I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 71 Respective Efforts

Chapter 71 Respective Efforts

"Food poisoning?"

Sister Wang was a little astonished, and said to the phone: "Are you sure?"

"Confirmed Miss Wang, the case filed by the Mazi Street Police Station of the Donghai Xicheng Sub-bureau is a small case, just today's matter."

Sister Wang pursed her lips, this is really true.
"The police are always late."

It's all over the Internet, and now you tell me it's food poisoning?
"Sister Wang, it's only been 48 hours. The family of the illegitimate meal didn't report the crime. A group of young girls went there. The police still have to wait for the hospital to confirm the cause of death and issue a report, claim the body, and check the restaurant. It is said that the hotel owner After reading the news, I recognized the fat girl who had a illegitimate meal, and bought a ticket to go back to my hometown overnight, and the police will never solve the case faster than the keyboard."

This is the truth, but sometimes the truth comes too late, and no one cares.

The man rejoiced and said:
"But it's easy now. Let's issue a statement to make it clear. The police will file a case for endorsement. Everything is easy to talk about."

Sister Wang shook the wine glass in her hand, but shook her head and said, "No, even if the illegitimate meal died of food poisoning, the identity of dialect fans cannot be separated, and even those who die after seeing dialect, dialect will still Being posted on the Internet, becoming a negative teaching material for traffic stars, and even being boycotted by the collective, the loss is still not small, and the dialect will still become a social enemy."

"If I had received the news yesterday, I might have done this, but today there is a lot of buzz on the Internet. Everyone is condemning the illegitimate meal, and the dialect will soon be taken out. Let's follow the original plan first."

There was some hesitation on the phone, and he said, "But I think the Internet is a bit unstoppable."

Sister Wang said indifferently: "Who wants to accept it? As long as the direction is right, the bigger the water, the better. Let those people on the Internet be moral guards and feel good. What does it have to do with our dialect? People from the police station want to announce it to the outside world. What?"

"That's not the case. They're just following normal procedures. A small police station doesn't pay attention to things on the Internet."

"That's good, keep writing, let's do our own thing."

Where the wind blows, the grass falls.

Many people think they are the wind, but they are actually grass.

"Food poisoning?"

Ye Da did not expect this cause of death.

"We didn't have any dialect problems at the art exhibition that day. After that, Sister Banban invited us to dinner. When we ate, we felt the taste was weird. After we got home, we had vomiting and diarrhea. That night, a few of us even said in the group that we would report that person later. At a restaurant, Sister Banban was in the worst condition, but her family didn’t care about her, and no one even sent her to the hospital. In the morning.”

Wen Jiayu's tears fell while speaking.

The little girls themselves didn't have much money, and the place to eat was just a small restaurant on the side of the road. Diarrhea was very common, but eating dead people was never expected.

Maybe Liu Yue has other underlying diseases because of her obesity?So the reaction is much more serious than others?

Ye Da wondered: "Food poisoning? Then why no one mentioned it online."

Wen Jiayu said bitterly: "Sister Banban's parents don't have much contact with her anymore, we reported the case after we recovered from the illness, and we also talked to people everywhere on the Internet, but people on the Internet simply ignored her. We, at the beginning they only cared about the death of fans who were dialects, and only cared about earning traffic by involving dialects, and later turned into scandals that exploded half-sisters, those are all fake! No one believes the truth!"

In fact, the owner of the restaurant was also summoned. It was a simple case, and it was handled in other East China Sea sub-bureaus, so even Wang Guofang hadn't heard of it.

There may be people who have dug up this clue on the Internet, but they are not conspicuous in the overwhelming, true and false gossip. Even if a few little girls have been explaining everywhere, it has not caused any disturbance, being submerged in the massive amount of information.

Ye Da was thoughtful.

"Okay, I can help you make a statement, but don't hold out too much hope, probably no one will read it."

Wen Jiayu said excitedly: "Don't worry! I had already thought about it when I came here! You are so good-looking! Most of the time, you will be clicked and licked. As long as you add a few more photos of you in the statement, the number of views will not be low! Come! When the time comes, if we repost it on various forums and platforms, we can help clear Sister Banban’s name.”

The revelations about the illegitimate fan Liu Yue are far more than just a "rejected confession with the school grassroots", but this is already the most practical starting point for a group of high school girls. Other illusory black materials, go to fight and comment, there is nothing significance.

Wen Jiayu wolfed down his food, and even packed up the leftover hamburger and fried chicken with a blushing face.

"I'll take it back and give it to them to eat."

Ye Da didn't pay attention when he ordered. He hadn't ordered in a fast food restaurant for a long time, and he ordered a lot of 80 yuan, but he couldn't help Wen Jiayu eat.

This is all right, I was going to spend 200 yuan + myself to ask the handsome guy to do something, but I didn't spend the 80 yuan, and I got [-] yuan for the handsome guy.

Also packed.

After that, Wen Jiayu brought Ye Da to their place.

There are a total of 8 people in their Chuyue Club, out of the remaining seven after Liu Yue was removed, four escaped and gathered here to seek justice for the half-sister.

Yes, they ran away from home.

They themselves were the children whose parents had a headache and even gave up at home. Naturally, they were not allowed to come out after suffering from food poisoning, but a few young girls who were just sick escaped by various means and gathered at Wen Jiayu's home. , whose parents are separated, no one will come to the house.

