Chapter 3
Go back to the police station opposite the furniture city.

Ye Da had just completed the transcript of the hostage-taking incident, and was recalling the situation of this world and this era in his mind, so as to avoid mistakes.

The culture and customs are almost the same as those of the earth, but the specific historical events are completely different. For example, the three emperors and five emperors of the earth are replaced by legends such as "first king" and "dizu" here. They are different from the source, and the subsequent dynasty changes are irrelevant. .

Coupled with the extraordinary power of the spirit child. Although it may not be called that at that time.

During Ye Da's second life, the Dabin Dynasty was just like the world of "Liao Zhai", full of ghosts and monsters, giving him a sense of chaos in the world.

But in this 2.5th life, Ye Da has already developed into the appearance of Ye Da traveling through the pre-modern society.

700 years of vicissitudes, I don't know how the people here ordered the technology tree, and they were able to open up the modern society with things like spirits.

In Ye Jianguo's words, Ye Da felt that there were many secrets in the process, but he always kept it hidden, saying that this was also part of Ye Da's practice of "Living in the World".

If the group of spiritual enlighteners and spirit sons whose total number is not too large are excluded, the development level of Kyushu society will be about what the earth will look like around 2018.

Laws and regulations are easy, and Kyushu is ideal.

This piece of land is called "Kyushu". In the past three years, Ye Da was in Xiangxi, Liangzhou, but now he is in Donghai City, Cangzhou, the leading big city in Kyushu.

"Are you all right, boy? Didn't you scare you just now?"

The middle-aged policeman with a square face poured Ye Da a glass of warm water, and patted Ye Da on the back with his generous palm.

The hand shook.
Look at this kid!
I was so scared that my body was cold and cold!
What's this?This is because our police work is not in place, and it actually puts such young people in danger.

But this kid is really handsome, wouldn't he be chosen as the lucky viewer just because he was jealous of Tony because of his good looks?

"Young man, it looks like you should be a student, right? Which school is your home? Is your home in Donghai City?"

Ye Da took a sip of water and said, "Donghai University, majoring in ancient literature, and his family is in Xiangxi, Liangzhou."

The policeman with a square face: "Oh, isn't this right next door? It's rare to see this major. It sounds very cultured."

Ye Daxin said: It is rare, otherwise the score line would not be so low.

To be precise, it is the three lows of "score line", "employment rate" and "graduate average salary".

But even for the unpopular major with the lowest score, I had to study the questions for three years and "repeated" twice before I was admitted.

Among the hardships, only you know.

Copying out some poems and articles, or using modern knowledge to talk about ancient editorials, is completely two levels of difficulty from taking the college entrance examination, not to mention mathematics, physics and chemistry have long been forgotten.

For countless days and nights, Ye Da struggled with major problems in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Simply speaking, this world doesn't need to learn much English, and he doesn't even speak in detail about places other than Kyushu, but Ye Da has been tormented for three years by light, mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Hey, tired of being a "child prodigy", Ye Jianguo almost buried himself back when he repeated it for the second time.

"What's your last name, police officer?"

"My name is Wang Guofang, just call me Police Officer Wang."

Ye Da looked at the other party's square and standard face with Chinese characters, and thought to himself, are you sure this is not a nickname but his real name?

"Officer Wang, how did that criminal die just now?"

Wang Guofang smiled and said, "Isn't it scaring you? It's because we didn't do our job well. I'm also a spiritual enlightener, so it's hard to explain my ability. We had a good cooperation before."

Ye Da recalled kneeling before, awkwardly drinking water tactically.

"Of course, if you're scared, we can arrange mental health consultation for you. Don't hold back."

Ye Da shook his head and said, "No need for Officer Wang, but I've finished the record. Can I leave?" Wang Guofang naturally would not embarrass a victim, who was still a student, so he got up and sent him out of the police station.

When he walked to the gate, he grabbed a handful of candies from the reception desk and stuffed them into Ye Da's hands.

"Eat something sweet to calm the shock. I suggest you take a two-day rest. If you need to ask for leave, the bureau can help you write a leave note."

Ye Da accepted the candy subconsciously, but rejected Officer Wang's suggestion, and returned to school with the leave slip from the police station. How can he still be in school in the future?

"It's not long since school started, so it's not good to ask for leave, so I'll leave Officer Wang first."

"Be careful on the road."

Watching Ye Da leave, I thought that the current students are under a lot of pressure. After such a big thing happened, they have to go back to class, really!

Wang Guofang turned around to go back to the office, but just bumped into his apprentice.

"Xiao Zhang, what's the result of the autopsy?"

The official report didn't come out so soon, but he still asked subconsciously.

Disciple Xiao Zhang stopped suddenly and said excitedly: "Master's sword is still young. That 'Brother Tony' was killed with one blow and his brain tissue was directly destroyed."

The person next to him who was reporting the loss of his mobile phone pricked up his ears in shock.

Wang Guofang patted his apprentice: "Shhh! That's enough, stop shouting. If it weren't for the rule of 'priority to kill the enlightened criminals', I wouldn't want to use my ability in front of twenty hostages."

Tony's identity is very simple. The hairdressing apprentice who suddenly enlightened, gradually degenerates and loses control. This kind of active criminal who does not involve other secrets and is a hostage-taker, according to the regulations, should be killed first, because the abilities of the enlightener are strange. If it is delayed, it will even cause a "spirit incident" that is more troublesome than hostage-taking.

The identities of spiritual enlighteners in Kyushu are complicated, and the total amount is not too much, but the awakening time span is long, it is possible to be from 3 to 30 years old, and it is basically irregular.

Delivery staff, policemen, chefs, and migrant workers are all likely to become spiritual enlighteners.

Many of them have relatively poor self-control ability, or their own encounters are not going well, and once enlightened, it is easy to go on a bad path.

But Xiao Zhang was still very excited: "And guess what, didn't that student hook his legs upside down and kicked that brother Tony, the pubic bone was kicked, and both eggs were completely broken. The forensic doctor said that if he didn't die, he would spend the rest of his life forever Wheelchairs increase the consequences of incontinence."

Wang Guofang subconsciously tucked his legs, a chill came down his back.

so cruel? !

The student looked so innocent just now, why is he so cruel?

After chatting for a few more words, Xiao Zhang left in a hurry, but the more Wang Guofang thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He also saw the leg hook, and felt that the student had messed up, so he knelt on the ground, afraid that the student was thin-skinned, so he didn't mention it again.

Although the pubic bone is not a particularly hard bone, the student was restrained by Tony, and the posture at that time was difficult to exert force.

Subconsciously, Wang Guofang imitated Ye Da's previous movement, raised one leg and hooked backwards several times.

How powerful is this pose?

"Guofang, what's wrong with you? Beriberi again?"

When Wang Guofang looked up, he saw that the director was looking at him strangely.

"Director! I got rid of athlete's foot 10 years ago! Oh no, why did I say this! I'm leaving."

Wang Guofang fled quickly despite the weird eyes from around him.

"Then the student is also a 'spiritual enlightener'? Or is he a 'flesh system' spiritual enlightenment person? You haven't discovered it yet? Go back and check his files."

(End of this chapter)

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