I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 52 This is impossible!

Chapter 52 This is impossible!

Ye Da still stood by the lake for a long time.

What happened just now made him unable to calm down for a long time.

Sure enough, it is impossible for this huge Yunzhou Lake to be as calm as it appears on the surface.

The sightings of "water monsters" in the past may not all be groundless.

But although the giant tortoise is terrifying in size, it looks like a "turtle". Why does the big fish have hands and feet?

From Ye Da's arrival to the time the fish monster was dragged into the water, it only took two to three minutes, but it had a huge impact on him.

Ye Da was in a mess for another ten minutes in the violent storm before turning around and heading back to the farmhouse.

When I went back, I saw the room belonging to a family of three guests. The lights were on. There seemed to be some quarrels, mixed with the crying of a little girl. The wind and rain were too strong to hear clearly. Ye Da shook his head and went back to the room.

The seemingly harmonious and happy family also has its own troubles. Maybe the situation of this isolated island in the lake has aggravated the restlessness in my heart?
Wang Weiwen was still asleep, Ye Da took off his raincoat lightly, tidied up a little, lay back on the bed and continued to lie on the corpse, he couldn't sleep anyway, so he was thinking about the scene just now.

Regardless of the giant tortoise or the fish monster, it is obvious that they can be classified as spirit monsters. When the Dabin Dynasty lived in the Ye family in the previous life, Ye Dazai often heard rumors of spirit monsters. There seem to be more stories about spirits and monsters.

The closest one was in Lin County, where the Ye family is located. It was said that there was a monster on the mountain, and it went down the mountain and killed many villagers.

Ye Da didn't really see the appearance of the spirit, but afterwards, the Ye family used the local influence to buy back a pair of giant tusks left behind after the spirit was killed. The young Ye Da had a close look at the ivory Not too much wild boar teeth, and since then, Ye Da has confirmed that the ghosts and ghosts in the clan's collection of books are not made up.

He can actually accept a giant tortoise that is more than ten meters long. After all, this is Kyushu with extraordinary power, but he can't accept a fish monster with human hands and feet that can talk.

The style of painting is too ugly.

Do you want to call the police?
Will it be too frequent?He is an ordinary college student, why does he always call the police?
Liu Xiaoqian was still wandering outside, but nothing happened until Wang Weiwen woke up.

"what time is it?"


No wonder Wang Weiwen had this question, the sky at this time was actually not much different from the night.

There was still a violent storm outside the window, and the wind was howling, with no sunlight coming in, as if it was still in the middle of the night.

In this situation, obviously waiting for the boat to rescue and pick up people in the morning is tantamount to a dream. The boats on the lake are shallow, and the old fishermen dare not go out in this weather.

This made Wang Weiwen worried about Wang Liwen's situation, so he and Ye Da knocked on the door of the girl's room.

A female classmate rubbed her eyes and opened the door. Seeing Ye Da and Wang Weiwen coming together, she let out an "oops" and hurriedly covered her face with her sleeve, as if she was not very confident about her appearance in the morning.

At this time, Ye Da and Wang Weiwen knew that Wang Liwen had woken up at dawn, and was holding a hot water bottle to keep warm, and was resting wrapped in a quilt.

"Wang Liwen, what happened yesterday?"

Wang Liwen was a little depressed, and the girl on the side helped her and said, "We also asked, I think she was frightened and confused yesterday, and kept saying that she saw a huge black shadow, and fell into the water as soon as her legs softened. The guy couldn't swim and choked on a few mouthfuls of water, then was carried back to the shore by a big fish."

Big fish?

Ye Da was a little stunned.That fish monster?Save people?

Not to mention the mess in Ye Da's mind, Wang Weiwen also found it incredible after hearing it, but it was not easy to question in front of the weak Wang Liwen, he just said: "This weather seems to be difficult to send to the hospital today, you guys Take care of her, I'll tell Shan Lili's mother what I want to eat."

The girl on the side said: "We have to eat breakfast. We are starving to death. It's really unlucky. It's rare to come out to play in this kind of weather."

Shan Lili's parents were full of apologies, so they got up early in the morning to prepare breakfast. Although it didn't seem to have much to do with them, whether it was the weather or falling into the water, it was still something that happened in their farmhouse.

It can only be said to be unlucky, I didn't intend to make money, I just wanted to build a good relationship with classmates for Shan Lili, but it turned out to be a mess, Shan Lili herself was also depressed.

When everyone was eating breakfast, Ye Da pretended to participate, but actually took an egg in his hand, deliberately let others see it, and then put it back after wandering around for a long time. He can eat hard now, but it is really unnecessary.

Liu Xiaoqian, who had been floating all night, returned to her side and protested, "I want breakfast too! I want black ice! Three pieces!"

Ye Da knew that this guy worked very hard last night, so he took some time to get some water on his hands, and slowly mobilized the Yin Qi in the corner to condense on the tip of his right finger. After a while, several black ice the size of soybeans condensed and threw it to Liu Xiaoqian .

I didn't count them in detail, but there were five or six pills, which calmed Liu Xiaoqian's mood.

After eating the black ice, Liu Xiaoqian wearily crawled back into Ye Da's right hand. Even if she didn't have a body, she still had the energy to say that she should take a rest.

A lot of people just brush their phones there after eating, and they can’t do anything anyway. It stands to reason that the phone has a signal, which means that it has not completely cut off the connection with the outside world, but now it is useless to find that there is a signal, and the police have reported it. , and didn’t want his family members to know that he was trapped and worried, a few boys even got together to play mobile games, and then they were killed frequently because of unstable signal, yelling constantly.

The girls gathered together to gossip, and Ye Da listened to the familiar name. It seemed that a certain enlightened male star had started a new drama, and they were discussing how to control it on various platforms in an organized manner. Comments and scores, and it is said that this male star and Hualing Xin Yi have an affair, and a couple of golden boys and girls are enviable.

Ye Da couldn't imagine how Xin Yi, who was a little out of his mind, flirted with the male celebrity, and felt that it was probably gossip.

Da Jinlianzi and his concubine were also sitting in the hall, chatting and laughing, the weather outside didn't seem to affect them, most people would not have an island effect in their hearts as long as their mobile phones had a signal, these two people came out to relax and enjoy It doesn't matter if you're stuck in the yard or not, you can get out sooner or later.

Ye Da kept searching for information about "Zhao Daxian" on his mobile phone, but they were basically specious legends.

Some say that Zhao Daxian was a strange man surnamed Zhao who realized the longevity of the turtle and abandoned his human form and turned into a turtle.

What's more, Zhao Daxian is a monster caused by the water pollution of Yunzhou Lake. The culprit is a certain paper mill in Yundong County, and the factory director is the mayor's younger brother. The locals know it, but the mayor's power is intimidating. Dare to speak.

Just as I was bored, there was an exclamation from outside the hall.

"Where's my wife? Have you seen my wife?"

Yesterday, the male owner of the family of three ran in in a panic, his body was almost soaked, his glasses were hanging crookedly on his face, and he looked very anxious.

Everyone was stunned.

"My wife isn't here? Impossible?!"

Shan Daxiong hurried forward and said, "Don't panic, speak slowly, what's going on?"

The host adjusted his glasses and said, "I woke up in the morning and found that my wife was gone, and I couldn't find her anywhere! Could she be drowning too?!"

Ye Da's first reaction in his heart: This is impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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