Jidao Wusheng: My skills can be added

Chapter 103 Leaderboard No. 1

Chapter 103
At this time, Wei Yang had found a good location. It was high up, and the passage at the top of the mountain was very narrow, with a huge boulder on each side.

In line with his psychological expectations.

It's true that one man should guard the gate and ten thousand men should not be opened.

He will light the beast-inducing incense here, causing a tide of beasts, and then start hunting the monsters.

On the other side, a news spread throughout the ruins.

The reason why Wei Yang appears on the list is not because he fought head-on with Guan Longhua and stole the jade pendant from Guan Longhua.

Instead, he used conspiracy to threaten Guan Longhua, so he got the jade pendant he was wearing.

Guan Longhua offered a reward to anyone who could provide Wei Yang's location, and he could share half of it after he regained the jade pendant.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Countless people are looking for Wei Yang everywhere.

Some people want to take this opportunity to please Guan Longhua, while others want to get Wei Yang's jade pendant to increase their bargaining chips.

In short, Wei Yang has now become a hot potato in the eyes of others.

"What's going on? Why do I seem to feel the earth shaking?"

"What a coincidence, I also feel it. Isn't Level [-] very stable? Could it be that it is about to collapse!"

"This is impossible. This is an assessment place set up by the Vientiane Heavenly Palace. How could such a thing happen?"

"Look what's over there!"


Thick numbers of monsters were running toward them.

Such a terrifying scene makes people's scalp numb. If they really rush in front of them, they won't be able to trap him at that time.

Everyone chose to avoid it, regardless of their strength.

No one chooses to confront these monsters head-on.

Of course, there are also a few people who want to take advantage of the situation and punish and kill a few monsters.

It's a pity that this little cleverness directly cost them their lives.

In such a big scene, you don't have enough strength or speed. You can't even escape. How dare you fish in troubled waters? This is not asking for death.

After these few examples, the contestants who participated in the assessment finally stopped seeking death.

All the monsters from all sides rioted. They seemed to be attracted by something and moved forward with a goal.

In such a big scene, not even the top ten monsters on the rankings dared to mess around.

Of course, they still took this opportunity to hunt down some monsters and increase their bargaining chip.

"Such a change must result in the birth of treasures, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't happen!"

"Let me see what's attracting the beasts."

"Strange, the ruins should have been explored by Vientiane Tiangong, how could there be a treasure left behind, it is impossible, this is a benefit for us!"

What kind of benefits? If they knew that the assessment elders were also confused at the moment, they would never have such an idea.

"What on earth is this kid from Donghuang doing? Why did the thing he lit cause a riot among the monsters?"

"Could he be trying to attract monster beasts to hunt them directly? Can he hold on to so many monster beasts?"

"The idea is correct, but the game is out of control. Should we go down and rescue people?"

"What if we take action? He wants to do it himself. Once we take action, we will break the rules. How can we be so ignorant of the importance?"


Chen Yun and Wu Jiang looked at this scene with ugly expressions.

They didn't understand why Wei Yang was so reckless, and even the members who had been in contact with Wei Yang couldn't figure it out.


As for Wei Yang himself, he was calm from beginning to end. He tightened his grip on the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand. His condition was now at its peak.

This is the biggest challenge he has ever faced!
All the troubles in the past were passively accepted.But this time the challenge was initiated by him, which was completely different from before.

Wei Yang was full of fighting spirit.

Soon he came into contact with the first wave of monsters, and the Coiling Dragon Stick was in his hand like a tiger.

The Thunderous Halberd and Body Like a Rock are activated at the same time, and defense and attack are directly boosted.

Not a single monster that was touched by the Coiling Dragon Stick was spared. They were all in front of him, and there was almost no chance that his defense could be broken through.

Even touching his body would not cause him any trouble.

This scene looks extremely scary. It is crazy for one person to fight against so many monsters, but Wei Yang can still do it.

The most important thing is that he also has the blessing of Youlong Jiubu, which is not bad at all in terms of speed.

Of course, the most important thing is the help of Five Elements Universe Technique. His spiritual power is consumed rapidly every day, but the replenishment speed is also very fast, one after another can almost reach the same level.

If it were any other technique, I would never dare to make him so crazy.

This is under the premise that he has not obtained the gilded white jade. If he obtains the gilded white jade, the recovery speed will only be faster.

"Have fun, have fun, come on, you beasts, let me see how strong you are and whether you can break through my defense!"

Wei Yang's madness was naturally seen by all the assessment elders in the sky.

After hearing his words, everyone still didn't understand that they were deliberately attracted by him.

In other words, Wei Yang knew that he could attract so many monsters!

"This kid is so crazy. How dare he do it? Manpower is sometimes scarce. When all the spiritual energy in his body is exhausted, he will die."

"Now I'm a little reluctant to let this kid die. Putting aside everything else, this madness alone is worth rescuing him once."

Several other people also spoke one after another.

"Let's take a look first and see if his strength can support him to do this. Otherwise, it's still not worth saving."

"I think this kid will give us a surprise. If he can survive, it means that he is the strongest person in this assessment."

"You guys were hiding deep enough in Donghuang. You didn't show any trace at the beginning. It was only when the assessment was about to end that you exploded."

Little did they know that Chen Yun and Wu Jiang also had wry smiles on their faces at this time.

The two communicated with each other.

"Have you checked this guy's background?"

"I just asked someone to check. He is a genius who came from an ordinary small town. It's too outrageous. He is even more evil than a monster."

Wei Yang seemed unaware of fatigue, and one monster after another died in his hands.

There were densely packed corpses of monsters at his feet, including all kinds of monsters.

After this side is full, he will change to another place.

I don’t know how many times I switched from beginning to end.

At present, the beast tide has not ended yet. It seems that there will be more and more monster beasts. Some people who participated in the assessment also came to the foot of the mountain.

When they saw this outrageous scene, they immediately chose to stay away.

"What kind of god is this? How dare he trigger a tide of beasts to hunt monsters."

"Looking at the number of monsters piled up at his feet, he is probably at the top of the rankings now. He is stronger than Di Tian and Huo Lingzi in Zhongzhou."

"His name is Wei Yang, and he has already occupied the first place in the leaderboard. He has a total of [-] jade pendants on his body. After the start of the beast tide, he has killed nearly [-] monsters. It took less than two hours, and he died later. There will definitely be more and more monsters in his hands."

Refreshing the record is no longer a problem, and the assessment No. 1 is self-evident.

Except for Wei Yang, no one else has this qualification at all.

No one will question it, after all, the strength lies here.

If you have any doubts, you can give it a try.

Di Tian and Huo Ling'er, who were ranked first and second before, may not dare to be as crazy as Wei Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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