If you are targeted by a cold and beautiful girl

Chapter 50: Cheated out of tens of thousands

Chapter 50 Being Defrauded 10,000 [-]+

The face of the young spirit body became increasingly miserable: "Since my death, my girlfriend has been looking for goddesses, fortune tellers, witches or tarot card masters on certain treasures, or even asking for help. In short, she doesn't Stop looking for weird people and say they want to communicate with me after I pass away..."

An Chen and Jiu Ge were expressionless when they heard the goddess and the fortune teller, but their expressions became subtle when they heard the witch and tarot card master even took action.

I always feel that they can do these things or they can find people who really know how to do them. But whether the people who claim to be able to do these things online or in real life have real abilities? About 1 out of 99 people are fake.

"I'm just worried that she will do something stupid, so I haven't dared to reincarnate. Now I'm just watching her being cheated out of money and not thinking about food and drink. I really can't help it." As he said that, the young spirit body seemed to be asking for advice. He glanced at Jiu Ge carefully, and then grabbed the sleeve of An Chen's hand holding the phone.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Jiuge looked at An Chen's other sleeve, took a deep breath, picked up the phone, and spoke proactively.

Two big living people stood together and answered the phone at the same time.

The live scene thus becomes a bit strange.

"That's it." The young man pointed to a short girl with untied hair standing next to the fortune teller.

The girl took out a dozen thick red hundred-dollar bills and handed them to the fortune teller.

At the same time, she continued to dig into her pockets. From a distance, she seemed to be asking the fortune teller if the money was enough.

"She wasn't like this before..." The young man's voice was a little choked up.

Before his death, his girlfriend was a staunch materialist.

Not to mention Tarot, even the zodiac signs that most girls are interested in, she can't believe at all.

"What's her name?" An Chen asked.

"Luo Lu." The young man replied.

"About how much have you been cheated?" Jiuge looked serious.

Judging from the thickness of the large amount of banknotes given to the fortune teller, they are at least in units of thousands.

"I did a rough calculation and it was about 10,000+. Because I am also a spirit body, I dare not get too close to her. She would not listen to her dreams. She just kept crying and said that I was a liar and left her alone." As the young man spoke, big tears of nothingness flowed from his eyes.

In other words, even if she really finds a capable person, I'm afraid Luo Lu won't believe what she doesn't want to hear.

The so-called superstition is like this, we can believe that the left eye jumps for money, but the right eye jumps for disaster is fake.

Many scammers take advantage of this weakness of human nature and make a lot of money.

"Don't cry yet." Jiuge was not very good at dealing with this kind of situation.

She suddenly put herself in Zhang Zhidong's shoes and felt that it was indeed necessary for Zhang Zhidong to establish a spiritual clinic.

"Call Zhang Zhizhi." After thinking for a while, An Chen began to dial the number.

Because of the reasons Zhang Zhidong kept talking about, An Chen was forced to remember clearly not only the mobile phone number that Zhang knew, but also the other party's ID number.

An Chenguan's words on this matter are not credible, and he can't tell where he got the news. It is impossible to reveal his identity, and he might be regarded as a pervert.

As for Jiuge Guan, maybe a few harsh words will make the other party cry.

It would be much easier if it were left to a policeman like Zhang Zhizhi, who was honest, honest and good-tempered.

As for how to convince Zhang Zhi, An Chen also had his own theory.


It took a long time for the matter to be fully resolved.

It was almost dusk, when they were sure that the incident was over in the distance, An Chen and Jiu Ge were free.The young man politely thanked the two of them, then turned into a point of light and disappeared.

The last words he said in Luo Lu's ear before leaving were three simple words: "Forget me."

After sighing for a while, An Chen continued shopping with Jiuge.

Maybe it was because he had seen this kind of thing too much, so he didn't have any obvious feelings, but Jiuge looked a little sad.

When he walked into the retro alley, Jiu Ge was still holding on to the corner of his clothes tightly, as if he had awakened some strange hobby.

There are craftsmen selling small candy figures on the roadside.
After turning around and buying one for Jiuge, An Chen took her into the snack street next door.

"Have you never tasted it? It's very sweet. People often sold it on the roadside when I was in elementary school, but now it's rare."

Seeing Jiuge staring intently at the candy man painted in the shape of a dragon, with a very novel look, An Chen chuckled.

Sugar man is one of the intangible cultural heritages of China. It is a traditional handicraft with a history of more than 600 years.

The brown sugar material is made by heating sucrose and maltose.Painting sugar may seem very simple, but it requires a lot of tips and techniques. During the painting process, there may seem to be pauses, but in fact, the sugar figure is made into a relief, with the threads connected and continuous. The eye is quick and the hands are quick, and it is done in one go.

Each candy artist who draws a small candy figure will place a turntable in front of the stall, with flowers, fruits, animals, characters, birds, etc. on the turntable.If you can't choose a pattern, turning the dial can solve the problem of difficulty in choosing.

"I haven't eaten it before. My family didn't buy these things for me when I was a kid."

Jiuge shook his head slightly, not knowing what to say.

It would be a pity to eat such a beautiful candy man.

No matter where you start biting, it feels like you are tearing a living thing apart.

This is the first time she has seen a candy painter, and also the first time she has seen this kind of craft.

An Chen chose the shape of the candy man, so the two of them watched the uncle draw the "dragon" with their own eyes.

In Jiuge Elementary School and even middle school, her family had very strict requirements on her.

Basically, she is not allowed to move alone, and all trips are taken by private car.

It was not easy for Jiu Ge to live alone now. In order to achieve this result, she almost broke up with her family.

"Don't be reluctant to eat it. You can eat it from anywhere. If you like it later, you can go back and buy some more."

Jiuge looked really cute, and An Chen couldn't bear to tease her.

I haven't even eaten a sugar man, so the family must be very strict.

If you don’t take the opportunity to eat it more often now, this folk craft may be lost in the future.

Nowadays, it is very rare to see sugar-painting people in the streets. In the near future, this kind of folk craft will probably become less and less popular.

The economic benefits are not high, and most young people are not willing to hone this technology for ten years.

Thinking of this, An Chen realized that his understanding of Jiuge only stayed on the surface.

They had been getting along for a while, but for the first time, he found that he wanted to know Jiuge more deeply.

"Yeah." Jiuge nodded, seeming to be thinking about where to start.

"That's right." An Chen was just about to speak when Jiuge, who was standing by him, had already bitten off the dragon's head and started asking him questions.

(End of this chapter)

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