The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 154: Wheel Chapter 9: Problems and Difficulties Occur in Rebuilding You

Chapter 154: Problems and difficulties arise when the reincarnation of Jiuyou is rebuilt

When the two rituals of life and death are in place and the four seasons are established, the rules and principles of the three paths of heaven, earth and humanity extend their own chain of rules to each other, connecting with each other, and gradually weaving a large network.

Everything on the big net is densely packed with rules belonging to the way of heaven, earth and humanity. When they intersect with each other, the rising principles of law are all wrapped up in the entire Jiuyou Ji. The number of the three talents is like bright stars in Jiuyou. The brilliance of the Three Talents Avenue shines in the era.

Cihang waved his hand, and the innate and acquired principles were illuminated by the light of the Three Talents.

Each of them is divided into six parts, which means the number of twelve perfections. The six paths of reincarnation in the previous life are the maximum that a prehistoric god and demon can achieve in Houtu, but it is not the maximum potential of the Jiuyou Era. Now Cihang With the help of the Three Talents Rules, the entire Jiuyouji can be applied.

As the dark side of the Prehistoric Daoji, the Jiuyouji is very large, and it has evolved with the development of the Prehistoric Daoji. However, the big net woven by the chains of the Three Talents has never been left out, and the Jiuyouji has not been wrapped up. completely.

It seemed as if the legal net of reason was enveloping the entire Jiuyouji, and Cihang could vaguely hear the sound of running water.

The sound was continuous and endless, and Cihang's eyes were shining. It was the long river of destiny that belonged to the prehistoric era. He had been baptized by the shadow of the long river of destiny, and received the favor and protection of the long river of destiny. Therefore, Cihang's love for the long river of destiny The voice is very familiar.

As the long river of destiny flows in, the whole Jiuyou Ji is shaken. The illusory long river of destiny turns into a turbid yellow river. It seems to have no end. Countless dead creatures are wandering in the sky above the turbid yellow river. , floating towards the newly opened twelve paths in the depths of the Nine Netherworld, seeming to want to escape from the Nine Netherworld and regain their vitality.

The willow branch in Cihang's hand is like a pen at this time, using rules and principles as ink to write twelve innate Taoist texts engraved on the twelve Taoist ways. Innate creatures are divided into two according to the two rituals. The categories of good and evil, following ancient traditions, are divided into:

The six paths of scales, flying feathers, insects, animals, sacredness, and spiritual roots;
There are also acquired attributes: all spirits, immortals, ghosts, mortal plants, sins and punishments, and ascending to heaven;
The moment the Tao text was written, an unknown force spread to the hearts of all living beings in the wild, and their Tao fluctuated under the fluctuations.

Their Tao was telling them that reincarnation had occurred.

It is also the first time that the word reincarnation has been understood and known by all living beings in the ancient world. This is something closely related to countless living beings. Even those ancient saints who have not become Da Luo Jinxian are happy. Before Da Luo Jinxian, they had Eternal lifespan does not mean that they will not be killed by their enemies.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuqing looked far away, and the muttering in his mouth drifted away with the clouds and mists in the mountains: "Cihang, is that you?"

Cihang is now in the Jiuyou Ji, he can't feel the attitude of ordinary sentient beings to know reincarnation, but he can be sure that the mood of sentient beings must be happy, his way lies in sentient beings, the way The heart also beats with the Dao Heart of all living beings, and the Dao Heart of all living beings tells Cihang's Dao Heart that they are happy now.

Between his brows and eyes, Cihang also revealed his own smile, but reincarnation is difficult to establish, and it has only just begun.

What Cihang thought was right. When the innate Taoism was engraved on the Twelve Paths, the sound of the leaves' rustling gradually became louder. Even the sound of the rushing water of the Long River of Destiny was shaken by the leaves The sound was drowned out.When the entire Nine Netherworld was filled with the sound of shaking leaves, the tree finally showed its shape.

The power of cause and effect rustled on the tree, as if countless causes and effects in the prehistoric world were gathered in this tree.

The sacred tree of karma—the actual source of the long river of karma, the next second, under the gaze of Cihang, countless leaves belonging to karma shook off, and the moment they fell to the ground of the Jiuyou period, countless giant trees were pulled up. Rising from the ground, their growth speed seemed to be accelerated by time, and they bloomed in an instant.

The flowers are so pure white, and the floral fragrance on them fills the entire Jiuyouji with the breeze. All the wandering souls who smell it have lost the memory of the cause and effect of the previous life. The Karma Flower Forest proves that your Karma will never disappear. If the Karma is too deep and cannot be eliminated, you will always stay in the Karma Flower Forest, which is the final destination for those who are obsessed with it.

The Nine Netherworld is a path of death. Cihang looked at the dense web of rules in front of him. He understood that when everything about reincarnation has evolved, even he can no longer enter the Nine Netherworld, not even women. It is difficult for Wa and Hongjun to come in.

The rules of life and death are sacred, especially the Jiuyouji, where reincarnation is located, is also sacred.

The Nine Netherworld and reincarnation in the realm of perfection do not require the intervention of living beings to maintain the integrity of the reincarnation, because the current Nine Netherworld is a reincarnation. It is complete and does not need to intervene in its operation like in the previous life.

The process of reincarnation creation up to now has been derived from the Dao 1. These countless principles are like delicacies placed in front of Cihang. You only need to eat them. This is the way of heaven for Cihang to create reincarnation. Behavioral awards and the principles of life and death were constantly absorbed by Cihang, supplementing the way of compassion he practiced.

Any avenue has a close relationship with life and death, even the idealistic avenue of compassion.

Above Cihang's Qingyun, the wheel of "reincarnation" among the flowers became brighter and brighter, as if it was accumulating something.

When the River of Destiny and the Divine Tree of Cause and Effect appeared to help complete the creation of reincarnation in the Nine Netherworld, the great power of time descended to the Nine Netherworld, and the ubiquitous law of time affected the entire Nine Netherworld. Cihang could feel that the flow of time was slowing down due to the speed of operation. If the flow of time in the Jiuyou Epoch was equal to that of the Great Desolate Taoist Epoch in the past, then the current speed of the Nine Nether Epoch is slower than that of the Prehistoric Taoist Epoch. Three times as late.

The path of reincarnation was completely revealed in the wild world, and countless souls followed the inexplicable guidance and embarked on an inexplicable path.

Cihang's figure also emerged from the Jiuyouji. His merits have been completed, and everything needs to be run by the Jiuyouji himself.

But before his smile faded, the wheel of reincarnation in his Qingyun shook faster and faster.

It seemed that something bad was about to happen. Cihang was shocked to find that the reincarnation belonging to the Jiuyouji actually exuded the light of ignorance. What happened?
(End of this chapter)

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