Chapter 48
Yunzhou, or Yunzhou Lake, is not far from the East China Sea, about [-] kilometers away, and it takes about six or seven hours to drive by minibus.

Counting the departure and the rest in the middle, it takes early in the morning to arrive in the afternoon.

For this trip, the students majoring in ancient literature are very active. The lower the grades are, the more active they are in the collective activities of the university. Maybe they will not be able to organize such activities when they are in the third and fourth grades, but for the freshmen, Many people were too excited to fall asleep before departure, and spent the whole night in excitement.

Among the 19 people, 12 were girls, and including Wang Weiwen and Ye Da, there were only seven boys, and the remaining five boys were all gearing up.

I thought that no matter how awesome Ye Da was, it would be impossible for all 12 girls to be round.

Be generous and give him seven points!

Isn't this opportunity coming?
The average quality of girls majoring in ancient literature is quite high, and most of them follow the route of literary girls. In the eyes of other majors, the major of ancient literature is also a treasure of geomantic omen, so they naturally want to digest it internally.

Early in the morning on the first day of the holiday, a bus stopped at the south gate of Tunghai University.

Tall, long, and extremely shiny, you can hardly smell the smell of money on a bus, except this one.
The squad leader of the second class looked at the high-end bus in front of him suspiciously, and said to Wang Weiwen: "Didn't you mean to rent a minibus? This bus can accommodate 34 people, isn't it too expensive?"

Wang Weiwen explained: "I asked over there, and they happened to have no free minibuses these days, and they rented them out, so they arranged a bus for us, and the fare was the same."

The monitor of the second class touched his head: "So good? Wang Weiwen, you are really our lucky star, but you still have to be careful, lest they temporarily increase the price at that time."

Wang Weiwen smiled and said, "Don't worry, the contract has been signed."

car purchase contract.

The bus driver wore sunglasses and looked professional without saying a word.

Ye arrived relatively early, looked around, and found that most of the people he saw were boys, and he knew in his heart that the girls might have to tidy up, which would take more time.

When the girls came together, all kinds of dresses, navel-baring outfits, shark pants and other clothes that are not commonly seen on campus attracted the attention of the boys and became a beautiful landscape at the school gate. Obviously, the girls are carefully dressed passed.

However, compared to boys who generally only carry a bag, many girls carry suitcases. The bus driver automatically opened the luggage compartment doors on both sides of the bus without saying anything, and then several boys helped carry the suitcases one by one. go up.

Ye Da had already boarded the bus.

Looking at the courteous appearance of these guys outside the window, I thought that they might not know the end of licking the dog, but the freshman girl was also relatively simple-minded, and instead of standing and watching the boys work, she chose to help them together.

There are only 40 people on the bus with a load of 19 people, and almost everyone can enjoy a separate row, which is a loose and comfortable one, but many people, men and women, showed disappointing eyes, especially a few girls couldn't help but glance at Ye Da In the back row, Xin Dao couldn't find a reason to lean over.

The motion sickness small theater originally designed is no longer available..
On the surface, Ye Da looked out the window alone in a daze, but actually there was a figure in a dress sitting beside him.

"If you perceive any malice, please notify me in time."

"Good benefactor! But at present, I only feel a strong desire for courtship."

"What the hell! Who?"

"Almost everyone."

".In other words, it's called hormones."

Long before getting in the car, Ye Da asked Liu Xiaoqian to change into a normal person's dress, and walk and follow him in a normal way, mainly to see if he can see her. Now everyone has basically been confirmed, including Wang Weiwen. Neither the driver nor the bus driver could see Liu Xiaoqian, so Ye Da no longer restricted her from wandering around.

Jiang Hou's reminder is still in my ears, it is impossible to completely give up normal life because of worrying about changing the skin girl, but some precautions are still necessary, so Liu Xiaoqian is given the authority to perceive the emotions around her.

Compared with the early "ghost" appearance with messy hair and ragged clothes, Liu Xiaoqian will be regarded as a young and beautiful girl even if someone sees her now. Move the way humans do, instead of "floating"

The heads were aligned, and amidst laughter and laughter, the bus drove out slowly. The interior of the bus was well equipped and cleaned up very cleanly, which made the students inexplicably happy.

The monitor of the second class discovered that there was actually a microphone in the front row, so he consciously played the role of host as a guest, organizing various activities with the microphone, such as the famous "Truth or Dare" and the like.

