Chapter 70 Paid Services
Ye Da looked at the red-eyed high school girl in front of him, and was a little dazed for a while.

Those were not tears, but bloodshot eyes.

The high school girl's complexion was very bad, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness and stayed up all night. Only a pair of stubborn eyes looked firm.

A feeling of not giving up until the goal is reached.

At the gate of the university, the school uniforms of high school students are a bit eye-catching, not to mention the high school girls and college boys. Some people have already cast curious eyes on this side.

Ye Da asked: "I am Ye Da. Who are you?"

The high school girl held up her old mobile phone. On it was a photo, which was the recent hot spot of public opinion "sasaeng fan Liu"

But compared to the dark face on the Internet, it is worse than the ID photo, which looks like a photo of a female gangster. Liu on the mobile phone is smiling very happily, making funny expressions with a small girl, as if he is taking a photo. , the little girl is the one in front of her.

Ye Da looked around and said, "Let's find a place to talk, it's not good to stand here."

The high school girl nodded and followed Ye Da.

Ye Da thought for a while, and took the high school girl to the "Ken Da Chicken" in the commercial street. Although there were quite a few people here, it was so noisy that others couldn't hear what they were saying.

Finding a double seat near the corner, Ye Da sat down and said, "Do you want something to eat?"

The high school girl shook her head and went straight to the point.

"I am from Chuyuehui, a small fan organization. Sister Banban was our friend. She is no longer alive, but people online are scolding her. We would like to ask you to post a statement online to clarify. Banbanjie didn’t confess her love to you and was rejected, and you don’t know Banbanjie either. Is that okay?!”

The high school girl's voice was dry and trembling, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Da.

Ye Da knocked on the table and said, "Wait, let's go one by one first. What will Chuyue be? How did you find me?"

The high school girl's eyes widened in surprise, and she smiled miserably: "You don't know? The Chuyue Club is a fan organization established by Ban Banjie, and now everyone on the Internet is shouting and beating."

Ye Da is just a passive eater, all he knows is all kinds of push, all kinds of small and medium-sized forums in the fan circle have already picked up the "Chuyuehui" veterans, and even returned human flesh to Liu's family.

If you have the heart to search, browse various forums and groups, Ye Da will get far more news than now.

The matter spread far more seriously than he imagined, which is why some people in the school could recognize him.

"A sister I know in my circle is also from Tunghai University. I used to be a fan of Zhao Jie together. I begged her to ask about you, and I have been waiting for you at the gate of Tunghai University since the afternoon."

Ye Da touched his forehead, and said helplessly, "OK! I understand, please speak slowly."

The little high school girl retracted her hands into the sleeves of her school uniform, shrank her body and said slowly.

The high school girl is named Wen Jiayu, a sophomore in high school.

The half-sister is the illegitimate fan Liu, whose original name is Liu Yue, and is called the half-sister because she is fat.

Chuyuehui is the group name of that group of fans.

They have known each other since they were a small group for three or four years. Wen Jiayu met Ban Banjie, a high school student, when she was in junior high school. The other girls were about the same age, and Ban Banjie was the oldest.

On weekdays, they often organize activities together and track the stars. Airports, studios, and even hotels where stars stay, and various activities they participate in are all their goals.

At first, it was just a pick-up at the airport. The feeling of being able to "contact" a big star at a close distance is far closer than "watching" a star online. The friendly smile of a big star will make them feel an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

Gradually, it evolved into chasing all traces, tracking in various places, and even containment.

The status of illegitimate meal did not wrong them.

Donghai, as one of the best big cities in Kyushu, provides many such opportunities for "chasing stars at close range".

And as they "chased stars at close range" again and again, their behavior became more and more "bold".

"But we really haven't picked the lock, and half-sister is not gay, those posts say that half-sister organizes our MY, it's even more nonsense!"

Wen Jiayu clenched his fists, which turned white.

Ye Da propped up half of his face and said, "I don't understand the term 'illegitimate meal' very well, but your behavior seems to be extreme. It is also said on the Internet that Ban Banjie was detained?"

Wen Jiayu said dejectedly: "That's not detention, it's just Wang Feng calling the police. Sister Banban asked us to leave first. She was taken to the police station and asked a few words to educate her. We also accepted the illegitimate meal."

