Chapter 72 MDZZ
"You! Go and clean it up! The white ones, I'll check them later!"

The long-haired girl nodded timidly, turned and entered the bathroom.

It's different than expected!
Suddenly seeing a handsome guy, how can he not be a good-looking dog after many years of star chasing, and thought that something charming would happen, no matter how bad it was, it would be a big event to clear up the grievances of the half-sister.

Results first thing!
It's actually cleaning the toilet!

"And you! Throw out all the garbage! Remember to sort it!"

Wen Jiayu moved his mouth and could only work honestly.

"You two! Go buy insecticide, cockroach medicine, freshener! Laundry powder!"

Two fat girls with round faces said hesitantly: "...We have no money."

Ye Da covered his face and reluctantly transferred 200 yuan to them.

"Go, go! Come back with some food and drink."

The two round-faced girls ran out with short legs.

Not wishful thinking, mainly because of hunger.

The tall, long-haired girl named Huo Ting frowned at the filthy toilet with a toilet brush, and said angrily, "Did someone clean this toilet?"

Ye Da retorted: "Is this toilet for human use? It doesn't feel dirty when you use it, but it's dirty when you wash it. Do you want me to issue a statement?"

Huo Ting still refused to accept it, and shouted: "We have only been here for two days, and this is all Jiajia's doing!"

Wen Jiayu jumped to his feet immediately: "You can't say that! I've never been so passive before."

But when he saw Huo Ting pointing the yellow toilet brush up, Wen Jiayu admitted that he had spoken too loudly just now.

Deterrence Max!

Usually, Wen Jiayu lived alone in this room, and it was already a mess, but now there were four more girls who were also in a mess, and it was already a big mess in two days.

One word, disgusting!
Two words, want to vomit!

Ye Da is not a clean freak, and his own house is also dusty, but he can't imagine that these four high school girls can make a house so disgusting, and he still thinks it's nothing!
In my first life, I saw on a short video that some people turned the rental house into a garbage dump, sleeping with cockroaches and mice every day, but they could still dress up and go out during the day, glamorous.

Met a real person today!
Ye Da felt uncomfortable looking at it.

The reason for ordering a few girls to clean up instead of turning a blind eye is to bring a little bit of the mentality of adults to discipline minors.

The cleaning lasted for more than an hour, and Ye Da even let Liu Xiaoqian out to look for cockroaches. Liu Xiaoqian was somewhat unhappy, but under the temptation of Heibing, she still looked for Xiaoqiang with a bitter face and took the advantage of "wearing the model", and then Ye Da Up to and then insecticide service.

Wen Jiayu wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a little emotional.

The place where she lives is so dirty, it's impossible for her not to feel it, but since her grandma was hospitalized, she has become like this over time as she lives alone.

She feels as if she doesn't belong here, and doesn't call it "home" like the people who mess up the rental.

Her sense of belonging, in Chuyuehui, is similar to that of other little sisters.

They quarrel with their parents every day at home, run away from home, and are almost like enemies. Naturally, they don't take the initiative to do housework, and they don't have this awareness.

When people don't care about something that should be valued, and no one teaches it.This thing that should be valued will gradually degenerate.

Some are against hygiene, some are against themselves.

She was able to yell "I want me" because of the confusion of adolescence, and she didn't care about her body.

But looking at the brand-new house, Wen Jiayu still felt a sense of accomplishment.

"It's all done, let's take pictures now."

Wen Jiayu asked Ye Da with an old-fashioned SLR.The camera is what she asked for from her father when her parents divorced, and it is also one of the few valuable things she has. It is mainly used for star chasing, and its level is not bad.

Under the expectant eyes of several little girls, Ye Da looked around, and the place has barely returned to the cleanliness of a normal family.

Relatively unsophisticated family.

"Okay, where are you filming?"

Wen Jiayu and Huo Ting discussed it and said, "Take a few pictures in the house and a few more at the convenience store at the corner of the street. Mai Mai will edit the pictures and send them out overnight. I will add a few more pictures during the day tomorrow."

"Wait a minute, are you doing this photo album? Do you need so many?"

Huo Ting sat on the bed, shaking her slender legs, and said: "If you want Yangou to pay attention, you must publish manuscripts one after another. You only need one or two photos for the statement, and the rest will be your social media. Only when the media is filled can people see it, and it will appear that you are a real person and not an online picture.”

Wen Jiayu added: "Don't worry, you are only responsible for showing your face, and we will help you with copywriting, publishing, and comment areas!"

Ye Da hesitated and said, "Why does it feel so complicated?"

"Important statement: (picture: me drinking coffee) (picture: me being angry)

Today, self-media piracy of my photos appeared on the Internet. I didn't want to crawl online, but some guys made me almost Yue with foul language, so I decided to come out and break my head.

First of all, I am not a Tunghai University student, just an ordinary Tunghai University student. Those who say that I am a new generation of school grass are really xswl.

Some yxh mdzz for the sake of traffic. I never cared about these false names, and I didn't think I was good-looking. My parents gave me my looks, so I shouldn't discuss them.

In addition, Liu Yue xjj and I don't know each other at all, the internet is full of ky! When xjj dropped out of school, I hadn’t enrolled yet, and there was no such thing as a confession being rejected and collapsed. There was no cdx, cqy, or cwy. It's false because I'm a victim.

I am usually very busy with my studies, and I am very bhs when this kind of thing happens again.

The dead are gone, bbl, stop talking nonsense, no matter yxh or netizens.

I will continue to update the news, find the evidence and share it with everyone as soon as possible, dd! kk!

Picture: (me in emo)"

Ye Da frowned.

What the hell is this!
Wen Jiayu checked again, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, he looked at Ye Da expectantly.

"Brother Ye, click to send, the first article should not be too long, this is just right."

Looking at the above two peerless photos taken by himself, Wen Jiayu was more excited than cooking an illegitimate meal, and Huo Ting on the side was the same, her slender legs rubbing left and right.

Ye Da wondered: "Is this really useful?"

He was a little confused.

Huo Ting straightened her washboard and said, "Of course! We are professionals!"

Ye Da smacked his mouth, looked at the expectant eyes of the four little girls, and finally clicked the send button.

In turn, the four little girls used more than 20 accounts to forward it on various forums and platforms.

When hindsight comes.

Ye Da had to say.

I am simply MDZZ!

 Why there are English letters will be discussed later.

(End of this chapter)

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