I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 51, Picture 51: Zhao Daxian

Chapter 51 One Sheet: Zhao Daxian

Ye Da asked: "Who is Zhao Daxian?"

Shan Daxiong said: "A few decades ago in Yunzhou Lake, some fishermen believed in the water god, but in my father's generation, few people believed in it. It is said that earlier, some people put Zhao Daxian's wooden carvings on the boat and offered incense, saying It can guarantee big goods."

"My grandfather also had a wooden carving of Zhao Daxian at the beginning, but he threw it away later. Whether it can be sold or not is a technical means. The results can be obtained by scanning the fishery radar. The so-called man can conquer the sky, but Zhao Daxian's name has gradually become According to folklore, some people also reported about the 'Yunzhou Lake Monster', but it was later revealed that it was a fake."

For the area around the current Yunzhou Lake, the story of Zhao Daxian has become a part of folk legends in various places. The reason why it is still widely spread is to stimulate tourism.

Shan Lili's mother said disdainfully: "What is Zhao Daxian, what age is he still a Daxian, Yundong County built a dilapidated yard, put a stone bastard and dared to charge people 20 yuan for tickets, that scene is so deceitful."

She was married from another place, so of course she doesn't believe in Zhao Daxian, and no one really believes her. Most people nowadays treat her like a water monster, tricking tourists into buying souvenirs and buying tickets.

Shan Daxiong didn't dare to say anything, he actually didn't believe it. As for the tortoise shell in his hand, maybe he was wrong?There is nothing new in Yunze Lake, maybe an amber or something.

But Ye Da thought again, when Liu Xiaoqian came on the boat and felt the malice underwater, she should have let her go into the water to have a look.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked Liu Xiaoqian to patrol around the island, tens of acres of land is not too big, plus Liu Xiaoqian is floating around, can go around in 10 minutes, not afraid of wind or rain.

This guy finally has some use.
Liu Xiaoqian dislikes water by nature, including "raining", but she has no right to defend herself, so she floated out angrily.

After a while, everyone almost warmed up, and went back to their rooms one after another. After all, they couldn't sleep together in the hall.

Wang Liwen was carried to her room, and a few girls would go and take care of her overnight. Shan Lili's mother was worried, so she found some cold medicine and followed her.

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen also returned to the room. Today's events were full of weirdness, which gave Ye Da a very bad premonition.

When Wang Weiwen was changing clothes, Ye Da rolled his eyes, and suddenly touched Wang Weiwen's back neck, which made Wang Weiwen, who was taking off his clothes with a pullover, tremble in fright, and said awkwardly:
"what happened?"

Ye Da: "I feel that your face is a little red, see if you have a fever."

Wang Weiwen: ".Thank you for your concern."

He thought that Ye Da had awakened something bad.
Lately, I always feel that Ye Da looks at him obediently.
The two discussed for a while how to find a way to send Wang Liwen to the county hospital tomorrow, and then fell asleep in the wind and rain.

Falling asleep refers to Wang Weiwen.

Ye Da could only sleep in the freezer, so he just lay on the boat thinking about what happened today.

Ye Jianguo once said that the changes in laws and regulations in Kyushu, the retreat of gods and ghosts, and the disappearance of evil spirits are changes caused by the development of human society. Things that live for a long time, maybe they have survived?
For example, Chen Jiu and a group of "Republic of China" spirit bodies.

Isn't he, Ye Da, one of the typical old "ghosts and demons"?

The area of ​​Yunzhou Lake is so vast. Although the traces of human activities have been very frequent since modern times, who can tell what happened at the bottom of the lake? Shan Daxiong said that the depth of Yunzhou Lake is several hundred meters, and the traces of human activities can really be seen. Does it radiate everywhere?

After all, turtles are known for their longevity, right?
and many more!

Ye Da suddenly had a shocking doubt.

So what is the ocean like?

