If you are targeted by a cold and beautiful girl

Chapter 49 The spirit behind the fortune-telling stall

Chapter 49 The spirit behind the fortune-telling stall

"I probably won't care." An Chen sighed.

For the safety of his clothes, he decided to keep pace with Jiu Ge.

The previous accident involving Hua Zi’s classmates is a case in point.

There are many typical examples in the large childhood shadow program "Out of Science".

There has never been a single leaf on the roof of the ancient temple. After comprehensive analysis, it was finally concluded that it was because it was blown away by the wind.

Everything the old man touched and the cotton clothes he wore would spontaneously ignite. After many studies, it was finally concluded that the fire was started by his granddaughter.

Men who are not afraid of electricity are not afraid of electricity because the calluses on their hands are too thick. Water monsters are actually airships. White radish turns into carrots because they planted the wrong seeds. The reason why old people do not drink water all year round is because they drink a big bowl of soup before meals. , the blue ice licked is actually the chemically treated urine dropped from the plane...

If someone really investigates this area of ​​the community, I'm afraid they will only come to the conclusion that it is due to reasons such as light and terrain.

Sometimes An Chen would also wonder whether the people who produced the program were actually fans of mysterious phenomena.

Through the program, we explore the mysteries of the world, and when we encounter things that are too outrageous to explain, we use strange explanations to fool them, so that some so-called scientific explanations make people think more and more horribly the more they are explained.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing An Chen deep in thought, Jiu Ge couldn't help but be curious.

The three or three spirits on the roadside indeed retreated to the edge, and none of them approached her.

"I'm curious why it's so easy to become the focus of the crowd when I stand with you..."

After coming back to his senses, An Chen glanced around and found that everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The spirits are no longer coming, but there are more and more living people.

Maybe because everyone is a foodie, it wasn't so obvious when we were at the breakfast restaurant before.

"You mean you won't take me out again?"

Jiuge was a little shocked, and couldn't help but squeeze the hand of An Chen's clothes harder.

First she was in disbelief, then she suddenly realized, and finally her expression when she looked at An Chen turned into pitiful one.

It’s easy to attract attention and Jiu Ge himself can’t help it...

"Don't look at me like that..."

An Chen suddenly felt very stressed.

It was as if he had bullied Jiu Ge.

The men and women staring at the two next to them also had strange expressions.

"I won't not go out with you because of such a trivial matter."

An Chen rubbed his brows hard and turned his head to look at Jiuge.


Jiu Ge was a little nervous.

It seems that An Chen's answer is different every time he is asked this kind of question.

"This time it's really true."

An Chen nodded and chuckled.

Anyway, when two people stay together, even if there is a spirit next to him talking to him, passers-by will not think he is mentally ill.

After hearing the answer, Jiuge exhaled a small breath of relief.

"Actually, what I'm thinking about is... the girl at the fortune-telling stall in the distance seems to be followed by a young male spirit with a very anxious expression."

"Is it a low-frequency spirit body?" Jiuge was alert and turned his gaze over.

"It's not like that, and he deliberately kept such a long distance." She moved her gaze back.

"Well, that's why I didn't say just now that he should be a relative of that girl or something." An Chen concluded.

When girls are in trouble, they even start to ask for fortune telling, and the spirits of their loved ones see it and become anxious in their hearts.

It's not that An Chen has any prejudice against fortune telling, it's just that few people in this profession have real skills, and most of them are charlatans.

"Yeah." Jiuge nodded.

Turning her head again, she looked at the young spirit body with no fear in her eyes, only sadness.


Maybe it's because the weather has cooled down a lot, and there are a lot of pedestrians on the roadside.

Except for the boys who kept looking curiously, there were many young girls of the same age as Jiu Ge wearing various beautiful little skirts and walking happily on the street.Some girls looked at Jiu Ge with disdain, some with envy, and some with extremely excited expressions.

Feeling all kinds of eyes, Jiu Ge didn't react at all. He just held An Chen's clothes and walked parallel to An Chen.

An Chen also felt that some men looked at him with malicious eyes, but he didn't care.

After looking around, An Chen still felt that his own Jiuge was indeed the most beautiful.

"By the way, what's happened to you in the past two days?"

Thinking of the original intention of bringing Jiuge out, he asked curiously.

Jiuge seemed to have been in a similar situation some time ago.

It started inexplicably and ended inexplicably.


Jiuge choked.

It can’t be said that An Chen told him to “get lost” because he opened a trumpet account, right?

Seeing that Jiuge was a little dazed, An Chen suddenly realized something.

Could it be said that it is the menstrual period?

He secretly glanced at Jiuge's pants and immediately moved his eyes back when he felt they were inappropriate.

Auntie will never come twice in 30 days...

"Have you received any strange messages recently?"

Jiuge gestured with one hand in the air, and asked with moist eyes.

"Were you harassed by a stranger?"

Thinking of the possibility of Jiuge being harassed, An Chen suddenly became wary.

Jiuge recalled the sentence "Go away" again, and his voice became colder: "No, I'm asking you."

"I did encounter a message sent to me by a... weirdo with a non-mainstream Photoshopped avatar and a weird name."

"?" Jiuge's face turned dark.

An Chen recalled it for a while and replied: "It's still a new account, just like those people who send strange advertisements to the mailbox. I directly felt physical discomfort and told her to get out."

Jiuge's hand loosened and his eyes lost their luster again.

"But you don't have to worry."

An Chen glanced at Jiuge's loosened hand and explained.

"This kind of person poses no threat to reality."

I don't know if it was An Chen's misunderstanding, but I always felt that Jiuge was getting more and more depressed.

Suddenly, he remembered the very magical song that Jiuge had secretly listened to before.

"It's better to be Jiu Ge. He's beautiful and a good person. He won't do such mindless things. No one else can compare with you."

After thinking for a while, An Chen praised like this.


Biting his lip, Jiuge patted his face and decided to cut this dark history out of his memory.

"So do you want to catch me again?"

Seeing that Jiuge's face looked better, An Chen pointed to his clothes.


Jiuge nodded and held An Chen's clothes again.

"I know you are Jiu Ge, please help her." Suddenly, there was a chill behind Jiu Ge.

The spirit body of the young male who was just behind the fortune-telling booth in the distance floated over despite the discomfort.

Because An Chen changes his aura, forcibly approaching him will make the spirit body very uncomfortable.

"Ugh..." Jiuge let go of his hand and hugged An Chen's shoulders.

Picking up the phone with his free hand, An Chen asked, "What do you want us to help you with?"

(End of this chapter)

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