Chapter 5 Donghong Hotel

The familiar scissors.

familiar hairstyle.

Familiar voice.

A little coldness in his temple told Ye Da that he was not crazy.

That's what made the world crazy!
"Why is that kick so ruthless? You guys, are you a spiritual enlightener of the physical system? I didn't expect me to miss it."

In that slick tone of voice, there was a resentment that couldn't be expressed.

"Just to protect yourself, you have been following me?"

Ye Da didn't ask nonsense like why you didn't die, although he was 1 puzzled in his heart.

Brother Tony raised his head with scissors: "Do you have the right to ask questions now? Boy, what is your spiritual ability?"

Ye Jianguo's words flashed in Ye Da's mind: You must not reveal that you are a zombie, otherwise "The Way of Living in the World" will fail completely, and you will also be smothered with filth, and the nine yin will enter your brain, and then everything will be closed.

"I'm just stronger. It's probably the most common physical spiritual ability."

"How big is it?"

Ye Da wanted to say that he could beat your shit out.

But no.

"A little more than double? Calculated by normal adult standards."

Tony was noncommittal, and slowly walked out of the corner. Compared with the daytime, he changed into a suit of clothes and carried a backpack.

Ye Da has good night vision, but he is not clairvoyant after all. The five senses in other aspects of this body are slower than ordinary people. Tony brother hid in a corner and waited for him before, and it was really hard to guard against.

The most troublesome thing is always the scissors
Everything is divided
The half-meter-thick building exterior walls and steel bars are not blocking it.
He's a zombie, but he'll die if his head snaps off.

Ye Da looked at Tony's forehead, which was headshot by Officer Wang with an unknown ability during the day, and Ye Da saw with his own eyes that Tony's brains flowed out.

But at this moment, there was only a faint scar on Tony's forehead, which couldn't even be distinguished unless he looked carefully.

And the lower body that should have been kicked out by himself seems to be intact.

Of course the other party was wearing pants, he was just guessing.

Could it be that the other party is an even rarer dual spirit enlightener?
That level of injury won't kill you, it's a little bit more ridiculous than "everything is broken"!
"Boy, where are you going to look? If you want to survive, you have to cooperate. Today you put me together."

"I'm just an innocent and lucky spectator. It doesn't seem worthwhile for you to come back to find me. If something happens to me again tonight, everyone will think that it has something to do with you. Wouldn't you escape for nothing?"

"This is not what you need to care about, boy, answer my question honestly, and you will have a chance to live."

As he spoke, he pulled Ye Da into the darkness of a dead corner, and now even if someone walked five meters away, it would be impossible to find them.

Ye Da sighed, it was really a bad situation, this day didn't stop for a moment.

"Did you hear what I said on the phone today?"

Ye Da naturally denied: "No. How can I hear you clearly?"

"Yeah, then there's no use keeping you."

As he said that, the scissors in his hand glowed faintly, and he was about to activate his ability.

The scissors are getting closer, Ye Da can only change his words:
"Okay. I just heard one or two words. What's the hole red? Poke the red or something like that."

He deliberately said something specious, wanting to delay time, but at the same time he felt that something was not right.
But obviously Tony didn't give him time to think, and every question he asked was interlocking.

At an angle that Ye Da couldn't see, the corners of Tony's mouth twitched slightly, and then he hugged Ye Da, looking like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

But the hands around Ye Da's neck were retracted into the wide sweater, which contained a pair of dangerous scissors that could cut through a half-meter-thick concrete wall.

The crisis is still unresolved.

Brother Tony was about to walk forward with Ye Da under his arms, but he didn't move him for a while. His strength was far inferior to Ye Da.

But it was useless, Ye Da hesitated a little, and finally could only cooperate and move forward.

Scissors, scissors, scissors!

All living beings are equal under the Karma head, and zombies do not have two heads.

This Ye Jianguo's remodeled body has more than enough strength, but a little less flexibility than ordinary people.

Besides, compared to the situation during the day, although the biggest secret has not been revealed, it is obvious that Brother Tony will already be wary of his actions.

