I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 49 I Have Special Fishing Skills

Chapter 49 I Have Special Fishing Skills

The area of ​​the island is small, just over 30 mu. In the center of the island is the farmhouse built by Shan Lili's family. Other than that, there are no permanent residents on the island.

It is said that Shan Lili's father owned several boats and earned some money. Unfortunately, the fishery resources were overfished and Yunzhou Lake was completely banned. Shan Daxiong contracted this island. It used to be a resting place for their fleet. Now Then it developed into a farmhouse.

Business is mediocre, barely making ends meet, but Shan Daxiong has been in Yunze Lake all his life, and he is unwilling to leave this piece of water. Now his daughter has also been admitted to Tunghai University. Even if he is half-retired, he is still enjoying himself .

The housekeeper of the farmhouse is Shan Lili's mother. There are also two chefs and a waiter, but they don't live here at night, and they just commute by boat every day.

When Ye Da and the others arrived, there were already two groups of guests in the yard. One group was a young couple with their daughter, who had been here yesterday, and the other group had just arrived this morning. A man who looked like a boss wearing a big gold chain. Bringing your own mistress?

"I, Lao Mou, Thiao Lei, just arrived in Donghai, and the car was smashed, and the engine exploded! I don't know which bastard threw a ball high in the sky."

Ye Da covered his face and quietly passed by from the side.

Kyushu is really small.

The woman in short skirt and stockings who looked like Xiaomi next to her said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I've been talking about it for several days, and I asked you to come and relax, and it's still going on forever."

Good guy, the accents of these two people quite match.

The college students certainly didn't pay much attention to the two groups of guests in the society, but the golden chain glanced at the young and beautiful female college students, and was hammered twice by the mistress next to him.

Shan Lili shouted into the courtyard: "Dahei! I'm back!"

A big shiny black dog rushed out wagging its tail, and jumped on Shan Lili. It was probably more than one meter tall, and its breed was Ronaway. Some students who were afraid of dogs hid behind.

Shan Lili explained: "Don't worry, Dahei is very human, and won't kill you, you can come and touch it."

Think about it, if the person who opens the door to do farmhouse business is really that kind of barking dog, he must be tied up with a big iron chain.

Shan Lili's mother arranged rooms for everyone, and they share one room. Ye Da looked at the number plate, and coincidentally, they shared a room with Wang Weiwen.

The room is not bad, but there is no air conditioner. After asking, I found out that the electricity on the island is generated by itself. It really can't supply more than a dozen air conditioners. Besides, it is not open in winter and midsummer, so it is not equipped.

But now that autumn is breezy, there is no need for it.

There was still some time before dinner, and everyone started free activities. Some people went to the rear vegetable garden to watch chickens and sheep. Shan Lili's family raised some "ingredients", but in the eyes of these college students, they were all cute animals.

I don't know if the "little animals" will drool with heartache when they are served on the table.

Among the two groups of guests, the daughter of the family of three, who was carved with jade and jade, reached a sympathy with the female college students, which aroused a lot of doting praise, and the parents were eating sunflower seeds beside them, and they didn't seem to care much.

And a few boys clamored to go fishing, boasting that they would add a dish for everyone in the evening.

Among them is Ye Da.

In the first life, Ye Da occasionally fished, and in the second life, it was in the Ye family’s own pond. It was a rare entertainment in that era, but the level was a bit low, and the record was not the best in history. More than two and a half catties.

However, this participation was mainly concerned about their safety. The malice at the bottom of the lake made Ye Da feel less at ease about the situation in Yunze Lake.

Together with Ye Da and five boys, they borrowed fishing rods and baits from Shan Daxiong, and walked towards the edge of the island. It is said that there is an abandoned pier there, which is a good fishing spot.

And Wang Weiwen helps Shan Lili's mother to cook and pick vegetables. The farmhouse itself pays attention to a rural life, which can't be regarded as work or entertainment.