Wang Feng and Zhao Jie are both names of celebrities, and they are one class lower than the dialect, but they are also popular niches, but Ye Da doesn't know them.

Ye Da was a little helpless. Being taken to the police station showed that he had gone too far: "Isn't it bad to chase stars online? Why bother to have a illegitimate meal?"

"Do you know how much it would cost a large fan group to provide merchandise, donations, rankings, and support for a month? At least 5000 or more. Our families don't have much money, and we often change fans and get squeezed out, so half and half Sister organized us to chase stars ourselves." Ye Da opened her mouth and wanted to say something: "Then if we don't chase stars, it will be over!"

No matter how powerful the fan circle is, it's impossible to force people to pay, right? It's not a gangster.

But in the end Ye Da chose to shut up.

High school students are no longer considered children. Many people in remote areas have already started to earn money to support their families at this age.

When Xiangxi was studying hard, many people in the county were already working in the fields or living with their parents at this age.

After living 2.5 lifetimes, he hasn't chased stars, so he can't bring in the feelings of these people.

But everyone has the right to choose their own behavior, and if they make a wrong choice, they will pay.

If you don't buy it now, you will buy it later.

In the overall environment, the fan circle is a controversial place, and there will be many people and things to persuade them, let alone this group of "illegitimate fans" who are marginalized in the fan circle.

Their family members, friends, and classmates may not be persuaded by anyone, and their ears may be calloused. I am a stranger who just met and said something.

"So you want me to issue a statement, telling everyone that Ban Banjie doesn't know me, and she didn't confess to me and was rejected?"

Wen Jiayu nodded vigorously.

Ye Da sighed and said: "I don't know much about online public opinion, but I don't think it's useful. I don't even post much on Moments. Who will read it? Besides, my business is only Liu Yue's countless One of the rumors, not even the hottest one, makes sense?"

In fact, Ye Da thought about the method of issuing a statement yesterday, but as he said, people who have zero records on social media, who will read it if they have a hammer statement?

Wen Jiayu said with red eyes: "The few of us have been working hard in various forums to clarify for Ban Banjie. We have talked about every forum and every rumor. I am here to find you. The other sisters are working hard in other places. , Miss Banban is dead, we don’t want her to be a laughing stock in the eyes of others! Miss Banban is a very nice person, she didn’t make any money from us at all, instead she gave money to everyone for activities!”

Wen Jiayu stood up excitedly:

"If you'd like to make a statement, we can give you money. For a fee!"

After hesitating for a while, Wen Jiayu tremblingly stretched out two fingers from his school uniform.



Ye Da almost thought he heard it wrong.

Seeing Ye Da's stunned expression, Wen Jiayu gritted his teeth and said, "We can give you 200 first and 500 later. If that doesn't work, if you want me."

"Stop! Stop talking."

Ye Da quickly stopped it, are all high school students so stupid now?
There are already people looking this way!
That look seemed to say: Scum, even if you are a high school student, you will be paid 200!

Wen Jiayu wanted to say more, but the sound of "gurgling" came from his stomach, and his whole momentum was vented.

Only then did Ye Da notice that the corners of the opponent's mouth were dry and peeling, and his face was also a little blue, as if he hadn't eaten or watered for a long time.

Looking at her helplessly, she got up and ordered something.

When a tray of fried chicken, hamburgers, and Coke was placed in front of him, Wen Jiayu obviously swallowed.

Ye Da said, "Let's eat, I invite you."

The situation of this group of high school girls may be more complicated than he imagined, and they look like they can't afford to eat.

Could it be that he ran away from home?
Wen Jiayu hesitated to take it, so Ye Da simply stuffed a chicken leg into her mouth.

Wen Jiayu moved his thin lips, pursed away the dry skin at the corners of his mouth, his youthful face showed cause, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, and started to eat.

"I will pay you back later"

Ye Da waved his hand indifferently, and waited until Wen Jiayu had almost eaten, before saying, "So what is the real cause of Liu Yue's death?"

Wen Jiayu said with a downcast expression:

"Food poisoning."

(End of this chapter)

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