I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 73 Adults with Simple Moral Views

Chapter 73 Adults with Simple Moral Views

Shan Lili finished her day of running around. After the "Yuanqing Festival" incident, Shan Daxiong discussed with her family and decided that the farmhouse would not be happy.

I can't make any money, I'm tired, and I'm in trouble!
Shan Daxiong is worthy of being the ship owner who used to make a living on the water. He is full of courage and decides to move his family to the East China Sea.

On the one hand, I can use my original contacts to do a little water production business in Yunzhou Lake and supply them to restaurants and restaurants in Donghai. On the other hand, I also hope that my daughter can stay in the big city of Donghai in the future and lay a foundation for her in advance.

The family’s savings do not support buying a house in Donghai for the time being, and they are not eligible for purchase restrictions, but it is enough to support opening up the situation and starting a business. After all, I have earned some money before.

So Shan Lili asked Wang Weiwen to take a few days off to help her parents with errands and procedures.

Lying back on her bed, Shan Lili swiped her mobile phone. Recently, the fan circle exploded, and the illegitimate meal matter was in full swing. A few days ago, she was too busy to have time. Today, she just ate melons.

Then a hot post came into view.

"The second part of the statement: Maternal solo, no one has confessed to me, for the time being, I will focus on my studies, with pictures (I am writing hard), and pictures (I am insomnia after drinking coffee at night)."

Shan Lili: "Pfft!!!"

Wang Weiwen sat at the dining table, eating dinner slowly.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time because of my relationship."

The stepmother laughed and said, "Where is it? Weiwen is studying and going to the youth training camp. Of course I have to wait for you to eat so hard."

On the large long table, Wang Weiwen sat at the head seat, while his stepmother sat at the bottom. The atmosphere was a bit weird, but the Wang family has always been like this, unless the head of the family came back, they always sat like this.

On weekdays, Wang Weiwen lives in the dormitory, but he will go home on weekends. His stepmother always attaches great importance to the dinner every weekend.

Wang Weiwen smiled and said to the nanny on the side: "Aunt Liu cooked this fish very well today."

The nanny smiled and said, "It was airlifted here today. The fish is fresh and delicious no matter how you cook it. I'll be off work after washing the dishes in a while."

Wang Weiwen said, "Let the driver take you at that time."

"Thank you, Awen."

After Wang Weiwen finished eating, he saw that Wang Weiwu was still swiping his phone next to him. He frowned and said, "Stop swiping your phone while you're eating, hurry up and finish your meal, Aunt Liu, so you can go home."

Without raising his head, Wang Weiwu said, "I'm full, don't worry about me."

Wang Weiwen frowned and didn't say much.

Adolescent children are really
The stepmother hurried out to smooth things over and said, "Why are you so focused on something, the food doesn't taste good."

Wang Weiwu suddenly laughed and said, "Look at the joke, Tunghai University actually has a school grassroots, I thought the new school grass will be Wang Weiwen!"

The stepmother's face collapsed, and she said, "I want to call you brother! How can I just call you by name!"

Wang Weiwen didn't care about the title, and stretched his head curiously.

"The third statement: the student ID card is not of the same year as Liu Yue xjj at all, with a picture (a bit ugly ID photo) and a picture (me from nbcs).



When a guy on the Internet spreads wildly in an abnormal way.

The instigators didn't answer for the time being.

"Brother Ye, you can sleep here so late, we have two beds, it's okay to squeeze together."

Ye Da frowned.

What the hell are you talking about!
What's the point of having two beds for five people?
Are you guys trying to perform a stack of Arhats?Still a single bed!
The devil wants to sleep with you, bah, the devil wants to sleep with you!

Who knows if there are any cockroaches that slipped through the net.

"I'm leaving, the statement has been sent out, and I have nothing to do."

Huo Ting felt a little regretful, but still said:

"Okay then, can we gather at 'Li Guiyuan' tomorrow?"

Ye Da, who had already half stepped out of the door, turned his head abruptly.

what collection?
Wen Jiayu said: "Tomorrow we want to go to Sister Banban's parents and persuade them to issue a statement. It will be more credible to send out the police's case with us. Brother Ye can go with me. Well, help us to be more courageous. We are too young to talk about uncles and aunts."

Ye Da wondered, "Why are they unwilling to make a statement?"

Wen Jiayu said sadly: "Banbanjie's parents have disowned her since she dropped out of Tunghai University. Banbanjie has been living by doing odd jobs. If we hadn't instigated her this time, they might not have been willing to report the crime."

Little chubby girl Mai Mai said: "Banban sister's parents are very indifferent, it is really unfortunate to have such parents, worse than my parents."

Ye Da sighed, these problem children.
Have you never thought that you also have problems?
Liu Yue's family conditions are not good. After her parents made it difficult for her to be admitted to Tunghai University, she became obsessed with star chasing and made illegitimate meals until she dropped out of school. It is not surprising that the family relationship is tense.

Maybe a few years later, the family will have a chance to restore the family relationship, but now that Liu Yue is dead, this family relationship that could have been restored can only be forced to freeze in the most embarrassing state.

