The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 140 Cihang’s bold thoughts as Nuwa’s Hun Yuan progresses

Chapter 140 Cihang’s bold thoughts as Nuwa’s Hun Yuan progresses
As Qianqian's jade hands pinched, countless creation charms were tumbling in and out of them. The last race finally appeared in Nuwa's palm. It was none other than the one from later generations who had been there even before the immeasurable tribulations. The "human race", the protagonist of heaven and earth, has not yet been called human at this time. This race embodies the purest aura of Nuwa's creation, so it is named: "Spirit Race".

A kind of Taoist charm that did not belong to the prehistoric Taoism was born in Nuwa's body.

Cihang closed his eyes and carefully comprehended this new Taoist rhyme that was completely unfamiliar in the prehistoric times - the Taoist rhyme created the day after tomorrow.

Before Nuwa, all the avenues of creation were innate. Even the acquired spiritual roots were differentiated from the innate spiritual roots. There was never one that grew without the innate spiritual roots as a mother body. Acquired spiritual roots, under such a great road, even ordinary prehistoric gods and demons who want to create life are all so-called innate creatures.

But Nuwa just imitated the principles and rules of acquired spiritual roots, innovated and incorporated her own understanding of nature, and created her own creation, which can create countless acquired creatures. The Taoist order originally came from heaven and earth. There are yin and yang that run through everything, and Nuwa's actions today coincide with the integrity of the relationship between nature and nurture.

It is fitting that Nuwa has achieved Hunyuan. No other gods or demons can understand the principles of creation better than Nuwa.

Her clothes were flying, and at the touch of her fingertips, countless Dao Yun flew towards Cihang. Cihang stood there, not surprised by Nuwa's sudden Dao Yun or even moving half a step. What she practices is the way of compassion. These Nuwa used to express her gratitude to Cihang for summoning the two paths of heaven and earth to help her realize enlightenment. They are like the existence of countless tonic things, constantly nourishing her. Cihang himself practiced the path of compassion.

There was a smile on Nuwa's lips, and her fingertips once again lightly touched the countless acquired creatures she had created.

There are 12 congenital beings from each race, and each race has a number of 12 people. At this time, they all knelt down and worshiped on Fengqi Mountain. A strong sense of destiny was slowly spreading under Cihang's gaze. Slowly falling into Nuwa's Qingyun, this is the destiny of the acquired soul, the destiny is churning, and the fruition position is being born.

That is the fruition status belonging to Nuwa, and it is the testimony of the reverence of the acquired spirits to Nuwa, "the mother of all spirits in the acquired world".

All the acquired creatures living in the wild are the descendants of Nuwa, and she, Nuwa, is also the "mother" of these acquired creatures.

Their fate and cause and effect were connected with Nuwa without any hindrance. Obstacles belonging to the inborn souls also appeared on Nuwa. Cihang looked at the frowning Nuwa and knew that this was Nuwa. In other words, it is the first time that the great supernatural powers in the entire world have come into contact with the existence of "acquired spirits".

They don't know what this acquired creature is, and it doesn't have much to do with them.

But it does not include Nuwa who created these acquired beings. As the mother of acquired beings, she can feel the fate of all acquired beings. Their fate is very short compared to innate beings. It may be As soon as the innate beings take a nap, countless acquired beings will die.

The words "birth, old age, sickness and death" always follow the acquired creatures and appear on them from the moment they are born. This is a kind of check and balance imposed by heaven on the acquired creatures. After all, compared to the inborn creatures, the speed of the acquired creatures reproduces. It must be countless times faster, and if it goes on for a long time, even the prehistoric times may not be able to bear it.

Tears shone in the corners of Nuwa's eyes. As a mother, what could she do when she saw her child suffering such a fate?
Cihang could see that the Tao that belonged to Nuwa was condensing. She was only one step away from becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, the most noble being in the prehistoric world. She only needed to follow the steps step by step. Well, Nuwa can close her eyes and retreat for thousands of Yuanhui, and she will definitely be able to achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian by then. Thousands of Yuanhui are nothing to Nuwa. As a prehistoric god and demon Maybe just sleeping would take much longer than this.

But her eyes were bright.

If she really does this, what will happen to those creatures that are born after birth?They are endlessly robbed of their living space by innate creatures, until they become extinct, and even the so-called acquired creatures have only become a silent word in the long river of time.

This is her.Nuwa, can a person who cultivates the way of creation be able to do this?
This is Cihang, can a monk who practices the path of compassion watch all of this happen?

The eyes of the two looked at each other at this moment, and they seemed to understand the meaning of each other's eyes. They would not accept this result.

Looking at the pure-eyed acquired beings in front of them, neither Nuwa nor Cihang wanted the acquired beings to suffer from the so-called "checks and balances". They knew that this was the best way to deal with the current prehistoric times.

The prehistoric era needs the existence of acquired beings, but it does not need the existence of too many acquired beings.

Cihang slowly walked towards Nuwa. He stood in front of Nuwa. At this moment, the avenue of mercy that belonged to him intersected with the avenue of creation behind Nuwa, and the two echoed each other.

"I said, we are very destined for each other." Nuwa's voice sounded in Cihang's ears.

Cihang looked at Nuwa's smiling face, and he also laughed, "I know, now we are also destined."

They didn't tell each other what the "fate" was, but they always knew what kind of fate existed between them. People of the same path who walked hand in hand on the road understood each other.

He and she both looked at the acquired creatures on Fengqi Mountain.

The figure of the Spirit Race is very small, kneeling there with pure black and white eyes. Their bodies are completely born from the Tao Yun of the Great Dao of Creation, imitating the innate Tao body and existing as the beginning and end of one yuan.

Look at the reverence in the eyes of the Spirit Race.

Cihang laughed, and Nuwa also laughed beside him.

"Well, let's do it now."

Nuwa's voice in the air left a faint aftertaste, lingering among countless inborn creatures on Fengqi Mountain for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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