There should be oceans in Kyushu. If Yunzhou Lake cannot be fully explored, let alone the vast and endless sea, which may have a depth of several kilometers, and the vastness is not comparable to Yunzhou Lake.

the most important is!

He has been here for three years and has never seen a world map!
He has only seen the map of Kyushu, and the places outside of Kyushu are in chaos on the map!
Regardless of the three years of writing questions or the period after coming to the East China Sea, Ye Da has read a lot of books in the past three and a half years, but there is no concept of a world map in either textbooks or miscellaneous books.
Is this reasonable?

Originally unable to sleep, Ye Da tossed and turned even more after this doubt arose.

In this way, amidst Wang Weiwen's even breathing, Ye Da's mind was in a state of confusion until the middle of the night.

Until Liu Xiaoqian floated back.

"Grandpa! A monster has come up from the south bank!"

Ye Da was startled and immediately turned over.Glancing at Wang Weiwen who was unaware next to him, Ye Da put on his raincoat, opened the door and walked out.

The violent wind and rain could not shake Ye Da's body, but the water droplets that covered his face still made him a little bit embarrassed. While walking, he asked Liu Xiaoqian: "What monster? What happened?"

Liu Xiaoqian hesitated for a while and said: "It should be a fish-man?"


The image of a shell bra on the upper body and a slender fishtail on the lower body flashed in Ye Da's mind.

I thought this painting style is not right, is there a murloc in Kyushu?

Out of the yard, there was no one around, Ye Da no longer hid, jumped more than ten meters high, and "flyed" towards the shore.

He didn't jump directly to the shore, but landed tens of meters away. Looking from a distance, like the rain, a black shadow was struggling in the mud on the shore.

It is several meters long, with a blue back and a white belly. The hideous spines are probably as thick as an arm, and the scales are close to the size of a washbasin. The head is large and the tail is small.

In contrast to the huge body, four small, disproportionate hands and feet grew from the front and back, like a three-year-old child.

Where the fuck is a murloc, this is a fucking fish monster!
Such an ugly existence, even Ye Da was stunned, the malice at the bottom of the lake during the day was probably coming from this thing!Is Wang Liwen's falling into the water related to this monster?
The fish monster seemed to be stranded, struggling constantly on the mudflat, its tiny limbs were constantly moving in the mud, but it couldn't support its huge body.

Its mouth is even opening and closing unconsciously.

Ye Da stood in the rain and asked Liu Xiaoqian, "Can you feel its emotions?"

Liu Xiaoqian said: "I'm just very panicked and anxious."

"What about maliciousness?"

Liu Xiaoqian shook her head: "When one emotion is very intense, other emotions will become thinner, and it seems to just want to go back to the water."

Ye Da was troubled, what should he do with such an ugly and weird thing?
Go forward and kill it?
Seems like it's the only option?Is it possible to save its life?Waiting for it to repay its favor?

Promise yourself?

When Ye Da was at a loss, the fish monster turned over while struggling, and the eyes on both sides finally saw Ye Da not far away.

A weird, sticky voice sounded: "Help me, help me."

Ye Da frowned, how could he speak human language?
But such a monster uttered human words, which made Ye Da feel even more weird.

The next moment, on the surging lake behind the fish monster, a black figure was getting closer and closer.

Immediately afterwards, a huge object emerged from the water surface, and a large amount of lake water split towards the two sides.

A giant tortoise more than ten meters long floated out of the water.

The giant tortoise was like a hill, protruding its head like a strange rock.

The huge and hard beak of the tortoise bites most of the fish monster's body in one bite.

The sharp mouth pierced deeply into the fish monster's.

The fish monster struggled violently, but couldn't resist, and was dragged into the water bit by bit.

There was a hint of despair in the huge and dull fish eyes.

Finally merged into the turbid lake water.

The giant tortoise didn't seem to notice Ye Da in the rain, and the huge carapace gradually sank into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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