A child comes to the world as a blank sheet of paper, but it is not only the parents who write on the blank sheet of paper, but also the society, the school, and most importantly, yourself.

Attributing all educational problems to parents is as outrageous as attributing all life problems to children.

As an adult with simple moral values, Ye Da really wanted to scold these few.

But these girls who ran away from home and slept with cockroaches, haven't they been scolded in the past ten years?

Holding the freshly made instant noodles, Huo Ting stepped forward anxiously and said, "Brother Ye, we can give you money. Can you help us clear Sister Banban's name? We will be able to do it slowly in the future. You want..."

"Stop! Shut up!"

Ye Da tried his best to restrain his urge to give these little girls a pause before starting the ideological education class.

I paid for the instant noodles, and I gave the money as soon as I opened my mouth.

"If something happens tomorrow, I will not participate. You have also posted a statement. I think there is not much you can do. Liu Yue's parents may have their own ideas. Don't force them. I'm leaving first."

He is not the Virgin, and it is interesting enough for them to send their own photos to clarify.

Under the sad eyes of the four illegitimate fans, Ye Da waved his hand and left the old building in the alley.

In the old alley at night, it was extremely quiet, not even the sound of the wind.

In the alley, Liu Xiaoqian rode a big herring and floated out of her arms. "My benefactor, is this okay?"

Ye Da pouted: "What's wrong?"

"Don't benefactor worry about them?"

Ye Da didn't speak, it was impossible to say that he wasn't worried at all.

"But there are so many people with problems in this society, and I can't help too many."

"That's because En Gong didn't meet him."

"They are now immersed in the emotion of justifying their companions, but their problems are far more than these. After this incident, they will continue to live in the previous state, addicted to star chasing, living alone, marginalized by society, repeating Liu Yue's Lu, it's not about something, it's about life."

In other words, even if they managed to restore their half-sister's reputation, they could only change the reputation of the dead, but not the life of the living.

You can help once, but not for a lifetime.

Blindly chasing stars, running away from home, having a tense relationship with parents and even being abandoned, not even having food money, and being so stupid in doing things, always "I want this" and "I want that".

Before Liu Yue died, these children were already sinking.

After Liu Yue left, more abysses were just revealed.

Liu Xiaoqian dragged her cheeks, not knowing what to say.

Ye Da spread his hands: "Of course the dead should not be slandered, but the matter of the living is even more troublesome. However, I don't think I have the ability to change these big things. Their parents have not done it for more than ten years. How can I do it?" do it?"

These children have many problems.

The "results" formed by society, school, parents, and self over the past decade are not so easy to change.

He made some black ice casually, and Ye Da threw it to Liu Xiaoqian as the promised reward.

Liu Xiaoqian caught Hei Bing, but instead of eating it like before, she hesitated and said:
"My benefactor, actually I sensed their emotions just now."

Ye Da raised his eyebrows: "Hormones?"

This is a vocabulary specially taught to Liu Xiaoqian, which is used to replace "courtship desire".

Liu Xiaoqian shook her head, "No, I'm glad."

Ye Da: "Fortunately?"

"Fortunately, at this time, there is someone who is willing to stand with them, trust them, and not hate them."

"So? Human beings cannot be saved forever."

A drop of water hit Ye Da's face.

Xiaoqing's big fish eyes stared at Ye Da bitterly.

Ye Da actually saw dissatisfaction in the fish's eyes.

"What's wrong with you? One or two!"

Xiaoqing flicked her tail angrily, and pressed her huge head directly into Ye Da's arms, condensing a layer of water film to push Ye Da into the alley.

"Hey! Xiaoqing, you are trying to rebel."

Ye Da couldn't shake this power at all, but it was troublesome if his clothes were wet.

Liu Xiaoqian floated to the side of Big Herring and looked at Ye Da together.

"Grandfather, Xiaoqing said: People can't be saved forever, but if you see them, you must save them! Even if the person will fall into the water next time, this time you must take him ashore!"

The big herring nodded, and continued to hug Ye Da, as if he wanted Ye Da to go back.

Ye Da opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Benevolence, Xiaoqing also said: saving people is good for practice."

The big herring quickly nodded again.

"Xiaoqing also said that it will always save people, and only then will it be saved! It firmly believes in it!"

The big herring opened and closed its mouth and looked at Ye Da firmly.

Ye Da looked at Liu Xiaoqian, then at the big herring.

In the late night of the old alley, there is only the sound of the wind blowing.

Ye Da frowned and said, "You two are really troublesome."

Liu Xiaoqian covered her head in fear.

"This is what you begged for me!"

Liu Xiaoqian was taken aback and smiled.

Ye Da rolled his eyes to one side.

"It's not my mother! I'm just an adult with simple moral values."

The big herring flicked its silky tail excitedly.

Ye Da turned around and walked towards the hut.

Under the window sill, Ye Da shouted.

"A few brats up there!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua" four heads popped out, as if they had been peeking at Ye Da's leaving back just now.

Wen Jiayu said: "Brother Ye is coming back to sleep."

"Sleep on your head, let's see you stacking arhats. Tomorrow, we will meet at 'Li Gui Garden' at 10 o'clock."

"Hmm!! Alright Brother Ye! See you tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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