The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 110: The Vast Heart Climbs to Heaven to Try to Compete Higher. Now the Wind and Cloud Will C

Chapter 110: The Vast Heart Climbs to Heaven to Try to Compete Higher. Now the Wind and Cloud Will Come and Transform into a Dragon.

Cihang now had an idea in his mind. This idea was the prototype of Cihang's idea during his conversation with Taiyin Xingjun. If it were to be said that it was a bud, it was also the wisps of thoughts that flashed through Cihang's heart when he felt compassion.

It’s not difficult to say, but it’s not too simple either.

Become the Great Heavenly Lord of the prehistoric world!

Here, Datianzun is no longer a respectful name for a great supernatural being in the mouth of the living beings, but a fruit status that belongs to the heaven and earth, a fruit status existence that all spirits and all living beings worship together.

Compared with the title of "Da Tian Zun", another title is more popular in the prehistoric world - "Emperor of Heaven"!
Today's Celestial Clan will eventually perish in the disaster, and even be relegated to "Heaven" by the Saint and changed to "Demon". As time goes by, even when immeasurable calamities come, the world will only hear "Demon Clan" and no longer hear "Celestial Clan" "Theory.

However, the title of Heavenly Court has been passed down continuously. It bears the responsibility of running the rules and principles of the ancient world, and enjoys the long-term destiny of the heaven and earth and the status of heaven. It is one of the best existences in the ancient world.

The person in charge of the heavenly court or the existence of the final decision-making is the heavenly emperor.

Different from the "Emperor of Heaven" that Di Jun now calls him, what Cihang plans to be is the Emperor of Heaven.

——One is the title of the leader of the Celestial Clan; the other is a being who masters the principles and rules of running the world and is respected by all races. The two are completely different in terms of status and connotation.

Perhaps if the Celestial Clan led by Di Jun truly became the protagonists of heaven and earth, his current name as Emperor of Heaven could be considered worthy of the name, but this is just a if. From his actions, it can be seen that the fate of the Celestial Clan will still be the same as in the previous life. Towards the result that has already happened in the previous life.

At that time, for Cihang, it would be his chance to obtain the true "Emperor of Heaven" status.

The reason why Haotian was able to achieve the throne in his previous life was because he had experienced the way of heaven. The way of heaven is a collection of rules and principles that run on all living beings in the ancient world. It is impossible for just any living being to assume the position of Lord of Heaven and Earth. Even if that living being It was jointly recognized by Taoist Hongjun and the six saints. In the face of the way of heaven, this approach is still unworkable.

So what if he is a saint?

In the eyes of heaven formed under the collection of principles and rules of all sentient beings, the saint can only provide a suggestion here.

Haotian entered the test of the heart of heaven set by the way of heaven in the body of a boy. He first experienced ninety-nine 81 catastrophes, and finally got rid of his existing boy body. After another 360 five catastrophes, he conceived and nurtured the naturally existing child in his body. Yang Qi, develop it to the state of Dzogchen, practice to the strength of Daluo Jinxian, and nurture the Sun Qi through 72 calamities. When the Sun Qi is perfect, 360 five calamities have passed.

At the same time, it took almost four hundred catastrophes for the Qi of the Supreme Yang to be conceived and perfected. It took nearly four hundred catastrophes for the three yangs to unite and enter the wonderful realm of Hunyuan. Then, it took thirty catastrophes to inherit the heart of heaven and achieve the status of the Great Heavenly Lord. .

Time during the Tianxin test is naturally different from the outside world, but the creatures in the Tianxin test never feel that time is any different. Each disaster is calculated based on the 12 yuan meeting. One thousand, 750 calamities means that Haotian entered the test of the heart of heaven as a boy and practiced hard for 680 million yuan.

One Yuanhui contains 12 years. In other words, Haotian spent nearly 600 trillion years.

Comparing the same time, even if the Tianpan disaster is counted from its inception, the time is far less than it.

Otherwise, relying on the identity of the boy in front of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, how could he secure the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth? How could he later set up the Six Kingdoms with great courage in order to balance the forces of the world and even bring all the forces into the heaven? The throne of the emperor, but there is no one who does not compete for the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth?
Duke Dong or Dao Ancestor Hongjun chose the person to perform the Tiandao sacrifice by name, but how could it matter?The East Emperor of the Heavenly Clan will be destroyed if he wants to. Just listening to Jingyang Zhong's mourning bursts, he already understands what the final outcome of the East Prince will be.

The principle of moral incompetence has always prevailed in the ancient world.

Now, Cihang has to join this game and struggle. He needs all living beings, and all living beings need him.

There is no position more suitable for Cihang than the position of the Great Heavenly Lord. This fruition position carries the sustenance of all living beings, which is equivalent to inheriting this fruition position. All living beings in the world and even the principles represented by the rules of heaven will press on it. On the body of the monk who inherited the position of Emperor of Heaven.

And this is what Cihang needs.

With this fruition, he will be able to control the rules of the ancient Taoism. Then there will not be so many disasters in the entire ancient world, and there will be more compassion.

Compassion is not only produced by doing it at the time, but also the result of doing things will produce the meaning of compassion. Even the behavior of preventing disasters is a manifestation of compassion. If one day Cihang ascends the throne, then Hao in the previous life will Heaven will be Cihang's life, and the realm of Hunyuan is very close at hand.

However, Cihang lowered his eyes, and there was no need to be so anxious.

There is still a lot of time left for him. Even now, the Tian clan and the Pan clan have not reached the final stage of intense competition. The saint has not been born. Even the Zixiao Palace sermon is still one "three lectures" away from being completed.

He, Cihang, had spent a lot of time accumulating information and preparing for his future fight for the Great Heavenly Lord status.

As soon as the idea of ​​competing for the Great Heavenly Lord's position appeared, Cihang's mind was racing with the feasibility of it and how to make it complete in planning after it was feasible.

Compared with Haotian or other monks who want to participate in the Tianxin test, he has an unparalleled advantage over other monks.

Before Tiandao set up the Tianxin test and announced it, Cihang was the only one in the prehistoric Taoist era who knew about this matter, which meant that he had a long time to prepare his team.

Unlike Haotian, he doesn't even have a team of his own and is alone.

In the end, he still used his great magic power to condense the list of gods and summon the living true spirits to enter the heaven and become gods.

Even the children of the three religions were recruited to serve as gods in heaven.

As one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Cult, Cihang naturally knew the events of these past lives, and he looked towards the True Lord Taiyin in front of him.

Now, doesn't he have a ready-made team in front of him?
Moreover, this team is of great use at this point in time, and it will continue to affect the prehistoric world after the Tianpan Tribulation...

(End of this chapter)

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