Under the strong atmosphere of youth hormones, the honest questions are basically old-fashioned topics such as whether there are boyfriends and girlfriends, how many relationships have you had, etc. The big adventure is such as singing a song or showing a personal photo.

Boring, but enthusiastic.

It wasn't until the bus stopped at the service area at noon, and after everyone had lunch and went to the bathroom, that the bus became quiet because of exhaustion.

After getting on the bus again, Wang Weiwen arrived next to Ye Da. "It feels like you've been avoiding me lately?"

As soon as Wang Weiwen opened his mouth, Ye Da coughed awkwardly. Without looking at Wang Weiwen's "familiar" face, he said, "I don't have any misconceptions."

Wang Weiwen nodded and said, "I'm just here to make a confirmation and see if you have any misunderstandings. If there is anything about me that makes you feel uncomfortable, please remember to tell me."

Ye Da sighed and said, "As long as you don't perform casually, it will be fine."

".I'm about to go up and sing a song. How do you know I can sing well?"

Looking at Wang Weiwen who overlapped with Liu Xiaoqian's phantom, Ye Da secretly asked Liu Xiaoqian to move her seat.

They're all modeled!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone finally arrived at their destination, a small county town on the west side of Yunzhou Lake, where they will change boats to the small island in the lake where the farmhouse is located, and the bus driver will wait for them here for two days.

Many people once again lamented that the business of this car rental company is not very good. They are still waiting here for a bus instead of a minibus. A group of college students who feel sorry for it all become friendly to the driver.

The county parking lot bought some daily necessities and snacks, and everyone saw Shan Lili's father who came to pick everyone up at the pier.

This middle-aged man named Shan Daxiong, with the complexion of an old fisherman, is not at all similar to the youthful and beautiful Shan Lili.

It seems that one side has two kinds of people.

At this time, he was waving at the pier.

"Welcome, welcome to Lily's classmate."

"Hello Uncle!" X19
The crowd boarded the local barge.

The sound of the motor "da da" resounded in the center of the lake, and there was a calm lake as far as the eye could see. Yunzhou Lake may be due to geological reasons, and the lake water is a little white. When the angle is right, it looks white. Maybe this is also the past" The origin of the name "Yunze".

On the surface of the lake, the monitor of the second class suddenly pointed at a distance and shouted: "Fuck! Is that a fish?"

A black shadow more than ten meters long at the bottom of the lake seemed to be rippling with the water waves, looking like a big fish more than ten meters long.

This size even panicked Ye Da, it must be bigger than a boat.

Shan Daxiong said with a smile: "It's aquatic plants. How can there be fish more than ten meters long in the lake, and it's not the sea. However, in my grandfather's generation, it is said that there are still many fishes several meters long in Yunzhou Lake, but Before the total fishing ban a few years ago, one meter long was considered a big deal, and the depth of this lake is probably two to three hundred meters, but unfortunately overfished fishery resources are getting less and less."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. When the boat got closer, they found that it really looked like aquatic plants. They were not disappointed but fortunate.

A fish that is more than ten meters long, with one tail, the boat might capsize.

But Ye Da did not relax, because Liu Xiaoqian just reminded him: "My benefactor, there is malice under the water."

In other words, there may indeed be something in the aquatic plants just now.

But can fish be malicious to humans?

In this magical Kyushu, covering an area of ​​more than 3000 square kilometers, with nearly a hundred large and small islands, is there really nothing hidden?

Ye Da was thoughtful.

After more than half an hour, I finally arrived at the destination of the trip, the farmhouse on the small island in the lake.

Looking around, except for a few other islands in the far distance, the endless water is all, and many people are impressed by the size of Yunzhou Lake.

Wang Weiwen: "It is said that the area of ​​Yunze in ancient times was three times that of today's, and the entire Yunzhou was almost a piece of Zeguo, which is even more powerful than it is now. Many ancient poems describe Yunze as the sea."

A boy said: "No wonder Mr. Ding Yong said that there are often monsters in Yunze. I don't know if there are any now."

Shan Daxiong said while tying the boat to the wooden stakes on the pier, "Where are there monsters now? I have been fishing here all my life. Until the fishing was banned a few years ago, the fish resources in Yunzhou Lake were almost exhausted. It has only recovered a little in the past few years.”

(End of this chapter)

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