The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 111 The signature Taiyin is like the Sun. Luck is here to help you today.

Chapter 111 The signature Taiyin is like the Sun. Luck is here to help you today.

This time is definitely a very good time for Cihang's plan to start.

What time is it now?
When the Tianpan catastrophe was beginning to show its signs, the first prehistoric god and demon even died at the hands of the two Tianpan tribes.

In such an environment, those who fight alone will gradually become rare, because they are not Taoist Hongjun and have strong strength to ensure their own safety, instead of being overpowered by the Tian Clan or Pan Clan in the future. be beheaded.

In addition to taking refuge in the Tian Clan and the Pan Clan and becoming their affiliated forces, they are only looking for a powerful prehistoric god and demon to use as a backer. Just like the Taiyin Star Lord, there are few among the prehistoric gods and demons who want to take refuge in the Tian Clan now. The people of the Pan tribe and the Pan tribe, only because of their reputation as prehistoric gods and demons, most of them will maintain their pride as prehistoric gods and demons before the butcher's knife falls on their necks.

Among the prehistoric gods and demons, who best meets the requirements of being a backer, and who will not lose face as a prehistoric god and demon, is the Kunlun Sanqing. Even a single Yuqing among the three Qings dares to fight When the emperors of the Heavenly Clan faced off, what would be the result if the three of them were put together?
No matter what, the strength of Kunlun Sanqing is enough to prove his ability to protect other prehistoric gods and demons.

What's more, living in seclusion on the Kunlun Mountains, how can it be considered as joining its gates? Wouldn't it be nice to not have to be the dog of the Tian Clan and the Pan Clan?But there is a saying that goes well: "Ideals are beautiful, but reality is backbone."

This is what the gods and demons envisioned today.

They want to live in seclusion on the Kunlun Mountains, and the Sanqing will not stop them. But if they want to live in seclusion in the mountains close to the Sanqing, the Sanqing will never allow it. All the gods and demons in the ancient world have their own dojos. Any god or demon, even the kind-hearted Zhen Yuanzi, would be furious if he was disturbed for no reason.

In the case of Yuqing and Shangqing, many prehistoric gods and demons believe that Yuqing and Shangqing can make them sink into the ruins without any intervention from the Tian Clan or the Pan Clan, and they will disappear without a trace, even if immeasurable calamity comes. At that time, it would not be able to return to the kind in the prehistoric Taoist era.

So, at this time, Cihang also entered the eyes of most of the gods and demons in the ancient world.

The appearance of Taiyin Star Lord is more like adding a bit of brilliance to Cihang that attracts the gods and demons of the ancient world.

It's like a key, opening up the thoughts of many gods and demons in the wild. If Sanqing can't do it, what about Cihang?

As a disciple of Sanqing, think about what Yuqing did for Cihang in the past, and Cihang's strength has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Even if they are regarded as fellow Taoists, they will not lose their status as prehistoric gods. With the devil's face, he could still make an excuse like Taiyin Xingjun by saying that he wanted to go out to find friends and discuss Taoism with Cihang. As for when the discussion would end, there was really no certainty.

The first step of gathering these prehistoric gods and demons seemed to be no difficulty for Cihang.

Times make heroes, and the same background conditions at the right time can also create conditions that are favorable to Cihang.

I have to say that I am also grateful to the conditions created by the Tian Clan, so that Cihang's plan can be completed without even expending too much effort. The Taiyin Star Lord in front of him is the best living sign.

With the Taiyin Star Lord as bait, Cihang couldn't believe that the other gods and demons of the ancient world would not take the bait.

And there won't be much time left for these ancient gods and demons. After all, the Taoist Meeting is about to end, and Cihang is still living near the Sanqing Palace. By then, even if these ancient gods and demons want to It's too late to make friends.More importantly, after the Taoist Forum experienced the 24 solar term sacrifices to the way of heaven, there were countless gods and demons from the ancient times discussing scriptures and Taoism here. At this time, it was not too far away from the third lecture of Zixiao Palace. , not all the ancient gods and demons are fools.

The smart gods and demons naturally understand that after every lecture in Zixiao Palace, the conflict between heaven and earth and the two clans of Tianpan will become more and more intense.

This is not what Taoist Hongjun pushed to happen. The current Taoist Hongjun should be preparing for the Hedao after the third lecture. He has no time to take care of the affairs of the two Tianpan clans. As long as they have not transcended Daluo and achieved Hunyuan, In the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, it is not worthy of being described as important.

The main reason for this is that after every lecture in Zixiao Palace, new knowledge and new practice principles will be absorbed by the heavenly monks. As the strength of these heavenly monks increases, they will naturally increase their efforts to complete their tasks. The grand plan of the Celestial Clan.

Now, only after the second lecture, a prehistoric god and demon has fallen. Although the person who fell is a fool, it still belongs to the prehistoric god and demon. Under the sad mood of rabbit death and fox, plus the heavenly clan has now extended its probing claws, The combined power and effect of the two are not just as simple as adding them alone.

Some of the relatively weak gods and demons in the ancient world are now in a state of disarray.

It is funny but also reveals a bit of bitterness, showing the most cruel side of the ancient world. Now the cruelty of darkness is even more fierce, and the light that has just appeared to save countless gods and demons is far away. The gods and demons of the prehistoric times would become anxious unconsciously when faced with this scene.

If you don't seize your chance to survive in the wilderness now, when will you wait until the butcher knife of the Tian Clan or the Pan Clan falls on their necks before you regret it?
What's more, this is not a path that other prehistoric gods and demons have walked. The Taiyin Star Lord no longer represents the moon in the sky. The current Taiyin Star Lord is like a person who pointed out the way in the hearts of many prehistoric gods and demons. The fiery red sun illuminates their path forward. Even if the sun god Donghuang Taiyi is here at this moment, he can't compare to the brilliance of Taiyin Star Lord now!

Cihang smiled slightly, maybe this was also helped by the luck of heaven.

The luck of heaven is really strange. Even the Taiqing among the Three Pure Ones cannot understand all the wonderful functions of luck. But what is certain is that if there is luck on the body, no matter what kind of luck is added to the body, it will be beneficial to the body. It's of great benefit.

Now, Cihang has truly realized the benefits of luck.

Because of the legendary fate of heaven, an inadvertent idea and experimental contact actually allowed him to find a path that is suitable for his future actions and even directly leads to Hunyuan. After confirming that he is stepping on the path of compassion, this The point is particularly important.

Cihang also gave him the living sign of Taiyin Star Lord, and Cihang accomplished what he wanted without even doing anything.

I have to say, God's luck is really good.

However, how should the prehistoric gods and demons be arranged when the time comes? This is also a question Cihang needs to think about...

(End of this chapter)

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