Chapter 427
The white space is constantly collapsing.

Ye Da's eyes have become dull.

The power in the body is continuously gushing out.

The power that originally took several days or even longer to absorb was completely digested and absorbed under the blessing of the "unity of soul and body". Even the Nero stored before was turned into nutrients at this time.

He is probably a bit more powerful now than when he was a boy in white.

However, the bigger change came from his soul. He recalled his identity, his past, and his long life.


With a wave of his hand, Ye Da completely tore apart the crumbling white space and appeared on the deep seabed.

He still wore the dark golden armor, but Ye Da looked around at himself and felt a little dissatisfied.

Too fancy for an old man.

Moreover, with the protection provided by the "unity of soul and body", these armors are meaningless.

With a thought, the dark golden armor turned into a flowing plain white robe, just like himself for hundreds of years, but with flowing hair.

The next moment, the seabed shattered, and Ye Da turned into a dragon that soared into the sky and broke through the sea.

Poseidon looked at the situation on the distant battlefield and was a little dissatisfied with the Delai people.

The performance of this civilization that He valued thousands of years ago because of its potential in this war somewhat disappointed Him.

"Should we cultivate another race? What about humans?"

The idea came to his mind, but he gave it up in a flash.

Humans are too uncontrollable. It would be better for this species to become extinct.

He patted the head of the two-headed basilisk beside him and said, "You go too."

The two-headed basilisk roared, left as if granted amnesty, and headed towards the battlefield.

Suddenly, Poseidon frowned. He sensed the aura of the orb again, although it was a little different.

Poseidon's ugly face showed an expression of joy: "Finally, hey hey hey."

However, he soon discovered that without him looking for it, the breath was actively approaching here.

A blazing meteor streaked across the sky, a trajectory caused by the rapid friction of the air, and in the light was a strange human being dressed in white.

That figure looked at Seagod calmly, and arrived in an instant.

Poseidon sneered: "Arrogant!"

The short body suddenly expanded to several meters high like a balloon, and the huge pale fist faced the light.


With a loud noise, the sea surface was depressed downwards by the unparalleled force, and walls of waves hundreds of meters high spread outward in circles.

The Poseidon was actually knocked into the bottom of the sea!
The white figure just pressed the Poseidon all the way to the seafloor crust.

The ugly Poseidon was furious.

The endless seawater responded to their gods, turning into sharp blades that could split gold and stone. However, the figure's body seemed to be protected by invisible protection, and it was not aware of all attacks. It just maintained its punching posture and hit the sea god. That ugly face.

Pressing the Poseidon inch by inch into the bottom of the sea.

The two figures didn't know how many meters deep into the earth's crust, and the sea was gradually calming down.

However, an existence that has lived for 2 years, an existence that is close to a god, cannot be ended so easily.

The earth's crust shattered and the sea surged.

A pale giant nearly a hundred meters tall broke free from the shackles of the earth and stood up from the giant pit.

"court death!"

Ye Da was thrown out by the violent force, and looked at the huge Poseidon from a distance several hundred meters away.

The look in his eyes was still Gujing Wubo.

Wang Weiwen hurried to this sea area at this time. Ever since Ye Da and Ye Jianguo lost contact, he had maintained his "red" appearance and searched for traces of the two of them on the sea. He didn't even have time to estimate the battlefield on the island.

It's a pity that neither Ye Jianguo nor Ye Da was found.

At this time, Wang Weiwen sensed the changes in the sea and hurriedly came here. When he saw the unusually strange Ye Da, he was surprised and uncertain for a moment.

Ye Da glanced sideways at Wang Weiwen, and a voice appeared in the opponent's mind: "Go to the battlefield on this island, I am here."

To Poseidon, the ordinary "extreme" realm is nothing more than a child that can be easily crushed to death, not to mention that Wang Wei's text is "pseudo-excellent".

Wang Weiwen was shocked and looked worriedly at the pale giant tens of meters tall. Finally, he nodded vigorously and headed towards the battlefield.

At least Ye Da is still alive, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

Although I don’t know where he got the confidence to face that kind of monster alone
Could it be that the version was updated again without him knowing?

On the battlefield of this island, it has reached the most intense stage.

Blood, explosions, energy, and mutilated limbs are happening every moment.

The morale of the human side has gradually declined due to the huge casualties, but the Terrai side, on the other hand, is still fearless.

Morale is an extremely important part of the battlefield in any era.

There are not many Goli cavalry left, all tanks and chariots have been destroyed, the heavy fire support from the sky is getting sparse, and the entire plain is a mess stained with scorched earth and blood. When you look at it, almost no place is intact, and there is no place. There were no bodies from either side.