"If you want me to say, the secret of fishing is to make a nest. If you make a good nest, you can bite any hook."

Ye Da looked at the big fist bait given by Shan Daxiong in his hand, and thought to himself, with this little material, what will happen after the nest is made?Volunteers take the bait?
The boy also realized that there was not enough bait, and said, "Well, let's use this material to make a nest, and then dig earthworms for bait."

This suggestion was unanimously approved by other people. I don’t know if it will help fishing. The main reason is to dig earthworms.

So Ye Da looked helpless as he watched a few people shoveling in the mud on the bank.

"Isn't my benefactor going?"

"It's impossible for me to do such a stupid thing. My fishing is all about technology."

"Engong is really amazing!"

"Go, float into the water, see where there are more fish, and use illusions to trick them into taking the bait!" "."

Liu Xiaoqian sank into the water reluctantly, probably because of the experience of sinking into the bottom of the lake in the past ten years, she was reluctant to enter the water, but Ye Da had no choice but to speak.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the others had nothing to gain, only Ye Da took the bait frequently, and he was very high-spirited.

“There are a lot of fish over there at Ye Dayan!”

"Damn it, why don't I take the bait? Is it because the earthworms are not fragrant!"

Ye Da smiled charmingly, and pretended to pinch a small ball of mud on the hook, using it as bait, and then casually threw it into the water.

Under the water, Liu Xiaoqian was so angry that she tricked the poor fish into biting the mud balls.

Three hours later, several people returned with a full load.

The main thing is that Ye Da is full, and the others return.

A bucket of fish, big and small, was all Ye Da's battle results. The others dug for earthworms all afternoon and chatted about the harvest.

"Fishing requires meditation, you are too impatient."

Ye Dazhi proudly imparted non-existent fishing experience.

It was getting late, and Ye Da and the others returned to the yard of the farmhouse before the sun set. At this time, most of the students also gathered together to wait for dinner, and saw them come back and asked about the results.

Ye Da put a bucket full of fish on the ground with a sound of "duang", which caused a lot of exclamation.

"It's too awesome for me to go here, are you casting a net? It's amazing!"

The others sneered and didn't know what to say, Ye Da deeply hid his achievements and fame.

The fish was brought to the back kitchen, and I don't know how much trouble it caused the chef who was about to get off work, but everyone in the yard had already started eating, and the two round tables were full.

The dishes of the farmhouse are relatively rustic, but they have a special atmosphere. The stir-fried vegetables are all made of lard, which makes a group of college students very addicted. Naturally, wine is indispensable for dinner, and several boxes are piled up next to the table.

Apart from the students of Tunghai University in the courtyard, Jin Lianzi and his concubine also set up a small table at the side, but the family of three did not show up, so I wonder if they have already eaten.

All the people were eating and drinking, Ye Da tentatively picked up a piece of meat, and carefully put it in his mouth.

Spicy, bitter, and a taste like Huoxiangzhengqi water swept over his taste buds.

Ye Da's face turned green instantly, but he swallowed it anyway.

Yes, this is a new change after he sent the "old lady" away, and the "law of living in the world" has been loosened.

He can forcefully eat some non-"roasted meat" meat.

It was unpalatable, very unpalatable, all the taste buds were rebelling, and they asked Ye Da if he was crazy to eat this kind of food.

But at least I won't vomit.

It is roughly equivalent to drinking concentrated Chinese medicine juice hard.

Different dishes also correspond to different types of traditional Chinese medicine.

Tolerable, but not necessary.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere became more and more lively. The fish that Ye Da caught was also brought up. Several of the braised fish from the farmhouse were packed in a large plate, and the taste was not bad. It is said that the rest were frozen in the refrigerator and returned tomorrow. Some eat.

Just when Ye Da was hesitating whether to pretend to eat a few more mouthfuls, or to shake hands with his own zombie taste buds.

From the direction behind the yard, came the sound of frantic dog barking.

(End of this chapter)

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