Chapter 139

No living being or prehistoric god or demon knows what "good fortune" means better than Nuwa.

Even the four-pole holy beasts like Qinglong are far behind Nuwa. Now Nuwa feels the way of creation, and the way of creation that belongs to her is jumping for joy at this time, although Nuwa does not understand these. , but her Taoist heart told her that her Tao was about to move towards that realm, the realm that all sentient beings longed for.

The creation of all living beings, what belongs to the creation of all living beings?
Nuwa's eyes looked at Cihang standing on the sky. There was a kind of throbbing in her heart. This was a reaction that would occur after a deep understanding of her own spiritual path. No one knew that Nuwa was at this moment. It seemed as if looking at Cihang's figure, there was a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

Her way lies in "people", in the existence of humanity, and in the emergence of countless living beings.

When Nuwa's eyes looked at Cihang, Cihang, who possessed the power of humanity, also looked at Nuwa.

Di Jun has been sealed in the Demon Punishment Court.Everything seemed to be over, but Cihang's heart could not settle down. The power of all living beings seemed to be urging him, urging him to look towards Fengqi Mountain and towards the figure of Nuwa.

There was infinite joy on her face, and the path of compassion she was practicing was spreading out with the waves of creation. Centered on Fengqi Mountain, it spread to all directions. There was not a single living being here. Sometimes they feel uncomfortable. This may be the most soothing time in their lives. This is the Taoist charm that belongs to Nuwa's creation of all living beings.

Cihang pointed his hand in the distance, and the Taoist wheel belonging to the way of heaven slowly emerged from the sky. Countless principles and rules were like crazy, and they were quickly entangled with the Taoist charm of creation on Nuwa's body at an extremely fast speed. In the past, they were merging with each other, and at this moment, the providence belonging to the way of heaven was densely spread all over the way of creation belonging to Nuwa.

Nuwa's eyes were very bright, and she seemed to have her own understanding in her heart when she looked at the wheel of heaven.

The Taoist Patriarch once said during his third lecture in the Zixiao Palace that the practice of Hunyuan Dao will be completed three times. No one here was not shaken by this statement. At this moment, Nuwa suddenly thought of the third lecture. The scene in Zixiao Palace at that time.

Countless gods and demons exist in Zixiao Palace like one big world after another. They absorb the essence of Tao Ancestor's preaching, and Tao Ancestor also preaches his own Tao carefully. But as time goes by, In the last moments, Hongjun stopped his sermon simply because he had more important things to say.

There has never been any limit to the status of a saint, as long as you have merit for the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity, when the three wheels of Tao are intertwined with each other and your way, when the long river of fate favors you, the long river of cause and effect protects you, and the long river of time When you follow you, then you can condense out the Tao fruit that belongs to the saint.

Whether it is a creature of high or low status above the heel, or the most ordinary mountain rock, as long as the above conditions are met, all can achieve the status of a saint, and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is different from a saint, and belongs to the realm of saints. It is not difficult for the gods and demons to reach the next level of cultivation after reaching the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. The requirements for reaching this level are not difficult. It can be summed up in just four words: "Innovate with the old and bring forth the new".

Create a new existence based on the Tao you have practiced. At that time, the charm of the Tao will be poured into your body, and the world will shake because of you. Countless creatures belonging to the ancient world will shout your name in the world. Running around telling each other.

At that time, the prehistoric gods and demons in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were Dao!No matter how many foreign objects there are, they are useless to the gods and demons in the Zixiao Palace at this time. Daozu just laughed heartily and threw all the innate spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures in the countless sleeves and robes into the wild world. In the meantime, countless opportunities were formed for the gods and demons to explore, and Nuwa's eyes suddenly brightened.

Innate spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures; innate spiritual roots and acquired spiritual roots;
So should there be innate creatures and acquired creatures in ancient times?

As soon as the idea appeared, all the fog in Nuwa's heart dissipated. She looked at the figure who had discussed the existence of the 24 solar terms with her. His eyes had been looking at Nuwa quietly, " Today I am here to help fellow Taoist Nuwa achieve enlightenment!"

The moment Cihang finished speaking, the giant dragon transformed from black and yellow merit leapt into the wild land. In a short time, countless black and yellow energy filled the air and surrounded the appearance of the Taoist Wheel.

The two Tao Wheels of heaven and earth had just appeared and approached, and the Tao rhymes between the two were closely connected. Countless scenes between heaven and earth were constantly evolving between the two Tao Wheels, and countless principles and rules were here. During this period, it was constantly derived and collapsed due to unreasonable rules. All of this was seen by Nuwa.

As time goes by, the three flowers in Nuwa's Qingyun are getting closer and closer, and countless fortune-telling charms surround Nuwa. A woman in red is holding a red hydrangea above the ceiling; the flowers on the ground are There is another giant snake body with a beautiful human head above it. The light of the sun and the moon seems to be extinguished and brightened as it opens and closes its eyes. Above the human flower is a gurgling and weak old man. The woman has a head full of silver hair, but her eyes still reveal infinite charity.

Nuwa seemed to have been aware of the changes in Sanhua's trajectory, and her mind was gradually attracted by her own path.

Nuwa held countless elements of creation in her hands and played with them, and in the next moment, she created the creatures she wanted.

Cihang watched all this happening in silence. He knew that this was the way that belonged to Nuwa, and no gods or demons could interfere with it. All he could do was protect the way. Today, a race that had never belonged to the prehistoric times was going to Born, no one thought that a race like them would become the new protagonist of the world.

Nuwa's hands were very fast. It seemed that Nuwa didn't put much effort. One creature after another was created by Nuwa. Under the influence of Nuwa's good fortune, they multiplied and grew rapidly. This time is very fast but very long, because Nuwa's movements have not stopped yet.

None of the gods and demons would disturb Nuwa's behavior at this time.

The 12th nine acquired spiritual races, the Celestial Race, appeared.

The Taoist charm belonging to Nuwa became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, a Taoist charm that was completely new in the prehistoric world appeared in the world. This power was...

(End of this chapter)

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