Field gasped slightly. Even the King of Sain was not invincible on this battlefield. He was pierced by the Terai people's terrifying beams several times. He only relied on Sain's powerful self-healing ability to survive. At this time The gorgeous aristocratic costumes were already in tatters.

Sagara Weiyu fell to the ground, and the spirit "Fuyoko" hovered beside her worriedly, but she didn't even have the strength to stand up. Looking down, it turned out that her right leg had been fractured and bent at a weird angle.

Li Zhenyun desperately squeezed out the last bit of thunder and lightning power in his body. Without thunder and lightning, he would use his body that had been tempered for thousands of times. He was the captain of the Kyushu Special Affairs Section and had no reason to take a step back.

However, just when everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

A roar resounded throughout the battlefield.A huge two-headed basilisk fell from the sky and shattered the land within a few hundred meters.

Li Zhenyun showed a shocked look: "This is."

This guy was actually controlled by the Delai people?
He knew very well what kind of strength this double-edged sword monster possessed. Even if Ye Da and Ye Jianguo were to deal with it, it would take a lot of effort.

And at the moment when both of them are missing, on the battlefield at this moment, this monster is invincible!

A trace of despair emerged in Li Zhenyun's heart.

As soon as the two-headed monster was wiped out, all life around it was turned into flesh, whether it was humans or the Terrai.

The two heads of Nero's upper body raised their heads to the sky at the same time and roared. The terrifying sound waves even dispersed the thin fog on the plateau, allowing the entire battlefield to be fully exposed for the first time since the war began, revealing its devastation.

This roar also silenced the entire battlefield.

They didn't know what the irrational Derai people were thinking, but on the human side, the atmosphere of despair and fear seemed to be contagious, and countless people subconsciously stepped back.

Li Zhenyun closed his eyes in despair
Morale and strength have reached the limit
to lose.
This rare frontal battlefield is still on land, and humans will eventually lose.

At this moment, a figure crossed Li Zhenyun and everyone else.

He walked to the front of the crowd.

The figure was unusually majestic and youthful.

Wang Weiwu's face was covered with black ash from gunfire, but his expression did not waver at all.

"I am Wang Weiwu!"

With the blessing of his physical body, his loud voice spread far away.

"My power is 'Hero'!"

"I was born to fight in front of everyone!"

"I'll break the back, I'll charge, everyone! Please believe me! Please lend me your power!!"

Many people who didn't know what was going on whispered in shock: "What is that person talking about?"

"What does it mean to be a hero?"

"Are you talking about this at this time?"

"Fighting that kind of monster? Impossible!"

There are also people who know the truth and explain to people around them that Wang Weiwu was also very famous on the island during this period.

"The child's abilities require our help!"

"He is very strong and may be able to lead us to victory! We still have a chance!"

"Don't panic! Don't panic!"

Wang Weiwu shouted: "Believe me! We can win!!"

He took firm steps towards the two-headed basilisk.

And as he took a step forward, he felt the power in his body become stronger.

Brother Ye, you are right, words can only confuse people, but actions can unite them.

"I will be at the forefront of everyone!"

Every time this young man takes a step forward, the people behind him have more trust in him.

Wang Weiwu's speed became faster and faster, from running to flying!

"I will lead the charge!"

And his brave back made tens of thousands of people on the battlefield believe in him more and more.

"That kid dares to charge! Why should we panic!"

"Damn it! Believe it! Why don't you believe it! Humanity will win!!"

"Grass! It's on fire!"

"Humanity must win!"

"Humanity will win!!!"

As Wang Weiwu moved forward, people not only contributed their trust and strength, but more and more people even regained their fighting spirit, picked up weapons again, strengthened their eyes again, and even followed Wang Weiwu to launch the final charge. .

Wang Weiwu was also charging, his aura rising steadily.

He even broke through the hidden shackles!

That was the strength and courage brought to him by tens of thousands of human elites present.

He will use this power to stand in front of everyone!

Wang Weiwu, a human being, possesses the "hero" ability.

, reach the top!


Wang Weiwu jumped up high and threw himself towards the two-headed basilisk.

The two-headed basilisk roared angrily at this human who dared to provoke him.

However, the powerful force forced him to fly backwards, and his huge body crushed a large number of Derai people to death.

Almost at the same time, a red figure flew from the sky and landed beside Wang Weiwu.

Brothers are united!Its sharpness breaks gold!
More people stood behind them, people from Kyushu, Hisain, and Tofu Islanders.

"Humanity! We must win!!"

(End of this chapter)

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