Each of the girls has their own problems, some are the "cause" of their becoming illegitimate fans, and some are the "effect" of their becoming illegitimate fans.

Among parents, teachers, and even peers, they are a headache.

Take Wen Jiayu as an example. Her parents divorced and went their separate ways. Originally, she was sentenced to her mother. Later, her mother remarried and she was sent to her grandmother. Instead of living alone, I have to pay a little bit of living expenses every month, and the superficial phone greetings from my mother.

There are also people who are crazy about star chasing, breaking up with their families, gradually giving up discipline, and living on their own in a semi-stocking state.

In the dark old alley, even the stairs were so narrow that Ye Da felt constrained everywhere.The person who opened the door was a tall girl with long hair. She was not good-looking, but she was wearing short-sleeved shorts and looked cool. She looked like she had just woken up.

There was a strange smell in the room, and Ye Da frowned.

After seeing Ye Da, the tall girl was surprised and said, "Did you really find him?"

In the small and dark room, two more round heads poked out, and two little fat guys and little fat girls stuck out their heads curiously.

Wen Jiayu nodded seriously, and said, "Brother Ye agrees to help Sister Banban issue a statement. I'll bring him back to get a camera to take pictures. How about you?"

The tall girl seemed to suddenly realize that she was disheveled, and hid behind the door.

Although he has been chasing stars for many years, when he saw Ye Da's face at such a close distance, he still felt a little stiff.

Isn't this more handsome than dialect?And this is plain makeup!
"I have been contacting a few big accounts, and one of them is almost moved by me. Maimai reported the rumors one by one, and Shushu has been inquiring about news in the circle."

Wen Jiayu nodded. They have been doing these things since yesterday. This is their secret base, but the effect is not great.

Ye Da became one of their hopes to break through the predicament.

"Sister Banban's parents have been persuading me, and Uncle Liu has almost been persuaded, and I'm going to come out to clarify. They don't use the Internet very much, so we'll help them get it later!"

This is another piece of good news. If Liu Yue's father is willing to come forward, it will be of great help. At least the attention will be gained, and the police will file a case as an endorsement.

Although it is impossible to completely wash away the black material on Miss Banban, at least it can make people realize that most of the information on the Internet is not true.

And Ye Da wrinkled, already retreating in his heart.

Not because there are ghosts and monsters in it.

It's not because there are four underage girls who speak and behave badly.

But because
under its night vision
The house is full of cockroaches!
Girls, can you do a good job in hygiene? Hey! !
"Brother, there is a guy who wants to see you and has a business card."

Yang Tian lit the cigar, put his feet up on the table, and said indifferently: "If you have a business card, bring it in, it should be to discuss business."

The younger brother looked at the strange shape of the boss's arm, wanted to say it but dared not.

Yang Tian waved his hand: "It's okay, something went wrong in the practice, and business must be done."

The younger brother nodded awkwardly, thinking that the boss has given up on himself a little bit.
After a while, a well-shielded man came in looking around, his footsteps a little weak.

Yang Tian was not surprised. Those who came to the door with a business card were probably doing something wrong, and it was normal to be secretive. As a middleman, he wouldn't ask too many questions.

But he was not surprised, when the visitor saw Yang Tian, ​​his jaw dropped in shock.

Why did this man have a lump of concrete on his hand?

I saw that Yang Tian was wearing a straight suit, but there was a ridiculous lump of concrete on his right forearm, among which the reinforced concrete was obvious, it didn't look like a prop, but it looked like it had been removed from some wall.

Are all the bosses these days like this? Others bring gold and jade, but real bosses bring concrete?
Seeing Yang Tian for the first time, the visitor didn't dare to show any surprised expression, forced his eyes not to glance randomly, and handed the business card in his hand to Yang Tian.

This is what he bought from a friend at a high price. It is said that if there is anything inconvenient to leak light, you can come here to ask for help.

He is a person who earns a lot of money, but has a flimsy foundation and always feels insecure, so he is keen to seek various "retreats" and engage in relationships.

The business card in front of him was what he asked for before, and it represented a connection, a connection other than the normal one.

Yang Tian looked at the business card and confirmed that it was correct. It was indeed distributed by him, and he handed it to his younger brother for inspection.

"Tell me, if you need help with anything, you should understand the rules, I'm just a middleman."

As he spoke, he turned the concrete ball on his arm.

Damn, it's been a week and I can't take it off. This wall penetration method is really not so easy to practice!
Then he swallowed, not knowing what Yang Tian's expression meant, and said, "I want you to help me deal with two people?"

As he spoke, he handed out the names and photos of the two people he had prepared.

Liu Jiangen, Zhang Mei.

The two people in the photo looked like two ordinary couples at the bottom of the East China Sea, with ordinary clothes and dark skin.

Yang Tian raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that there are still people who want to do this kind of bitterness, what kind of deep hatred is this?
Forget it, I am a dutiful middleman, why ask so many questions.

"To die or to live? To part or whole?"

The visitor shook his hand and almost jumped up.

As expected of a boss with concrete, is he so ruthless? !
"I just hope they can sign an agreement."

(End of this chapter)

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