It's not that he can't score three times and attack again, but if we take "gamble on life" as the concept, it is obvious that Ye Da's winning rate has been reduced a lot.
For now, we can only take one step at a time.

Seeing Ye Da finally take a step forward, Brother Tony sneered, seemingly satisfied: "Throw away the roasted duck!" "It's not suitable. I just bought it and it's still warm."

"I told you to throw it and you threw it."

Oops. Waste of food.

Ye Da reluctantly put the roasted duck board on the side of the road, but was kicked by Tony and flew into the green belt, probably to avoid suspicious people passing by later.

The two of them hooked their shoulders and walked towards the east gate of "Happiness Lane". This is the least lively of the four gates, except for two auto repair shops and three massage parlors, there is nothing.

Along the way, he only met a drunkard who was throwing up while holding a flower bed, and Ye Da didn't even bother to call for help.

Brother Tony came to the side of the road, waved his hand, and the taxi stopped.

"Master, go to 'Donghong Hotel'."

Ye Da's heart moved. Did Donghong hear the words himself?
The taxi drove silently on the road, and Ye Da silently felt the scissors on his temples.

I thought that if the taxi was bumpy, maybe the scissors would deviate from the danger zone, but it turned out
Really steady hand.

He must be good at haircutting!

Ye Da didn't know where the Donghong Hotel was or what it was, but he passed the gate of Tunghai University. Several college students walked out of the gate talking and laughing, as if they were discussing what to eat for a while.

A car door away, there are all college students, and being a hostage twice a day, it's really infuriating.

No, I am not a human being.

One of the several students seemed to glance unconsciously at the taxi where Ye Da was in, and then followed the car and disappeared at the intersection.

"Weiwen, hurry up, the girls from the Department of Economics and Management are waiting!"

The man looked into the distance for a while, then turned around and said:


After a few more intersections, after Ye Da completely lost his sense of direction, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"May the world be peaceful and happy with fireworks. I really want to live another 500 years~"

Ye Da took out his mobile phone, and it said the caller: "32nd generation great-great-grandson"

Brother Tony glanced at Ye Da unexpectedly. He didn't know whether he was surprised by the ringtone or the contact note.

Tony said in a low voice:
"Take it! Turn on the speakerphone, don't say what you shouldn't say."

Ye Da could only answer with a blank expression.

"Small! How does Donghai feel?"

Ye Jianguo's voice sounded like an old farmer's, with an obvious Xiangxi Supu accent.

Ye Dahaoxuan didn't pinch his phone, this 32nd generation great-great-grandson really has no rules!If it was in the past, he would definitely reply, "Grand thief! Your ancestor is fine!"

But at this moment, he could only say "hmm".

Ye Jianguo seemed to sense that something was wrong with Ye Da. After a short silence, he no longer had the teasing voice, but whispered: "Why is it inconvenient to speak?"

Ye Da glanced at Brother Tony next to him and thought to himself that Ye Jianguo was so perceptive. Did he feel it without saying anything?
Unexpectedly, in the next sentence, this old man revealed his true nature again.

"Is there a female classmate next to you? The progress is fast, you! Are you ready to give birth to a grandson for me?"

Ye Da:.
I take back my admiration just now
"Are you in trouble?"

Brother Tony gave Ye Da a "be honest" look.

Ye Da could only say with a dull face: "It's okay."

Ye Jianguo's voice became extremely deep, like a bell ringing in the abyss: "This is also part of the practice. The world is full of emotions, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. They are all human beings. Do things first and then be a person. Naturally, the road that happens once in a thousand years is not too common. .”

After finishing speaking, the other side hung up the phone.

Ye Da was thoughtful.

On the other hand, Brother Tony was stunned.

Even with his knowledge and scheming, he couldn't hear anything from the two people's phone calls, and he was even more confused.
Just then, the taxi driver interrupted the silence.

"Guest, Donghong Hotel has arrived."

Ye Da turned his head and looked out of the car window. A simple and luxurious hotel stood in a park.

(End of this chapter)

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