slowly walked out of the thin mist.

That figure grasped the fist waved by Poseidon.

The understatement was like catching a child's bastard punch.

Then he said the first and only sentence he said to Poseidon since the beginning of the war:

"Whether it's a day or a year, now I have enough time to play with you. Grit your teeth because someone asked me to blow your ugly face!"

Ye Da, the time traveler.

The youngest literary figure in history, the terminator of a century-old plague.

The one who came back from the dead, the one who forged the gray mist, the chief planner of the reshaping of Kyushu, the one who came back from the dead and died again.

The most handsome school boy in the history of Tunghai University, one of the top ten outstanding youths in Tunghai University, the strongest genius in the youth training camp, a hero of the Xisaiin War, and the commander-in-chief of the Tung Fu Islands.

The owner of "Infinite Devouring" and "Unity of Spirit and Body", the previous pillar and the next pillar of Kyushu.

704 is old.

Achieve 'immortality'.

 Tomorrow will be the happy finale.

  Sprinkle flowers!

  Finish writing a story, write a story.

  Xiao Poujie’s persistence.

(End of this chapter)

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