Chapter 104 Nine Peaks
In fact, the two men had already arrived at the foot of the mountain at this time.

"What do you think?"

"I stand and look, and I can still see like this. Do you know where this madman came from? Why haven't I heard of his name before?"

"It seems that someone from Donghuang had a conflict with Guan Longhua before."

"Who is he? He has never dared to fight me head-on since he was born. He is a loser!"

Ditian didn't take Guan Longhua seriously, and his words were very frivolous.

Looking at Huo Ling'er's appearance, she was also a little dismissive.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Yang was recognized by them.

This outrageous hunting lasted for two days. After the assessment was officially concluded, the elder who was hiding behind the scenes came out from the darkness.

They drove away all the monsters, and then Wei Yang stopped.

At this time, Wei Yang was in very poor condition. Three consecutive days of hunting had left him physically and mentally exhausted. Even though he had always been as strong as a rock, it was still too much for him.

The most important thing is that I feel tired. I must take a good rest after the results come out. It may take several days to recover to my previous appearance.

At this time, his eyes were glassy. If it didn't end, something would definitely happen. This time, he was a little overconfident and shouldn't be so reckless.

However, the effect was also very obvious. He got a total of [-] jade pendants. This number was increasing, making it difficult for others to catch up.

"Wei Yang, would you like to come to Zhongzhou to study at the Wanxiang Heavenly Palace? Zhongzhou has more resources and a more complete range of cultivation techniques."

"Shameless, this is my Donghuang person. Naturally, he has to study in Donghuang. Don't try to rob him. He can't follow you."

"What's the point of robbing people? We are all one family. It doesn't matter where you become a disciple!"


What is shocking is that the first thing these elders did when they showed up was to grab Wei Yang.

Somewhat unexpected, but also reasonable.

There is no doubt that Wei Yang is the most defiant person in this assessment.

He has great strength and talent.

Absolutely no one dares to challenge him at this time.

Even if Di Tian, ​​Huo Ling'er and Wei Yang faced each other, they would have to think about it.

"This is the real him!"

"This is the so-called pride of heaven and the so-called monster."

In contrast, Liu Qingqiu was very calm from beginning to end, with a smile on her face. Since she met Wei Yang, this was the first time she saw Wei Yang attack with all his strength.

"Elders, I think he needs a rest."

After Liu Qingqiu stood up to remind them, several elders realized that they were a little reckless.

"I'll take him back first and leave it to you here."

Chen Yun took Wei Yang and left the ruins without saying a word.

Due to some special changes, the intersection between various forces in Youming Continent will gradually increase.

There is no difference between staying in Donghuang or Zhongzhou.

Then others announced the results of the assessment.

What is puzzling is that this time only a small number of people were eliminated, and most people stayed.

Liu Qingqiu and Wang Tian were naturally among those who stayed.

Chen Yun directly brought Wei Yang to the place where he practiced daily.

The spiritual energy here is very rich. When he was hunting the monster just now, Wei Yang had some insights.

At this time, he has entered a state of seclusion. It won't be long before his strength will improve again. This time, the more important thing is the improvement of his character. "Boy, you are really brave. I will never go back on what I promised you before. Don't worry, you can retreat here with me. I won't let anyone disturb you. I will definitely give you what I should give you after the retreat."

"Try to be as fast as possible, and finally be able to catch up with the welcome ceremony of the new disciple."

Wei Yang is not polite either, the other party should not harm him.

After he sat down cross-legged, Chen Yun became more and more satisfied as he watched. It had been a long time since he had met a disciple who could make him so satisfied.

The journey of a warrior is inherently difficult, and few would choose to endure hardship.

It’s definitely not easy for Wei Yang to get to where he is today.

"The exact number of resources you can get depends on you. The Wanxiang Tiangong only focuses on strength."

Chen Yun took one look and left here. He and Wu Jiang would bring back the other disciples.

There are countless spiritual veins under the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, and the level of spiritual energy cannot be compared with the outside world.

Wei Yang had recovered in the afternoon and his temperament had stabilized.

At the same time, Chen Yun had just finished his work.

"How do you feel? Is there any discomfort? If so, bring it up as soon as possible and I will help you solve it."

"Thank you, senior. I feel very good now. Can I go find my two companions?"

Wei Yang looked at the surrounding environment while talking.

The place he is talking about now is a cave. This is Chen Yun's territory. There is no one else around. Wei Yang can only see that the environment here is good.

And the spiritual energy is rich, surrounded by mountain peaks one after another, and there are some buildings on the highest peak not far away.

These buildings are hidden in the fog, just like fairy buildings. One glance makes people full of expectations.

"You don't have to be so polite to me. Just call me Elder Chen. Your two companions have settled down. Tomorrow is the welcome ceremony. You can also participate. There are a few things I need to tell you."

"Our Vientiane Heavenly Palace in the East Wasteland is divided into nine peaks. The nine peaks can only be different from each other. All the disciples who join will be scattered among these nine peaks. You can freely choose which peak to join."

Chen Yun gave a very detailed introduction, and Wei Yang also listened very carefully. He understood that the other party had good intentions.

The nine peaks are Yunling Peak, Sword Controlling Peak, Weapon Refining Peak, Alchemy Peak, Tianji Peak, Beast Controlling Peak, Fu Formation Peak, Five Elements Peak, and Divine Body Peak.

There is nothing special about the name. It is concise and concise and can be understood at a glance.

"Yunling Peak is the main peak for those who practice spiritual ways, and Shenti Feng is the main peak for those of us who practice martial arts. At the beginning, you can choose a main peak to join. As for the alchemy and weapon refining, if you are interested, you can Go study.”

"The Vientiane Heavenly Palace does not have any restrictions on this. You must carefully consider the addition of this main peak, because each peak has a core technique and core martial arts. These things cannot be taught indiscriminately."

"Do you know what I mean?"

"More Elder Chen, I understand."

Wei Yang bowed again. Tomorrow morning, all newcomers will jointly choose which peak to join, and the elders of each peak will also come to pick them up. Wei Yang plans to discuss it with Wang Tian and Liu Qingqiu.

He had already made a decision in his heart, but he had to make it clear to the two of them. At the very least, he had to report that he was safe and prevent them from worrying about him all the time.

"In that case, then go down the mountain and someone will guide you to where you want to live."

On the way out, Wei Yang quietly awakened the Five Elements Spirit.

"Have you felt the breath of white jade and gilt gold? I have entered the Vientiane Heavenly Palace now."

"Right behind us, the gilded white jade is indeed here. Hurry up and find a way to get it. You must replace the fine gold as soon as possible, otherwise you will never be able to break through to the next realm. Of course, you can also choose to break through directly, but in this way the five elements There is no way to practice the Qiankun Jue to reach Dzogchen."

Wei Yang was naturally worthy of attention. Fortunately, he had no intention of making a breakthrough in a short period of time. He was new here and it was difficult to act until he understood the situation.

Everything is based on stability.

This matter needs long-term consideration. If he guessed correctly, the gilded white jade should be at Five Elements Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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