Chapter 4
On the other hand, Ye Da was going back to his rental house.

Due to my own special needs, it was really not suitable for me to live in a dormitory, so I rented an old house at an intersection outside the back gate of Tunghai University.

Ye Jianguo was not short of money, and it would be easy for him to be willing to buy a house in Donghai.

That is the accumulation of hundreds of years of "Xiangxi Corpse Chief".

But the revision of the "Law of Living in the World" is not about living the life of the rich second generation, so Ye Jianguo will only provide Ye Da with a financial level similar to that of a "rich family".

At least that's what Ye Jianguo himself said.

It has nothing to do with the purchase restriction of Donghai houses.

The neighborhood is called "Xingfuli". The houses are almost 50 years old, and the residents are aging seriously.

The facade of the building is mottled and messy, and the gray and white walls can be seen everywhere. It belongs to the kind of place where you can feel the atmosphere of the age just a few hundred meters away.

The only advantage is that the supporting facilities around the old community are very mature. It shares a commercial street with Tunghai University in the south. There are various snack shops, small bars and small hotels. There is also a large vegetable market in the west, and the subway station and complex in the north.

Ye Da rented a one-bedroom apartment, needless to say, the old staircase room, 4500 a month, this price is two to three times the living expenses of many college students.

It also caused Ye Da to be labeled with some labels as soon as he started school.

Such as "not gregarious", "day student", "rich family"

If the goal is to embrace the world of mortals and experience the world, the practice of "Living in the World" can only be said to be blocked at the beginning.

But Ye Da can't do anything, after all, it's a big deal, he sleeps in the refrigerator alone, and it's impossible for him to live in the same dormitory with three bed boards
A few youthful figures with long bare legs walked past Ye Da. Ye Da subconsciously sniffed and looked over unconsciously.

It's not that I have a bold idea, but I smell meaty.

This is the instinct of zombies, to eat living human flesh and drink living human blood.

The younger it is, the more delicious it is.

The more blood relatives, the greater the benefits.

Those long, smooth and straight legs may have come from dancers. In Ye Da's eyes, they are rows of chicken legs that can walk.

Especially for a zombie like him who has never eaten blood since he was dug out, he is the most unbearable temptation. If there is no way of Ye Jianguo, he may lose his mind immediately in this place where the smell of living flesh is everywhere.

But for the past three years, Ye Da has been restraining his blood-eating instinct all the time, and he has lived 2.5 lives, no matter which life he has no plans to taste human flesh.

The first difficulty in "How to Live in the World" is to restrain the instinct.

But again, he also needs to eat.

He can't eat most of the normal food, whether it is delicacies from mountains and seas or everyday meals, he smells delicious, but eats like shit, and he can't swallow a mouthful.

For example, if Officer Wang gave him a handful of candy, if he ate it in his mouth, it would be the same as having a sheep dung egg in his mouth.

Theoretically, he can only eat blood food, and if he can't eat people, he should eat live chicken or duck, but the "Live in the WTO" still doesn't allow it.

Fortunately, in the past three years, Ye Da has found a solution.

"Miss Boss, here are two roast ducks! No head and butt."

"Okay! Xiaoye is here again!"

He can eat roast pork.

After a complex process, a lot of spices, and a lot of dehydration, the meat takes on a completely different flavor.If it is eaten in Ye Da's mouth, it will change from the level of "eating shit" to the level of "eating stinky tofu". Although it is still the kind of very smelly stinky tofu, it is still within Ye Da's tolerance range.

Simply eating once can keep you from being hungry for three days, otherwise Ye Da will really go crazy.

In Xiangxi, I relied on old bacon for three years.

When he came to Donghai, Ye Da had a new choice. He found that roasted meat can be eaten, and finally changed his taste. The first thing he did when he came to Donghai was to eat all the roasted meat restaurants around Donghai University, and finally locked in the commercial street. This one next door.

The taste is good, the craftsmanship is good, the weight is full, and the meat is fat.

As for whether to use Hex technology, Ye Da, a zombie, has nothing to worry about.

If you eat him to death, he is considered a good store owner.

"Xiaoye, are you a student of Tunghai University?"

Ye Da nodded in agreement, but his eyes never left the roast duck on the proprietress's chopping board.

"Sure enough, she is a good-looking talent. My daughter is also in Tunghai University, in the Department of Economics and Management. You two can get to know each other later."

Ye Da smiled perfunctorily. He knew that the proprietress didn't really want to introduce his daughter to him, but just wanted to show off that her daughter was a student of Tunghai University.

Ask him how he knew.
Because it was the third time he had heard his aunt mention this matter.

The same rhetoric three times, you should give me a phone number!
Ye Da took the roast duck and left without hesitation.

Just because of his handsome and fair appearance (deadly white), still worried about not being able to find a good girl to carry on the family?
But the key is to fix the "Law of Living in the WTO" first.

Ye Da was also a little confused about how to practice "The Way of Living in the World". According to Ye Jianguo, the practice of "How to Live in the World" is different from the meditation practice he imagined. More and more like a "person".

This behavior must be spontaneous and naturally occurring, not deliberate.

As for what is a "person", how to "like"?Ye Jianguo didn't say anything.

Just like getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning and seeing the sanitation workers sweeping the street, it may cause some emotions and insights, but if you have a utilitarian heart, you think that as long as you get up and look at the sanitation workers, you will be able to get insights like shopping , that would be a big mistake.

The name is "Xiu", but it is actually "Enlightenment".

Ye Jianguo had already sealed the things needed in "The Law of Living in the World" into Ye Da's body along with the process of reshaping the body, but Ye Da never felt it or triggered anything.

I don't know if I have experienced such an exciting hostage-taking incident today, will I have some insights tonight.

In the first week of coming to the East China Sea, there has been great progress in the "Live in the World", isn't it too fast?
Ye Da thought happily, maybe he could complete the "How to Live in the World" in two or three years, and then graduate as a living person, and then go on to further study or work, and then get married and have children. It would be very beautiful to think about it.

Walking to the depths of "Happiness", there is noise and silence separated by a wall. Most of the old communities are old people who go to bed early, especially the house rented by Ye Da is still deep in the community. Half of the street lights are broken.

It's hard to imagine that 300 meters away is a commercial street that is as noisy as daytime.

When turning a corner, Ye Da, who was enjoying the future, was suddenly pressed against the temple by a pair of scissors.

The familiar voice immediately froze Ye Da's face.

"Boy, you're pretty ruthless during the day!"

 The editorial department is at work, and the signing process has been completed. Please feel free to collect and invest. Please forgive me for the slow update before signing the contract. Updates will be added as appropriate after signing the contract!

(End of this chapter)

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